Chapter 4. Watched?

After a few minutes, a tall man in his mid-twenties approached her cubicle. 

“Hello, Raven, welcome to JC Group. I’m Charlie Gardner, Corporate Trainee Manager here at the London branch. I will train you during the period of your internship. So you will report to me about everything. Do you like your new workplace?” 

“Good morning, sir. Yes, it’s a positive atmosphere here and I’m eager to start work.” He smiled appreciatively and pulled a chair to sit down beside her. In the next few minutes, he explained about the company and the entire production process while Raven listened to him, wide-eyed. 

“Interesting, right?” he asked with a smile, and Raven nodded. 

“You look so young, Raven. Would you mind if I asked your age?” 

“I’m twenty, sir,” she said, liking his friendly nature, which was a stark contrast to their top boss. 

“That makes you the youngest in our entire office. Are you studying as well?” 

“Oh. Yes, I’m studying, but I’m very hardworking and wouldn’t let my work suffer sir,” she said, feeling embarrassed. 

“Please call me Charlie,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. Raven nodded, finding it rather strange to call her boss by his first name on the first day at work. 

He gave her work and discussed how to complete it within the time limit. After he left, Raven started working on her first assignment, but the hair at her nape tingled with awareness. It seemed as if she was being watched by someone. Looking around the entire office, she found no one was looking at her. Maybe it was just stress and nervousness playing tricks on her mind. Once she settled down after a few days, she would feel fine. 

The workload was so much that it was well past lunchtime and she didn’t get to grab anything for herself. If she would have been at her college, her friends would have dragged her to Little Cafe and stuffed her with food. Her friends loved food, and they always ensured that she never skipped her meals. Thinking about her friends, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to inform them about her internship. She had left the campus informing none of them! They would be so worried about her. A guy came towards her cubicle and stood beside her desk. 

“Hey, I haven’t seen you here before. Have you escaped school?” He grinned at his own joke when a dark-haired woman of his age joined him, looking at Raven with interest. 

“Haha, hilarious! Do I look like a schoolgirl to you?” Raven glared at the man but he just continued to chuckle. 

“Shut up, Danny. Hi, I’m Chloe and this is Danny. It’s lunchtime. Would you like to join us?” asked Chloe. 

“Hi, I’m Raven. I’d love to grab a bite of something. I’m famished.” She shut her computer down, picked up her backpack, and left with them. Soon, a few others joined them and they all went to the office cafeteria to eat. A cute-looking guy sat down beside her. 

“I’m Thomas. I’m right next to your cubicle,” he said, stretching his hand for a shake. 

“Oh, I didn’t notice you. I’m sorry,” said Raven, her cheeks coloring with embarrassment. 

“You’re cute,” he said with a grin, and Raven blushed more. 

“Stop flirting, Thomas,” said another girl, pulling a chair and sitting with them. 

“Don’t mind him. He flirts with everyone. By the way, I’m Lucy, from the design team.” 

“Hi, I just joined today as an intern,” Raven informed them. 

“We know! You’re under Charlie Gardner,” said Chloe with an eye roll. 

“He’s a hard taskmaster, but I don’t know how he forgot to bark today after meeting you.” They all howled with laughter, but Raven didn’t share their mirth. 

“I swear, I too noticed,” said Lucy. 

“He was very professional with me,” said Raven, frowning at their line of thought. 

“Guys, let’s get our orders,” said Thomas, getting up. Danny and Lucy too accompanied him to get the food. Raven was about to get up too when Chloe caught her hand. 

“Don’t bother. They’ll get it,” she said. 

“So, spill. How did you get inducted here? You’re just twenty and Van Halen is very particular about perfection and experience,” asked Raven. 

“Nothing much to spill. There was a written test and campus interview at our college and I got selected,” she informed her, avoiding the unnecessary details. 

“Don’t tell me Van Halen selected you?” she asked in disbelief. 

“Yes, but Anthony Baker conducted the interview in sir’s presence,” informed Raven so that they didn’t misunderstand the situation at all. 

“You must be great at your job then,” said Chloe with appreciation. Raven blushed. “I’m still learning,” she said. The others brought the food, and they all attacked hungrily. As she was about to bite into her burger, Charlie Gardner walked up to their table. 

“Mind if I join you guys?” he asked, with his eyes focused on Raven. Everyone looked at one another, but no one had the courage to decline. They were all trainees after all, and he was their Reporting Head. 

