Chapter 5

Tristan Cole

“So, what just happened up there, I...” I began but she cut me off.

“You haven't seen her like that before, have you?” I shook my head in reply. “and she's never told you that she has these fits?” I furrowed my brow again and sat up in my chair as I digested her question.

“Fits?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, I thought that she would have told you. She used to have them as a child, but they stopped when she was around six years old. They then suddenly came back just after her sixteenth birthday,” she explained, then shot back the rest of her drink.

I relaxed back further into my chair as I thought to myself, why didn't Freya tell me about these fits? And how have I never seen her have one before?

Eleanor went over to the cabinet and brought back the bottle of whisky. After pouring herself out another glass, she hovered the bottle over my glass that was still half full on the table. I shook my head in reply, she smiled then placed the bottle onto the table.

“I know it is a lot to take in Tristan, but she is still Freya, nothing needs to change. She will sleep for around another ten minutes or so. When she wakes up, she won't remember a damn thing,” she said as she shrugged her shoulders, then downed her second drink. “Right. I'm going to get ready for her graduation, then finish off the breakfast. You finish your drink, then go up and see her, okay?”

She stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I nodded and exhaled. I picked up my drink and down it. Eleanor took the glasses and bottle, placed the bottle back in the cabinet and the glasses in the dishwasher, then headed out of the room.

I leaned forward and ran my hands through my hair, sweeping the waves out of my face.

I can't believe that I just got away with that. If she wakes up not remembering a thing, then I don't have to tell her our secret.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Freya moving around upstairs. I quickly raced out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom. I softly exhaled as I knocked politely on her bedroom door.

“Come in,” Freya replied sounding chirpy and excited.

I cautiously opened the door ajar and peeked in, not quite knowing what to expect. Standing in front of me was the most precious girl I had ever met in my life. Still wrapped in her crisp white towel and facing her closet, I watched as she frantically pushed outfits aside just like she was doing when I first arrived less than a few hours ago. I wanted to walk over to her and put my hands around her waist, sweep her long mousy brown hair over her shoulders, and bury my face in her neck. But that was what caused a seizure earlier, so I decided against it. Instead, I quietly strolled over to the bed and took a seat, then continued to watch her. I sat there silently as my thoughts raced uncontrollably.

I knew that I had to behave myself. I had to be strong and stop myself from doing what he, and I, both dreamed of. Our dream was to sink our teeth into her deliciously supple and sweet-scented skin.

I don't know why I'm finding it so hard to control myself around her lately. We have been together for nearly two years now, and I have never been so weak, never been so close to exposing our secret and never been this close to biting her.

But her scent, the damn thing was driving me crazy. And for the last few months it had been getting stronger, and even more alluring. I just couldn’t stay away from it, or her. She's like a dr*g to me!

Against my better judgment, I stood up from the bed and marched over to Freya. Her scent had its hooks into me, and I couldn't escape it. I glided one of my hands around her waist then swept her hair over her shoulder with my other hand. I leaned in and kissed her beautifully soft neck.

Even if it means telling her the truth. Even if I risk losing her altogether. I must tell her our secret. This is getting too dangerous. I need to stop this right now, I told myself, but my body now had a mind of its own.

While kissing her neck again, I could feel my canines extending. I panicked and tried to pull away, but she let out the sweetest little moan, and pulled my arm tighter around her waist.

“I love you, Tristan,” she moaned out breathlessly as I ran my tongue along her gorgeous neck.

I knew that kissing her and tasting her delicious skin beneath my tongue was just tempting fate, but I couldn't resist her anymore. Her scent was driving us crazy and I was barely able to control myself. I would never forgive myself if I hurt her, I needed to stop.

Get a grip, Tristan!

I delicately kissed her neck and she responded by pushing her cute little ass into my crotch. It took every bit of self-control that I had, not to rip her towel off and take her right then and there. I tried to pull my head away and calm myself down, but she gently brushed her hand through my hair, and yanked my head back down towards her neck.

What are you doing to me woman? You don't realize how dangerous this is!

But, oh my God her scent, and them sweet, sweet moans of hers, I couldn't take it anymore.

Please stop this, you're going to hurt her! I begged him, but he refused to listen to me.

I began to kiss along her jawline and then back down toward her neck. She moaned out my name almost sending me over the edge. But then, she took it one step further and dragged her delicate little hand down my chest. My stomach twitched as her touch made its way over the thin fabric of my shirt. It was glorious torture when I could feel her fingers tracing over every one of my muscles.

My God it felt amazing. And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, she suddenly grabbed my manhood, which, was rock hard by that point and trying its best to burst right through my jeans. That was it, I'd finally lost all control and couldn't stop him from acting on our primal urges. I pulled my head back and extended my canines, ready to plunge them into her neck, marking her forever, and finally making her ours.

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