Chapter 2

Christian noticed her immediately she entered and he knew that he must have her, she was better than all the ladies he had tried his best to talk to in the club today, she was walking as of she owned this place, he also noticed that she didn't come with anyone, his chance were doubled, he knew he wasn't going to be himself if he didn't get her to come to the suites with him, She looked out of place when you watch her body movement other than that she looked like she was looking for someone, Whoever that person was or is, he was going to take his place just for the night and get it over with, he wasn't the kind of guy that pinned for a woman.

This was one of his Favorite places after work, he often come here with his best friend and pal Williams but Williams being married had stopped him from being in places like this, he was always saying he didn't want a repeated experience of what happened between him and his first wife.

Christian didn't care about Jane and he had will never care about her, he hated her so much not just because of what she did in high school but because she had the guts to get Married to his best friend, he didn't know if she did it to spite him, if that was her plans, it worked initially because  Williams stopped hanging out with him, he started revolving around Jane and he didn't like that, he wasn't going to think about her today, she was gone from their life and she wasn't coming back again, she was well paid after their divorce.

His Mystery Lady was walking towards the bar and he knew that he needed to be there, he need to be the first person that was going to approach her before somebody else beats him to it, he wasn't just in the V. I. P section but he was in his private booth where he sees all that is happening but nobody sees him, unless your eyesight was really good.

He knew leaving this booth was going to attract attention from people he wasn't ready to associate with it was best he greeted them quickly with the excuse that he needed to be somewhere else he Wanted her, he wasn't ready to be stopped by People he didn't really care about, who were just aquittances, he could get rid of them quickly, he was very sure of that......

"Christian Vegas My Man"

Christian knew who was calling him because he hated that voice but he was an unavoidable man, so he had to smile and pretend that he wanted to have the conversation with him but he needed to be quick about it because who the hell does he think he is, shouting his name as if he gave the name to him, it was high time he spoke to him about disrespecting his name but this certainly wasn't the right time.

Christian knew this guy Name but he didn't register his name in his head, he was always found of doing that, if he didn't like you, he was bound to forget everything about you when business was concluded, there was no point in keeping things in his mind when he had things that was supposed to occupy his mind, for instance the beautiful and sexy woman sitting alone at the bar, he had to get this Man out of his way so he could be on his way to the treasure he needed to have, he has already found the treasure he just needed this treasure to be under him this Night.

Christian finally got into the booth of the Man that called him, he almost resisted the urge to pretend as if he didn't hear his name but he wasn't going to do that, he was going to do what he had to do then move on without disturbance because that was the best thing to do in this situation, ignoring him was certainly going to have an after effect, it was better he did the needful greetings and move in on his treasure before it got stolen by a nonetity.

Christian greeted them and left, he was stopped by the bouncer who was his really good friend, he would have shouted at him but he was cool with him and there was no point in doing that knowing that Christian helped in securing this job for him he didn't like this distraction but knowing himself and how determined he was to get her, he wasn't going to let all these deter him, he smiled and patted the bouncer shoulder, he told him he was going to see him later because he had to leave here right this minute, he knew that he was smarter than most of the bouncer he had met so it wasn't going to be a problem or hard for him to understand that he knows that all this distraction wasn't necessary.

He finally was free to got and met his treasure, he was going to use one of the instructions from his imaginary play boy book because he didn't want to flop and she looks Like one who needed a lot of charm to get, he plans on doing that very well even though he might be looking like a simp while doing it.

He finally got to the bar but she already had a drin, he was going to use the buying drinks technique, this was going to be hard, he was going to have to try something else, he was slightly drunk but he wasn't helpless, he still had his mind in check.

She was drinking Pina Colada, she was either his kind of girl or it was just a coincidence, this was what he got for all his Lady friends except the ones he doesn't really fancy, she was drinking it with class as if she was trained for it, he really couldn't stop looking at her fingers, she didn't know he was watching her and he didn't want her to know, he didn't want to be caught like he was a pervert, he would have collected the title gladly because of her, she was so calm sitting there, he could keep staring at her and not get tired of looking at just her fingers.

