Chapter 2. Leech and Pup

"Grr!!" Gregory growled indignantly at the disgusting stench of an irritable leech. This academy was someplace that had him on edge as there were leeches everywhere he went. To him, the vampires were all disgusting bugs that suck on blood and as an alpha, he couldn't and would never stay in the same place where leeches roamed. It was the utmost degrading livelihood and he only, rather than pity, despised the wolfbloods that attended this academy. How could they stand the stench of the leeches? 

He was even more annoyed that one sat right beside him and 'it' was the most prideful leech he'd ever come across at that. nonetheless, a leech was a leech, being dressed in regal clothing wouldn't make any difference. Gregory was still only staying around because he'd come here for a reason, a simple reason that still left him annoyed and furious. 

"Eeh, a cute puppy" The deep voice of a lean, tall and incredibly handsome man resounded in mockery around. He looked sideways at Gregory through his violet pupils that seemed as pale as his skin in an insubordinate manner. The wide grin on his face indicated how offended he was.

The whole corridor of the principal's office became tense as only the bulletin boards and few other students watched the scene unfold in silence. Every other individual seemed to be having a class or an activity at the hour. Those who stood around were those that found interest in the outbreak or were otherwise, curious as to the reason behind the whole scenario. Either way, they all seemed to have noticed that this was an interracial quarrel that had existed since the dawn of times and they wisely chose to not interfere. Everyone knew what was going on, and that without doubt, a fight was en route. Such was bound to happen when two opposite sides meet afterall.

"What did you just call me, leech?" Gregory rapidly stood but slowly turned around. His bulky, muscular but average-height figure visibly trembled and his sky blue pupils became of darker shade as he craned his neck to face the pale being sitting before him. The sound of his teeth grinding together could be heard in the sheer silence as he slowly spoke. His knuckles that had long been clenched together crackled noisily. "Grr!!" Gregory growled and flared his sharp fangs in full display.

The vampire with slicked back shoulder-length black hair suddenly stopped smiling and his violet eyes matched Gregory's indignant glare. His pale figure remained in the same proud posture with hands held over his knee which was placed over the other. However, the dead expression on his face as well as the slight protrusion of his canine out of his shut-tight lips spoke alot of his current mood.

As if the cold stares could speak, every other students around looked from Gregory to the vampire and from the vampire to Gregory, as if they could see them speaking the most vile words to one another. They were now only most certain that a fight was soon to break out. Moreso when the vampire elegantly stood, towering above Gregory's figure.

Contrary to being frightened they were excited, there has been a long existing debate "I've always wanted to know which is stronger between an ever prideful vampire and an Alpha werewolf" A student said cautiously to another observing both Gregory and the strange vampire, certain that they were both a match. Gregory was quite popular considering his status in the supernatural world, however, they could only speculate the vampire's strength by his egoistic demeanor which spoke of power rather than boastful arrogance. Even though they knew not of his origin, they could tell by his elegant gestures as well as his glamorous clothing.

Everyone else, just like this student, seemed unable to be any less glad to witness the fight and determine who is stronger.

"Yeah, Screw the idea of both race being equal." Another student replied in the same almost whispering tone of the student that spoke earlier. 


However, a feminine voice that carried absolute authority echoed through the hall before the materialization of a silver-haired middle-aged lady in wine-red blazers who wore a pampered make-over on her face; right in between the two interracial enemies. The cold glare on the woman's face was enough to indicate how discontent she was as to the idea of them fighting. That too, in their current location.

"You do not want me calling in the teachers for an account of registers" she spoke without moving her gaze from the two warring parties and the students around quickly retreated from the scene. They clearly understood the implication of her words. Only those who were new stood aloof, as dumbfounded as both Gregory and the vampire.

"In there you go!" The lady pointed towards the principal's office in an elegant yet commanding gesture that wouldn't allow refusal nor any form of reproval. 

"Grrr!" "khsss!!!" Gregory and the vampire shared one last glare before they both went towards and through the grungy door with the sign "principal's office" in the middle. They went into the office one after the other at a time.

"Uhhh, newbies!" Ms. Merrigold, the silver-haired woman, sighed in exasperation. The day had never been so tasking and now she had to take care of some interracial quarrel between a vampire and a wolfblood. Nonetheless, following her short expression of bitterness, a spark of green shimmer was all that remained as she disappeared from the hall and materialized in the office once again. Precisely in the chair meant for the principal of the academy. 

"Sit!" She said with a deep frown worn on her face. 

Both Gregory and his adversary were both still furious and were absentmindedly observing the well-organized office when they heard the sudden voice of the woman resounding again in front of them. They were both caught off guard, admittedly, but it didn't take both Gregory and the strange vampire too long to figure out who she was. 

Nevertheless, the vampire shifted his gaze from the library behind the principal's desk, bowed gracefully and stepped forward without giving a care as to what Gregory thinks. The previous smirk on his face had returned to their 'righteous' place on his glorious face.

