Chapter 5. Yes, I Do


The day when I was supposed to say 'I do' to him arrived faster than I desired. It was meant to be a joyous and memorable day for me, but instead, I felt like I was about to step into a living nightmare. Yet, my love for my family was so strong that I couldn't bear to abandon them and not offer my help when I knew I could.

"Ruby, why do you look so sad?" Sapphire asked, her expression filled with concern. I hadn't even realized she was observing me.

"I'm not, sis," I replied, forcing a tight-lipped smile.

"Don't give me that. I know you detest this union, and honestly, I'm confused as to why. Toby is like a god, and most women would kill to be in your shoes. I would be thrilled to be the wife of such a renowned person. Don't you realize that your name will somehow be etched in history? Besides, I thought you liked this guy. You've had a massive crush on him since we were kids, so what's all this about? You're marrying someone you like. Be happy!" Sapphire reasoned.

"I'm just scared! You know he never liked me. Whenever the three of us were together, he would bully and fight me. He connected better with you. He acts as if I'm just disrupting his life and forcing myself on him. He doesn't even have a hint of fondness for me. Dad is ruining my life," I confessed, expressing my genuine fears.

"Calm down, Ruby. This might turn out fine for you. Remember those romance novels you read?" Sapphire offered reassuringly.

I had devoured countless novels about arranged marriages that began with animosity but eventually blossomed into love. I had hoped that my own story would follow a similar path—a girl could always dream.

But then...

"This is real life, Sapphire," I responded, my doubts lingering.

"Don't worry, it will unfold with time. Who wouldn't love an incredible personality like yours?" Sapphire replied confidently.

"I don't think Toby cares about personality; I believe he values beauty more," I confessed, my words reflecting my sincerity.

"Well, that's his loss, and you are beautiful too unless he's blind," Sapphire encouraged me with sincere conviction, and I responded with a genuine smile. Her words did more for my soul than she could ever imagine.

As much as Lola, Sapphire's mother, was a stuck-up person, her daughter was the complete opposite. Sapphire was truly the best sister one could ask for. It would have been easy to harbor jealousy towards her if she had shared her mother's unpleasant qualities of being a bitch or an egocentric person, but no, she had to be the sweetest girl ever. It made it difficult for me to feel anything but love and admiration for her.

At first, I despised both Lola and her daughter when Dad brought them home just a month after Mom's death. Who wouldn't? I discovered that Dad had been having extramarital affairs, to the extent of having another child besides me. It was revealed shortly after my mother's passing, and Dad wasted no time in bringing them home and publicly marrying Lola.

I couldn't help but think that maybe that was the reason why my mom took her own life.

Yes, my mom committed suicide. My thirteen-year-old self couldn't comprehend why she would do that to herself without considering me, and honestly, even now, I still don't have an answer.

I took yet another look at myself in the full-length mirror. The person staring back at me bore little resemblance to who I truly was. The makeup was excessive, making me almost look like a ghost, and the white, flawless gown revealed far too much skin. I wasn't even comfortable in it, but I had no choice.

"You look awesome, sis!" Sapphire exclaimed, and I merely rolled my eyes.

Sapphire was always cheerful and carefree, unlike me.

"I think it doesn't fit me. It feels like I've gotten lost in it. I look hideous," I expressed my doubts.

"Seriously?! Are you even seeing what I'm seeing, Ruby?! You look a-ma-zing!" she exclaimed, whistling in awe.

"You look gorgeous too," I complimented her.

Sapphire was truly the epitome of beauty and flawlessness. She attracted attention from both males and females wherever she went. She was currently dressed in a stunning, long, flowered yellow dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She stood by my side as my maid of honor. I never really had genuine friends, so I didn't want to have a bridal train, but Mrs. Daniels insisted on having one. I felt incredibly insecure when I saw them. How could the bridesmaids be more flawless and beautiful than the bride herself?

"Are you going to stay in there forever or come out already?! We don't have all the time in the world!" My stepmother snapped, peering into the room.

