Chapter 4

Tristan Cole

Freya lifted her head up and I guessed that she wanted me to kiss her.

Damn, I could do so much more to her right now.

She smelled amazing, and I could hear her heart racing, every time my fingers or lips caressed her skin.

No! I must keep myself under control. I can't let it go too far, I don't want him to hurt her, I thought while I tried my best to battle against my primal urges. I slipped my hand behind her hair and glided my fingers across her neck, so that I could pull her closer to me.

Suddenly her head violently jolted back, and I could feel her body stiffen beneath me. I gripped the back of her neck trying to stop her head from falling backwards. She instantly froze under my touch and I wondered, did I grip her too tightly?

I quickly adjusted my fingers slightly. Satisfied that I was not the one causing her the discomfort, I stared into her eyes and tried to work out what was up with her. She seemed petrified and panic instantly swept over me.

Does she know?

I glanced over to the end of the bed. Sat in the corner of the room was a floor length mirror. I could see half of the four-poster bed and Freya. But more importantly, I could see myself. Specifically, my eyes, they were pitch black with lust.

Oh, crap!

I knew right then and there that I didn't have full control.

“You dick! Look what you've done to her. You've frightened the hell out of her,” I shouted at him in my mind.

I quickly fought back for control and watched myself in the mirror as my eyes returned to their normal deep blue color. I closed my eyes and exhaled while I prepared myself to face Freya. I needed to try my best to explain to her what had just happened.

After opening my eyes, I glanced down at her fearful and frozen expression. Her eyes then began to roll into the back of her head, and her body started to shake and convulse violently. I acted quickly and placed both of my hands onto her waist as I prepared myself to move her into the middle of the bed. Before I got a chance to, she screamed and flapped her arms around as if she was trying to fight me off.

“Freya?” I screamed out trying to get her attention, but she didn't respond.

She continued to scream, punch the air, and kick her legs out at me. I could hear Freya's mom running up the stairs, so I quickly wrapped the towel back around her body and fastened it at her chest. I then picked her up gently and tried to move her up the bed a little, so that she didn't fall off.

As I began to move her, a fist came flying into my vision from my left-hand side. It was too damn quick for me to react in time. The fist slammed into my jaw, making my head jerk to the side. It was that hard of a punch that it left a ringing in my left ear.

What the hell was that? A punch from Freya shouldn't hurt that damn much. What the hell is happening right now?

With all my focus on Freya and the punch, I didn't realize that the door had swung open and her mom was standing right behind me.

“That seemed like it hurt,” she mocked me while pushing me out of the way “move out the way, I'll show you what you need to do.” I let go of Freya and watched in shock as Eleanor jumped onto the bed. She sat on Freya's legs and stretched forward to pin her arms to the bed.

“Freya, honey, listen to me. You need to breathe okay? In, and out...” She instructed Freya as she took in a deep breath and then exhaled it slowly.

I glimpsed at Freya for a reaction but there was none. She continued to flail about, nearly knocking her mom flying a few times.

“In, and out,” Eleanor continued her mantra.

Slowly but surely Freya began to respond. She started to follow her mom's breathing pattern and gradually calmed down. She stopped fighting it, relaxed onto the bed and breathed in and out, in and out, just like her mom had instructed. When Freya had calmed down completely, her mom released her, then got off of the bed.

She then ushered to me with her hand for me to follow her out of the room. I followed her, looking back at Freya one last time, just to make sure she was okay. Her face was now sweet and peaceful like a sleeping angel. I breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door quietly behind me.

I followed Eleanor, down the stairs and to the left into the kitchen. She walked over to one of the glass door cabinets and got out two glasses. She silently pointed towards the dining table for me to go and sit. I did as I was told and took a seat, I then placed my elbows on the table and covered my face with my hands.

I heard her pour out something into the two glasses, before making her way over to me. She tapped my shoulder with a glass, and I glanced up to see what it was. I furrowed my brow when I saw that it was a glass of what seemed like whisky. I glanced up into her eyes and with a questioning look, I asked,

“It's a little early for that, isn't it?”

She laughed and nudged the glass towards me. I shrugged and took the glass from her, then held it in both hands in front of me.

“You look like you need it, and God knows, I know I do!” She said with a snigger as she sat down in the chair next to me.

We sat in silence for a while, taking occasional sips of our whisky. I finally worked up the courage to address what had just happened.

I knew that this would happen one day, and that I would have to tell Freya my secret, but I wasn't expecting it to go down like this. I should have told her years ago.

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