“So, Raven, how are you liking it here?” asked Charlie, dragging a chair and sitting opposite to her. “I like the atmosphere, sir,” she told him, noting that he had asked that earlier. The others again looked at one another, silently communicating through their own sign language. 

“So, which college do you go to?” Raven could see the bored expressions on their faces as they tolerated the interrogation. 

“I’m at the Coventry College Of Fashion, Mr. Gardner.” 

“Call me Charlie, please,” said Mr. Gardner. Lucy sputtered and nearly fell from her seat. Charlie Gardner was a good-looking tool who only knew how to overburden trainees with work and more work. This was a completely new side to him, and they were shocked beyond words. Raven colored at the unwanted attention that she was receiving. 

“Yes, Ms. Andrew, have you finished the designs on the latest project? You’re already running late for submission.” 

“Yes sir, I’ll complete it today,” Lucy promised. 

“I’m done. I’ll get back to work,” said Raven, getting up. She wanted to escape Charlie Gardner’s attention. 

“I’m also going back,” said Charlie Gardner, getting up too. The others groaned and gave her a look of sympathy. Raven walked up to the elevator with Charlie Gardner. She stood fidgeting with her fingers, aware of his creepy stare. No one said a word to one another. The door opened, and he walked out with her. The moment she stepped out of the elevator, Raven had the same uncanny feeling of being watched. She looked around but couldn’t see anyone. Charlie Gardner escorted her to her cubicle, much to her dismay. He dragged a chair and sat down with her, checking her first assignment. 

“Mr. Gardner, come into my chamber, now,” echoed the furious voice of Ralph Van Halen from the door, his angry eyes staring straight at Raven’s cubicle. Everyone looked flustered at seeing their furious big boss. 

Charlie Gardner stood up nervously and walked away towards the door. Raven ducked and hid from Ralph Van Halen’s view while he stood waiting for Mr. Gardner. Soon they both disappeared somewhere and there was a hushed whispering going on all around her. Raven continued with her work and emailed it to Mr. Gardner. After being summoned, Charlie Gardner hadn’t once come into their room, and everyone was worried. 

“I would love to see him sacked,” said Lucy. “Me too,” said Chloe. “I’m done for the day. I’m going to Oxygen tonight for a drink. Who all are interested in joining me?” asked Danny, looking at Raven with interest. Raven had never been to such a place before since her parents were too strict and didn’t approve of it. She knew that Oxygen was a wild nightclub nearby since it was quite famous amongst her group of friends too. 

“Why don’t you all come over to my place instead?” said Thomas, seeing Raven’s disinterest. 

“Count me in,” said Chloe, excitedly. 

“Me too,” said Lucy, jumping up and down. 

“What about you Raven?” asked Thomas. 

“I...,” started Raven, but before she could speak, a very hassled Mr. Rogers rushed into the room. 

“Ms. Porterfield, Mr. Van Halen has summoned you to his office just now,” he informed breathlessly. 

“Oh,” Raven’s face fell, and she gaped at Mr. Rogers with nervousness. What did he want now? His phone buzzed, and he accepted the call with a grave expression on his face. 

“Yes sir. I’ve informed her. She’s on her way,” he said in a panic. After disconnecting the call, he looked at Raven. 

“Why are you still here?” 

“I’m going, sir,” said Raven with a sigh, picking up her backpack and walking towards the elevators. She licked her lips nervously, not knowing what he wanted this time. After the last meeting, she hadn’t expected him to summon her ever. She had thought that she wouldn’t have to interact with him again. She reached his floor with dread and walked towards his office, praying in her mind. She knocked softly on his door, trying to control her wild heart beats. 

“Come in,” came his prompt reply. She pushed the door open and peered inside. He wasn’t at his desk where he was supposed to be. Pushing the door further, she went inside the room. She saw him sitting on the sofa on the other side of the room, with his laptop and lots of files sprawled before him. 

“Yes, sir?” she asked, hesitantly, but he didn’t look up from his work. 

“Sit down and help me with these files,” he growled. Raven sat down on the couch beside him, not knowing exactly what help he needed. She did not know why he always seemed so angry. With his jaws clenched and his face flushed with anger, he dumped a mountain load of files in front of her, startling her. 

“Too bad you cannot have your night of fun,” he said sarcastically as Raven stared at him with her mouth hanging open.

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