"She's ready, Mom!" Sapphire responded, and reluctantly, we both walked out of the room. A white limousine was already parked outside our house, adorned with beautiful ribbons and balloons.

I got into the car and was taken aback to see Toby inside. I silently took my seat next to him, and he looked infuriated. I must have wasted his time. He looked as dashing and handsome as ever in his white tuxedo. I resisted the urge to gawk at him, secretly hoping to have the same effect on him. However, judging from the disgusted looks he kept throwing my way, it was clear that I didn't have the same effect on him. I had to summon all my strength to refrain from doubting my appearance.

"I can't believe you took so long just to look like a clown. Not even the heavy makeup could hide your ugliness!" he spat angrily.

I chose to ignore him, although his words pierced my heart like daggers.

Great! Just great! I was getting married to a heartless man.

We didn't exchange a word throughout the ride until we arrived at the grand venue for the ceremony.

Despite it being my wedding, I hadn't been involved in the venue selection or the planning process. Mrs. Daniels didn't deem it necessary to include me.

I started to question whether this was truly my wedding or hers.

The hall was adorned with extravagant flowers and had an impressive grandeur that suddenly made me nervous about facing the multitude of guests. Reporters had already gathered outside, unable to enter the hall. As soon as they spotted us, they rushed towards our car, each trying to capture the perfect shot while bombarding us with unanswered questions.

The bodyguards shielded us from the reporters, creating a clear path into the building.

Toby took my carefully manicured hand and helped me out of the vehicle in what seemed like a loving gesture, momentarily making me feel wanted and cherished. However, he quickly burst my bubble with his next words.

"Don't feel too important; it's all a show, dumbass! The reporters need their romantic blah blah blah write-ups. Now, let's see that set of pearly white teeth!" he whispered sternly into my ear.

We entered the brilliantly lit hall, and I fought the strong urge to let my jaw drop at the opulence and beauty of the venue. It was truly magnificent.\

Whispers broke through my thoughts:

"That's her?"

"Is that paint on her face? It's just too much!"

"She should have chosen a more forgiving gown. Look at those rolls of fat on her belly."

"Toby Daniels fell for her?! She's nowhere near the caliber of women he's dated before."

"You know what they say about love being blind? This marriage is the ultimate proof."

"Honestly, I was expecting her to be a stunning beauty."

I had to block out the remaining whispers. Not a single one of them had anything positive to say about me. They were all so judgmental. The urge to cry overwhelmed me, but I pushed it aside. I couldn't let them get to me.

"Do you, Ruby Coker, take Toby Daniels as your lawfully wedded husband, to love, cherish, and adore, for better or for worse, till death do you part?" the pastor asked, and I nodded my head, momentarily forgetting that I was supposed to speak.

"Yes... yes, I do," I stuttered.

He posed the same question to Toby, and he responded promptly. For someone who claims not to want this, he certainly acts like he does. But I can understand; he wouldn't want to disobey his father. No one would want to defy that strict man.

"Is there anyone in this congregation..." Where does he think we are, in a church?! "...who thinks that these two should not be married? Is there anyone who opposes their union?" the pastor asked, and chatter and noise erupted in the hall.

One of the bodyguards whispered something into the pastor's ear, most likely related to the question he just asked. He was bound to receive a reprimand after the wedding for such an ill-timed inquiry!

"In that case, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," he joyfully announced, as if he was relieved to complete the ceremony.

Suddenly, I became nervous. Of course, we were supposed to kiss. How did I forget about that? Why didn't I even consider it? Toby was about to take my first kiss. He was going to kiss me right in front of all these people.

"Ruby, pull yourself together! It's just a kiss!" I scolded myself and acted as though I hadn't just battled with my thoughts.

And then, with a smack, I felt Toby's full and soft lips against mine, only for it to be gone almost immediately. He looked disgusted, but he quickly masked it, and we both forced smiles for the photographs.

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