Chapter 2. Painful Memories

Saturday, 31st MayKavinsky's Dad woke up early in order not to be late for work. As usual, he would have to take a morning snack outside on his way to work as he used to do every day.He walked to the bathroom slowly and had his bath quickly and soon, he was done dressing up.He woke up his sleeping wife to announce his departure."I prepared lemonade juice yesterday, have some on your way to the office. It's in the kitchen, inside the fridge", she said adjusting his tie."Thanks, honey", he replied, pecking her on the cheek before walking out of the room.Kavinsky's Mom stood up from the bed as well, she was not feeling any sleepy anymore. She had her bath as well and moved on to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

***Mrs. Mark walked to Kavinsky's room and knocked on his door. He did not reply at first"Honey!", Mrs. Mark called while banging on the doorKavinsky rolled on the bed frustrated, it was eight o'clock am in the morning and his mom won't let him rest. He groaned on the bed when she kept knocking. He turned left and right using his pillow to cover his head to stop the noise from coming in. He stood up in frustration when the pillows weren't working and walked to the door. He opened it abruptly, catching her hand in the air."What?", he asked coldly, with his eyes half open."Don't tell me you are still in bed till now", his mother said as she widened her eyes in surprise"I was..." he trailed off and bend his head downwards"Am going to our neighbor's house anyways", his mother notified him, slanting her lips a bit."To do what?", Kavinsky asked coldly"I want to welcome them since they just arrived, do you want to come along?", she asked"No, I do not want to", he replied sternly and clearly with a frown."Why?", his Mom asked again"I have a piano lesson", he replied with a smile"We both know you don't do piano lessons on Saturdays", his Mom replied and he rolled his eyes"Okay then, am going for a jog and am going to Harry's house after", he replied"Fine, don't forget to take your clothes to the dry cleaning company then", she said"mmm" was all he replied withShe left and he closed the door, he bounced on the bed in excitement and soon fell asleep back.***Mr. Blaine is frying an egg in the kitchen and Kaylee is busy in the sitting room braiding Laura's hair, they are watching their favorite TV show."Dad, be fast with the food please", Laura shouted from the sitting room."Okay, am almost done, honey" Mr. Blaine replied from the kitchenTheir doorbell rang suddenly, not once but twice."Kaylee, go and check who is at the door!", Mr. Blaine said from the kitchen again"Okay", Kaylee replied and stood upShe opened the door and she met a woman who looked like she is in her late forties. The woman wore a blue-sleeved gown which passed below her knee, she wore a simple pink lipstick and she looked beautiful. She had blonde hair and her eyes were blue. She wasn't too tall nor was she shot and she held a green lunch box."Hi", the woman greeted calmly"Hi", Kaylee greeted back, she did not know how she was supposed to react to this woman."Uhm... I live next door, where are your parents?", she asked quickly"Dad!", Kaylee called turning her head to the back and facing the woman back"He will be here soon", Kaylee added and truly her Dad showed up in his black apron"Hello", Mr. Blaine greeted enthusiastically."Hi, am Miss mark", the woman greeted extending her arm and Kaylee left them, she went back to the sitting room.Later, her Dad came back with a box for him"What's that?", Kaylee asked coldly with furrowed brows."Food, she said we would have been tired and we should have a good meal. I rejected it and she insisted, so I ended up collecting it", Mr. Blaine explained raising the box with a small smile on his face."Ohhh", Kaylee replied and faced the television backHe served the food and they ate. After they were done, Laura packed the plates in the kitchen.Afternoon,The three of them sat on the cushions in the living room; Mr. Blaine, Kaylee, and Laura.Laura is watching a show on the television, Mr. Blaine closed his eyes to rest and Kaylee was busy with her phone checking her WhatsApp messages. The doorbell rang again making Mr. Blaine open his eyes."I will go get it", Kaylee said standing up.She got to the door and met a woman, who is in her late forties yet again, and her son who is young at the door. The boy looks Kaylee's age though. The woman is different in appearance from the one who had visited earlier. This woman wore a white shirt and a black skirt, she used red lipstick and her eyes were black, she topped them with black flat shoes. Her son, on the other hand,d wore a blue plain round-neck top and black pants under it. He looks like his mom."Hi", the woman greeted"Good afternoon", Kaylee replied"Where are your parents?", the woman asked"My Dad is in", Kaylee replied plainly"Can we come in?", the woman asked again"Uhm, sure sure", Kaylee replied opening the door widely and they walked inThe woman greeted her Dad and took her seat. Kaylee was standing behind a chair and Laura had gone for a sip of water in the kitchen"I am Stiles by the way", the boy who followed his Mom said to Kaylee as he came to stand beside her."Kaylee", Kaylee replied flatly."So, where did you travel from?", Stiles asked with a smile"Manhattan", Kaylee replied and excused herself almost immediately. She is not ready to make some cheesy friends right now.Stiles and his Mom left soon after and Mr. Blaine bade them goodbye."I wonder how they knew us, I mean we just arrived in this estate and three people have come to greet us already?", Kaylee said coming down the stairs from her room"They live opposite us", her Dad replied mixing his coffee"Okay", Kaylee replied taking the last stair"So, she said she knows a school you could attend, her husband is the principal there", her Dad said sipping his coffee"and why should I go there?", Kaylee asked coldly"Cause you have to go to school", her Dad replied sternlyThey both remained quiet for some time and Laura stared from the sitting room."Wait a minute, I know why we are here", Kaylee said all of a sudden"What do you mean?", her dad asked widening his eyes"You want me to forget Mom, don't you?", she asked pain vivid in her voice."No, it's not like that", her Dad replied calmly"But mom's memories aren't here, they are in Manhattan", she said with tears swelling in her eyes"Honey...", her dad called"I made a mistake, I shouldn't have come here. I should not have listened to you", she said allowing the tears to fall"Now, am going to forget all about mom", she added shaking her head negatively, and ran upstairs"Kaylee!", her Dad called and replied with absolute silence."Don't do anything you would regret!, please", her Dad shouted from down the stairs.Kaylee entered her room, sat on the bed, and grabbed a pillow. She cried all her pain out soaking the pillow with her tears. She remembered how her mom would sit down beside her bed until she falls asleep every night. How they both use to sit at the piano bench and her mom would teach her new tunes. How her mom would bake cookies for Laura and her to take to school. How her mom would support her in front of her Dad even though she did a bad thing."I killed her!", Kaylee said"I deserve to die too, why is it so hard to die?", she said in between tears. She cried hard until she fell asleep with bags under her eyes.

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