Chapter 2

“Here you go..” I said as I put two bottles of water in front of Christian. He looked at me, annoyed and I smiled.

It’s been 3 months since I laid my eyes on him and now I’m obsessed with him. I know everything about him, his schedule, his hobby, his favorite food, his favorite drinks and his favorite color along with his family.

Some people might think I’m crazy but trust me I’m not. I was developing feelings from a simple crush to falling in love with the guy. I think I love him, I can’t describe how I feel but it’s just.. I know it’s love. Every time I looked at him or stood near him or heard his voice, I just felt jumpy. I can’t control my heartbeat and I just can’t help but smile.

Weird? Yes.

I can say that Christian is my first love, since I’m this crazy. My mom knows about my crush and she just told me to go for it, I made her not tell my dad because if he knows Christian is rude and cold, he will take action.

“Move..” Christian said.

“But I bought you drinks.” I said, raising the two bottles of cold water again. He pushed me to the side, making me drop the water. I knew this would happen, he did this to me a thousand times already. I grabbed the bottles and followed him again.

I grabbed a towel from my bag and gave it to him. He took it and wiped his sweat. He then threw the towel at me. I guess it’s great that he knows me since he tends to ignore girls who are into him.

“Christian, I-”

“Can you just get lost already?” He gestured for me to go away and I nodded. I walked away and went straight to my locker. I opened it to grab my gab and go home.

That’s my routine, I guess. Lia told me that I was crazy but I guess that’s what love does to you. I’m one of his admirers and I can say that there are girls who are prettier than me, smarter than me and more athletic than me.

After basketball practice, he usually goes to his guitar course. He’s good at playing guitar and he once played it and he got more girls swooning at him.

But that doesn’t stop me, I’ll stop when he asks me to stop. He knows that I’m into him and he’s okay with it. As long as I don’t cross the line, he’ll just let me admire him.

I can say that I’m pretty patient when it comes to waiting. Cause love needs time, sacrifice and patience. 3 months have been tough but I don’t easily give up on things. Even when there’s rumous about him dating someone from another school, I never believed it unless he confirmed it himself.

He never said anything about it so I’ll let it slide. I asked him about it one time and he was so annoyed that he told me he was single.

I was busy with my own thoughts that I bumped into someone. I almost fell down but he caught me right on time. I apologized to him and looked up.

“Sorry.” I said and he smiled.

“It’s okay! It’s my fault anyway, I was busy with my phone.” He said and I smiled.

“Sorry and thank you for saving me.” I said and he chuckled.

“I’m Dean.” He put his hand out and I’m pretty sure we’re on the same grade.


“You’re from Brookwest?” He asked and I looked at him raising my eyebrows.

“Yes, why?”

“I’m going to transfer there actually..” He said.

“Oh really? What grade?”

“Same as you, I bet.” He smirked.

“Really? That’s great!”

“I just moved here from New Zealand so maybe next week.”

“Okay! I guess I’ll see you soon?”

“Yes, I’ll see you soon Hailey and it was really nice meeting you!” He said and I nodded. I bid my goodbyes and he waved back at me.

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