Chapter 3. Handsome

Gosh! He was so handsome. Her mood instantly took a whirlwind turn. His eyes, his nose, his face, and his lips. Those exquisite features— they were so real and so so familiar. She had seen him before. No. She had made him. Was she dreaming?

“Are you alright?”

The deep, sensual voice reached her ears. That familiar voice. His dark eyes squinted, and those perfectly shaped brows knitted into the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

Avery’s knees went weak. She couldn’t feel her legs. The only thing she felt at the moment was the drumming of her heart against her chest.

This was a dream. He couldn’t be real. How on earth could he exist in real life?

She needed to confirm. She had to make sure this wasn’t a part of her hallucination, and her brain wasn’t playing pranks on her.

Therefore, she lifted her hand. And carefully and reluctantly, she traced her finger all the way from his muscular arms to his chest and then to his face.

Her palm landed on the spotlessly smooth and fair skin— he was real. He really was real.


His voice pulled her gaze to his lips. His cherry-kissed lips. They moved in the most sensual manner. Were they also real?

Her heart rate picked up.

Well. There was only one way to find out. She giggled and both hands held his arms.

The attempt to steady herself and stand on those jittery legs proved futile. Therefore, she held on to his arms and stood on tiptoes.

Her eyelids fluttered close. She puckered her lips and leaned forward.


He shook her shoulders so hard that Avery was yanked out of her fantasy. Due to the shock, she tripped on her toes, and his hands, which were still on her, kept her from falling.

“Are you alright?” The frown on his face deepened.

Avery snapped to the present and shook her head. No, she wasn’t alright. How could she be alright? He was standing right in front of her. And it wasn’t a hallucination.

Her lips parted, yet no words came out.

She could only blink at him, taking in the familiar sight.

When he got no reply from her, the guy tilted his head to the side. He looked cute when he did that. And Avery wanted him to do it again. She wanted him to tilt his head all day. She was never going to get tired of doing it. The look of confusion on his face only added to his cuteness. He was cute and handsome and gorgeous. If only she could reach those lips— again.

Avery’s wish was far-fetched. Because at that moment, the guy took his hands off her and took a step back, putting some distance between them.

She staggered. Her back was pressed against the wall. And her eyes were still on his. Those eyes that still held confusion.

Avery couldn’t gather her thoughts. Despite knowing this was an awkward situation, she couldn’t register anything. All she could think of was him. He was real.

His lips stretched into a smile right at that moment. The confusion was wiped off. He didn’t appear mad. He was even smiling. Or was she imagining it?

But, of course, Avery had imagined it. He wasn’t smiling. He was staring at her as if she was the craziest person in the world.

Also, the frown on his face hadn’t been that of confusion but irritation.

They were standing in front of the elevator. Several employees walked past and threw them weird looks.

And when the elevator dinged open again, he simply walked past her and entered it.

Avery’s eyes followed him. She spun around to take another look at his face, unable to wipe off her smile. Both hands were on her chest, and even as the elevator drew close, her heart was still hammering inside her chest.

“Isn’t she the chairman’s crazy daughter?”

Loud whispers reached Avery’s ears.

“What is she doing here?”

“Why is she dressed like this?”

The employees murmured and shook their heads.

Avery took her eyes off the elevator and pulled up the hoodie of her jacket, concealing her face.

She resumed walking toward her father’s office and glanced back now and then at that spot. The spot he’d stood on.

Was it really him?

That suit. The briefcase. And above all, his looks. It was everything she ever pictured in her head. Every feature she had portrayed on those posters.

She pushed the door to her father’s office and barged inside, her thoughts still occupied with him.

And without acknowledging the look of horror on her father’s face at the sight of her, the first thing she asked of him.

“Does he work here?”

Her father gave her a flabbergasted look as if she was speaking an alien language.

Avery scurried to his side and tried to calm her erratic heartbeat.

“Th–That guy— the handsome man in a suit.” She held his arm and shook him frantically. “I saw him just now. Does he work in this company? Is he one of your employees?”

The look of confusion on her father’s face only grew. His wrinkles creased, and his eyes squinted.

“Relax, Avery. What are you talking about.”

“That guy.” Avery pointed at the door. “I swear I saw him. He was right in front of me. In front of the elevator. He...”

She trailed off and held her forehead. “Check the surveillance, Dad!”

“Oh. Okay. Okay.” Her father nodded eagerly and turned on the computer in front of him. Avery craned her neck to take a look at the screen.

“There he is,” she spotted the figure among the crowd of employees and exclaimed.

He stepped out of the elevator and was heading to God knew where.

“Do you know him?” Her head flipped to her father, and she asked.

The man narrowed his eyes at the screen. His eyes went from her to that figure. Then to her again.

“Of course, I know him,” he said absentmindedly. “Why do you ask? And why are you suddenly interested in coming here?”

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