Chapter 2. A Man with Million Charms

The hysterical screams of the Eve fans were heard from the front of the JC stage. They cheered the golden-voiced handsome idol. 

“We want more ... we want more ... we want more,” they pressed in unison in boisterous cheers that echoed in the stadium hosting JC’s North American roadshow. 

“Okay... okay, aren’t you guys cold and want to go home soon? Hahaha,” asked JC hilariously to his passionate fans whose enthusiasm never subsided to watch all his shows that night, even though the night air was freezing. 

JC’s face also felt sore because the air outside was so cold. His cheeks were rosy, and he wore sunglasses to avoid the glare of the spotlights and camera flashes that had been mercilessly gushing at him for the past 3 hours. 

“This is the last song for you... I hope you like it. My Last Breath play it, Dude!” said JC as he coded his accompaniment band to start playing their instrument. 

“Because you are a special woman with a smile like the sun's warmth. Take me in a love that is as beautiful as a rainbow. Only you. Until my last breath. My love is only for you, My girl.”

That is a famous love song belonging to JC that topped the billboards of the weekly hits charts. The fans waved their cellphones with flashlights on to accompany their idol songs while shedding tears of emotion being touched by the romantic lyrics of the song sung by JC. 

JC sat on a chair in the center of the stage, holding the microphone stand. He sings every line of his song with full appreciation, as if he is in love with a girl who is far from that. 

“Your unfailing love warms my heart and brings beauty to my empty days. Ohh, my sweet girl.” 

Every time JC sings love songs, that top the hit charts. His empty and cold heart was getting sore. He hasn’t found his ‘cute girl’ until he is 30 this year. 

The rules for managing the artist who overshadows him also strictly prohibit unique relationships with women outside of specific contracts. If the goal is only to boost popularity, then the connection is allowed. However, artists are prohibited from dating anyone, especially those not among the artists; it is taboo.

JC had brief affairs with newcomer female artists with hot gossip prepared by the artist management that houses him, Young Talented Management. And to be honest, he was bored and fed up; over time, he lost interest in beautiful women. 

“Goodbye, my fellow fans. We will meet at my next concert next year. Please go home carefully! The snow is getting thicker on the streets. Thank you for coming to my concert.” JC shouted his sympathetic message from the stage for the last time in his series of shows that night, then disappeared backstage. 

The manager immediately handed out a warm wet towel for JC. He thanked him as he accepted it and then put it on his face, frozen from the cold. “Jason, I’m sorry. Looks like tonight you have to come to the party at Anse La Raye alone. I don’t know why I haven’t been feeling well since morning ...” said Max Brury, manager of the 35-year-old JC artist. 

“Okay, Max. You go back to the hotel. I’ll drive there myself. Hand over your car keys Max. I’ll take you to the hotel first and then go to Anse La Raye,” JC said, wearing his thick wool coat. 

They both left the stadium, which was still busy after the JC mega-concert. Max Brury’s Tucson car slid down the highway, driven by JC at average speed. The road surface was covered with snow that had been falling since morning. They passed the bus accident site and a badly dented private car. 

“Wow, the accident looks terrible, Max!” JC commented when he caught a glimpse of the two badly wrecked vehicles. 

“Yeah, they look like they’re having bad luck. I hope you’re driving my car carefully, Jason! If I hadn’t had a stomach ache since this morning, I might have preferred to drive you to the party. Your account. Enjoy the party, Jason,” Max said, winking his eyes.

“Okay, Max. Thanks. Arrived at the hotel, rest. See you tomorrow morning,” said JC while waiting for Max to leave the car. He dropped Max off at the lobby door of the hotel where they were staying during a concert in North America. 

After that, JC drove his car to Anse La Raye. He hummed a little during the long and tedious journey alone. The street was dark because he passed through the connecting road between the uninhabited cities. Streetlights are installed every 100 meters. North America has a relatively small population compared to the size of the country. Suddenly the car that JC was driving seemed to lose energy. He pulled the car over before another vehicle passed. 

“Ooh, SHIT!” cursed JC loudly. He doesn’t know where he is at this time; what’s clear is that the car’s power supply suddenly disappeared and couldn’t be started again. Meanwhile, the snow was still falling heavily. 

JC is confused about what to do; he can’t ask Max for help because the man is sick. Fifteen minutes passed without any solution. So far, all his needs are taken care of by Max. When unexpected things like this happen, he becomes confused about who to contact. 

The cold air engulfed him slowly; the car heater could not be turned on. The wool coat was his only defense against the cold. JC prayed in his heart. He hoped a vehicle would pass. He would pay anything to get a ride to Anse La Raye. The street was dark, with only street lights about ten meters from where his car broke down. 

Not long after, JC saw a bright light approaching him from his car’s rearview mirror, maybe about 200 meters behind him; it looked like a car’s long-range headlight. JC didn’t waste that opportunity, which might be his only chance to survive tonight. He immediately exited the vehicle and turned on his cell phone's flashlight in the direction the car came.

JC waved his hand with the phone up. He hoped the driver would see him in the dark. And yes the car slowed down. In his heart, JC was cheering with joy beyond measure. His smile was so wide on his handsome face. 

When the car pulled up to him, the car window was lowered by the driver, who turned out to be a sweet girl with green eyes and red hair like a burning fire. A guardian angel for JC. 

“Hello... need a ride, Sir?” said the girl with her melodious voice while looking at the face of JC, who was stunned to see it.

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