Chapter 2

Emily’s POV

After taking my shower, I throw myself on the cozy bed. It’s so good!

I then lie on my back and stare at the ceiling thinking of those people, those people I trusted so desperately who turned their backs on me.

I trusted them. I gave them everything. I liked them. My parents. My ex-fiancé. My friends.

But today, I only feel hatred for them. They are going to pay!

After having had my breakfast, Grandmother suggested that I go shopping to take my mind off things. So I get ready before I leave the house and run to the Ferrari my grandmother lent me.

Here we are!

I walk into a pretty good shop. There is absolutely everything I need - clothes, makeup, shoes, lingerie… Well, girly stuff!

My basket was already full. It’s time to check out!

I head to the cash register and pay for my stuff before going out and putting all my bags in the trunk of ‘my’ car.

I decide to go buy some food. I was very hungry, so I stop in front of a fast food restaurant.

I order a burger with fries and wait patiently for my order to arrive.

I hear laughter to my left, and turning my head, I see a beautiful couple, happy with their baby. I smile when I see them laugh. They are so happy.

I suddenly start thinking about Leo. I miss him so much despite the pain he caused me. If only he listened to me and believed me, we would surely laugh like this couple, we would surely kiss our baby, but alas, fate decided otherwise.



“I swear I didn’t do anything, Leo. I love you and your sister like she’s mine. I could never have done such a thing to her.”

“Liar!” he shouted. Leo advanced dangerously towards me and took me violently by the arm.

“Leo… please… please. Trust me,” I begged him, crying.

“Stop lying, Emily!” he screamed, shaking me.

“Leo, my love, I’m telling you the truth. I didn’t kill your sister. I didn’t kill her. Believe me. I beg you. I didn’t-”

I couldn’t finish my sentence when his hand slammed hard against my cheek.

“You’re just a bitch! I wonder how can I fall in love with a shit like you!” he shouted, pushing me hard against the wall.

I moaned in pain when my back hit the wall, but Leo looked like he had nothing to do because when I fell to the floor, he kicked me in the stomach. Not the belly!

“No! Please stop, Leo! Stop!”

[End of flashback]


“How are you, miss?” asked the waiter with a worried look.

I realize it only after my tears have flowed. Shit!

“Yes, yes. I’m fine, thank you.”

He puts my plate down and gives me a smile, which I return before turning on my heels.

I can’t help but smile when I see my burger and fries. I lick my lips before tasting this marvel. Oh my God! It is so good! Five years since I had not eaten this! Five years!

I eat my hamburger when someone comes to sit in front of me, on my table! Does he think he’s at home? I didn’t even give my permission!

Raising my head, I choke on my hamburger. There is a sexy man in front of me! My God! Beautiful brown hair, green eyes, lips… Shit, luscious lips! I also see his muscles under his white shirt. He has an athletic body!

When he smiles at me, I notice his beautiful dimples! It is a divine beauty!

“You seem to like what you see,” he said in a sensual voice.

“Oh yes, absolutely!”

When I realize what I just said, I blush and turn redder than a tomato and look away. I could see his smile in the corner of his eye.

Shame! He saw me ogling him!

“You’re really cute with rosy cheeks, you know?”

No, I didn’t know that, fool!


“What does a magnificent creature do alone on a table?”

“Well, I’m eating, can’t you see that?”

He laughs showing me his beautiful teeth. And shit! Isn’t there something ugly about him?

“Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Andrew Nelson. Nice to meet you.”

Andrew Nelson? I’ve heard that name before somewhere. But where?

“Emily Scott. Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Nelson.”

He smiles at me and gently takes my hand. I shiver when he places his lips on it. What the hell is he doing?

“Are you married or engaged?”


“The ring on your finger.”

I then look at my ring finger. I still had Leo’s engagement ring. I never threw it away. I always had it with me, and I wonder if he still has his with him. Obviously not. I’m so stupid.


“Really? So what about this ring?”

“It’s a gift,” I lied.

He raises an eyebrow looking at me.

I try not to let my tears fall, and I think he noticed it since he strokes my cheek. His hand was so soft.

“I am really sorry,” he apologizes, looking at me sadly.

“For what?”

“For having awakened bad memories.”

“Don’t worry,” I smile at him and finish my burger. I raise an eyebrow at his amused expression. “What?”

“You’re the first woman I’ve seen eat a burger and fries.”


“Yes. Usually they only eat salad.”

“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t really like salads.”

“I see that,” he replied in an amused tone.

We talk for several minutes when his phone rings. He looks at his phone and sighs.

“I have to go. Nice to meet you, miss.”


He takes my hand and kisses it before leaving. It made me smile. I really hope we meet again.

I grab my bag and head to the cash register to pay my bill.


As I walk to my car, I hear two people arguing in the parking lot. A man and a woman. Unfortunately, I can’t see their faces since they have their backs to me.

I get in my car and fasten my seatbelt. However, I don’t start. I was very curious by nature, so I listen to the couple’s conversation.

“But I tell you it’s not my fault!” cried the woman.

“It’s your fault that Maya broke her leg because you were too busy playing with your cell phone instead of taking care of your daughter!”

Oh my God! She doesn’t even know how to pay attention to her daughter!

“You don’t need to blame me, you’re no better!”

“Sorry? Because you are perfect maybe?”


“Oh yeah and in what?”

“You know very well in what area I excel. The one that makes you cum, honey.”

Yuck! They are disgusting!

“Yeah, that’s why I love you more than that bitch, Emily.”

“Yeah, I know that bitch didn’t deserve you and neither did you. By the way, that idiot doesn’t even know you cheated on her, she’s really stupid,” said the woman, kissing the man standing in front of her.

When they turn around, and I finally see their faces, I almost faint. The couple who argued was none other than Melina and Leo!

Bastards! They’ve been laughing at me for a long time!

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