"You smell like Vanilla" Wherever that came from he didn't know but it certainly wasn't what he wanted to say but his mouth uttered it already, he was just going to see how this was going to work, she didn't turn but he could notice that she knew he was speaking to her, he could have just been a man and go talk to her looking at her beautiful eyes, she finally turned and asked him

"Do I??"

He was finally seeing her up close and all he could say to himself that it wasn't a bad decision trying to get to know her, she was looking at him like some sort of Drunk, maybe he was going to use the drunk card too, he was putting all his cards on the table and he was hoping it was going to help him get the girl because he really needed to get her.

She was moving closer to him, he was still looking at her face, he didn't like that he was speechless he could only utter "Hmmmm" she had this Familiar air around her but he knew within himself that if he had meet her before he was sure not to have forgotten her, he had not meet her and this wasn't the time to start thinking about that when it look as though she had been waiting for him.

She was smiling at him she asked him "So, What are you going to do about that"

It was question that was looking like an invitation, he didn't want to look like he didn't understand what was going on, he was not ready to chicken out, what other signs did he want from her, this was enough sign and he was a smart man, so he knows what she was doing.

He let out a low laugh and imagined in his mind, who was this person that entered his body, it was as though he was possessed by another person, maybe his spirit animal decided to come out and play today.

"Do you want to see the room upstairs" Christian asked still looking at her face

"Only if you want to take me to the room upstairs" She immediately replied as if she was anticipating the question.

She was reaching out to him, he didn't know what she wanted to do but he was here for it, she stopped midway and reach out towards his hands, he looked down and he was surprised at himself because he didn't know he was still with his drink, he didn't even feel that he was holding something in his hands, this was strange, very strange, whatever his body was feeling he was ready for it.

She was with his drink and doing that thing he had only seen a stripper do, she was really inviting him, she took his drink and purposely made drops of it fall on her nipples which immediately harden, she wanted him as well as he wanted her, there was no point in beating around the bush anymore, this was a done deal, she wanted this and he wanted her.

Christian could hear her Giggling and saying something about her being Clumsy, a little clumsiness won't hurt.

"You look really Familiar... But I doubt I would forget a face like yours" He wasn't going to say anything about how he was feeling but he just had to say something because he was beginning to look stupid, she had stopped smiling or giggling at all, she was grinning mischievously at him like she was up to something.

He heard her say " So about that room upstairs? Are you going to show me, or you just enjoy talking an awful lot"

This is what he like, he wanted a woman who wasn't afraid to say what she was feeling or what she wanted and she was one of them, she held his hands like she was leading him to the Elevator, she didn't want him to slow her down, he was just going to let her lead the way so he could keep looking at her without her noticing it, he didn't want anybody he knew here to stop him, he wasn't in the mood of talking to anybody, there was no point in doing that, he just wanted to talk to her on the bed and out of the bed that was his plan, she was looking at him, she was signifying that he pressed the button, he did that and continue leaning on her, he wanted to eat her out, he could get her scent out of his mind, she was messing with his senses, he didn't want that, he wanted to be the one messing with her senses because she look so unaffected like she was the stronger one here, he didn't like it...

The Elevator finally dinged and she ushered him out, he gave her the Card to his room, he told himself that he needed to stop pretending that he was intoxicated when he was just drunk, it wasn't good for him, they finally got to his suites and did the honours by opening the door and leading him inside, she was wowed by the scenery, he could see her face,she was looking at him like something was happening but his mind went back to the Elevator, he could quite remember what she was saying but she called his name, he remember that she was no where around him when the man in the other booth called his name, it was time to ask her how she knew his name, whatever she answered was going to determine how this was going to be, he wasn't going to be played by anyone

"I never told you my name" He said as he was looking at her, she looked surprised but he needed to know how she knew his name was Christian.

She smiled and touched his Face "Everybody know who you are, You don't need to introduce yourself to anybody because you at a walking billboard"

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