Chapter 2

“Come on! We will be late for history class!” Kelly pulled me through the crowded hallway.

“I hate Mr.Angelo, he’s.. too on time.” I hissed.

“Faster!” Kelly said and she literally shoved everyone on her way. I like history class because Joey is there too. He always sits 2 seats to my right. I saw him when we entered the class. I walked to my seat and looked at Joey before sitting down. He was talking to his friends when Mr.Angelo entered the classroom. 

“You all bring your book right? I told you all to bring it, who doesn’t bring it will be punished to the end of the century!” Yes, he’s exaggerating. I opened my bag and took out my history book. I turned to Joey and he was checking his bag in panic. He turned to me knowing that I would give the book to him. I asked his friend to pass it to him.

“Who doesn’t bring the book?” Mr.Angelo asked. I raised my hand and Kelly’s eyes widened. She knew I brought the book because she reminded me earlier to bring it to class. 

“Get out! Stand in the middle of the field with your hands up.” He said and the whole class laughed. I turned to Joey and he smirked winking at me. I sighed and walked out with Mr.Angelo following me to the field. I stood in the middle of the field with my hands up in the air. 

“Stand there for an hour.” He said and walked back. 

After about 20 minutes, I could see the clouds starting to turn gray. I could feel a raindrop on my skin and I looked up at the sky. Suddenly it started to rain and I was debating between staying or running back to the building. 

I stood there and I heard Mr.Angelo called me. I ran back to class and the whole class looked at me mocking with their eyes. Joey smirked and gave me a nod. I turned to Kelly and she looked at me completely upset. 

“Go get your bag and change.” Mr. Angelo said and I nodded. I grabbed my bag and walked to my locker to take my spare of clothes. I walked to the bathroom and changed it. After checking myself in the mirror, I looked out the window and it’s still raining outside. 

I checked the time and it’s still 10 am. I rubbed my hands because I started to feel cold. I walked out from the bathroom and saw Joey standing in front ot the bathroom. He threw a small towel and he looked at me one last time without saying anything. 

“Thanks.” I said and he walked away. I looked at the towel and smelt it. It smells just like him and I love it. 

“Olivia!” I turned to see Kelly running towards me.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“Don’t ‘hey’ me! What were you thinking?! Giving him your book in Mr. Angelo’s class?” She’s mad but I was busy smiling.

“Why are you smiling?” She glared at me.


“From who?”

“Joey.” I smiled.

“Funny.” She said sarcastically and the bell rang.

“Let’s go to Math class, history is over.” She said as she pulled me to my locker. She told me to wait because she’s grabbing the bag from history class. After she’s done taking her bag, she gestured me to follow her to math class. 

Joey and his friends walked past me. His friends started to talk about me helping him.

“She’s always the one who helps you..” One of his friends said.

“Yeah.” I heard Joey answer.

“I’m jealous, I want to have fans like that. Any thoughts about dating her?” His other friend asked.

“No.” Damn.

“She’s kinda cute.”

“How about you date her? I’m not interested.” Ouch! 

I turned to Joey and he caught my eyes. He smirked and I glared at him. Why is it so hard to like someone like him? I turned to continue walking towards my math class but I bumped into someone because I wasn’t looking.

“I’m so sorry.” I said as I looked up. I froze in place because he’s a new guy and he’s cute. 

“Watch it! Are you blind?!” He burst angrily.

“James! Long time no see!” Joey hugged him and I walked away. Before I walked away, I heard Joey mumble, “Stupid girl.” 

That hurt a lot, actually, I know at the end of the day, I will let it go but slowly my feelings for Joey will fade. Besides if I stopped liking him, he wouldn’t care. I bet he will be so glad that I won’t bother him again. 

Suddenly someone caught my wrist stopping me and I turned to see the guy from earlier.

“What’s your name?” He asked in a British accent. Why didn’t I notice earlier? 

“Olivia,” I told him and I turned to Kelly. I gestured for her to go first and she nodded.

“I’m sorry about earlier.” I said.

“James, nice to meet you.” He put his hand in front of me and smiled. I looked at him suspiciously but he took my hand anyway. I saw Joey standing behind him and he gave us an unreadable look. 

“Nice to meet you too. You’re new?” 

“Yes, I moved from Brighton. My family just moved back here and sorry about earlier. That was rude..”

“It’s fine. I’m actually from London. Transferred here last year.” 

“That explains your accent. It’s cool to have a friend from the UK. So al-"

“Let’s go.. why are you talking to her?” Joey grabbed his shoulder.

“Just go first, I’ll catch up with you later.” James told Joey and Joey looked at him like he had grown another head. He turned to me glaring that I’m taking his friend.

“Sorry about him, so your family all moved here?” He asked.

“No, it’s just me and my brother. My parents and sister are back in London.”

“I see.” He said and the bell rang. “Let’s talk again next time, Livie, I have to go to the office to pick up my schedule.” He said and I nodded. 

“You called me Livie..” I said and he raised his eyebrows.

“Your name is Olivia, I’m assuming they call you.. Livie..” 

“No, usually people call me Olive.” 

“It’s okay, I want to call you Livie. It sounds cute.” He smiled and patted my hair. “See you around, Livie.”

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