"I said, sit!" Ms. Merrigold warned again, when Gregory still stood in the middle of the room. It seemed the Alpha wolfblood was a bit too prideful and stubborn. Despite his popularity, beings of Gregory's nature really annoyed Ms. Merrigold who wouldn't condone rebellious attitude from anyone, particularly not someone younger and less powerful than her. She might be suffering from superiority complex but to her, it's only normal.

'Of course I could deal with him without even having to bat an eyelid, however...' Her duty as the principal of Cromsvelth came first in this situation and she decided to act accordingly. If she didn't, she'd be giving the academy's committee an opportunity to vote her out of her position. They'd been wanting to do so for a while now afterall.

"Tch!" Gregory clicked his tongue still angry. He is an Alpha and he isn't used to taking orders from anyone. "I do what I want when I want!" He snarled. Treading the path of a true alpha and unwilling to back down from a confrontation because someone was asking him to. 

"However, for the sake of my purpose in Cromsvelth..." Gregory gave up the resistance and finally took a step forward. Seemingly deciding to sit. He yanked the chair aside, causing a loud creaking shrill noise which pierced the ears of those around. 

"Dogs will always be dogs" the vampire muttered underneath his breath, not wanting to cause another ruckus. That in the principal's office as well, he needed to gain her recognition afterall.

Gregory didn't seem to care anyway as he just sat when he felt that he was far away enough from the leech. 

Ms. Merrigold wasn't bothered by the loud noise as she simply utilized her magic to her convenience. But she still frowned at the alpha boy's rudeness. Nonetheless, she sighed and decided to reign over the situation, this would be the first and last time she'd be doing this with them, they wouldn't be the first to be expelled from the academy afterall. However, a warning was due as presumption of ignorance was to be first given according to the school rules and conducts provisions.

"Silas Le courte, Gregory Rafe..." Both angry parties looked up when they heard their respective names. They wondered how she knew without them telling her but they easily gave up the struggle, she was a child of mana and the principal after all.

"You both have failed to maintain an upstanding as students of Cromsvelth. That on the first day as well."

"Both of you should know that fighting in the academy as well as conducting violence within the academy is highly prohibited and punishable by suspension and in severe case, expulsion. And the fact that you are both from opposing race which could lead to a war between the whole race of vampires and wolfbloods is even more of a dangerous circumstance than you can imagine, the least punishment will be to expel both of you totally from the academy and never to allow anyone in your generation to come back..." Ms. Merrigold stated quite sternly. Silas Le courte, the vampire, frowned and Gregory's rebellious attitude receded. Expulsion was the worst thing they both wanted at the moment, as there was a reason behind their presence in the academy. Leaving without fulfilling such reason was gonna cost them alot, especially Silas. 

"But..." they both raised their heads to observe Ms. Merrigold, expecting the words that followed the preconditions she had just stated. It seemed though their lives depended on it. 

Ms. Merrigold seeing the desperation in the two transfer students before her continued with her words "...I'm willing to let this slide because today is your first day in Cromsvelth..." She wasted no time in warning them. She looked from Gregory to the other person in the room with raised brows to confirm their compliance from henceforth.

"I believe that I have made myself quite clear to you two. I should never hear of this happening within Cromsvelth, never again!" 

Cromsvelth was a highly reputable academy for the supernatural kids all around the world to learn and even the greatest lords and kings of each race's children schooled in here and Ms. Merrigold, as the principal, took pride in that. She certainly wouldn't let anything nor anyone compromise that in any way. Her superiority complex won't let her.

It was a known fact that any student threatened with expulsion from the academy becomes desperate to follow the conducts of the academy as none wanted to leave the academy until graduation, as it would be both a disgrace to they themselves and also to their reputable families. Hence, this became the key to putting such rebellious children of different supernatural races in control in the academy. The students were all prideful and stubborn races from different important families and they couldn't be curbed easily, but once again, this is Cromsvelth. Here, ethical training was vital.

"Ah. Apologies ma'am principal" Silas said in a short curtsy.

Ms. Merrigold closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her humongous chest that even her suit failed to conceal the size of. On the other hand, Gregory's silence was enough approval for her. As long as he didn't break the rules of the academy next time, she didn't care if he spoke to her nor anyone. She had no care if he became dumb and deaf for all that mattered. She has had more stubborn students like him in Cromsvelth in the past and she could vouch now that the school made them as tame as they could ever be. It was only a matter of time before this one folded as well.

"I'm principal Merrigold Dorthagh, you can call me Ms. Merrigold at your convenience." She introduced shortly and sent them away afterwards. "You can leave for your class, I'll inform Sir Pogarth of your coming." Ms Merrigold reached out her hands for the antique landline of golden with simple brown alloy decor on the table. 

Silas simply rose and curtsied once again. He looked to his side, smiled amusedly and left the office. 

"And Silas, no use of compelling hypnosis in the academy" the vampire stopped abruptly hearing the principal's warning. However, he only heaved a deep sigh and said without turning around. "Understood, principal Merry." He was certain that the principal frowned at him calling her that. But the complaint he expected never came.

'I guess this would be a little harder than I imagined. Right, Edwina Ferghus?' He thought as he walked out the room with an amused smirk.

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