Chapter 4. Honesty

Austin immediately left for his mansion. He arrived home before Bella. Along the way, Austin stopped to buy a bouquet of red roses for his beloved wife and a toy for his handsome son, Arion.

The handsome man quickly parked his vehicle when he received word that Bella would be arriving in five minutes.

"Huftt! Almost there!" muttered Austin as he quickly got out of the car.


Austin quickly grabbed the flowers and toys from the passenger seat. The blue-eyed man then promptly entered the house and sat down on the sofa. He unbuttoned his jacket and loosened his tie carelessly. He placed the bouquet of red roses on the table along with the large toy set for Arion.

Soon, the sound of a car indicated that Bella and Arion had arrived outside.

Austin immediately closed his eyes and put on a tired expression. His first intention was to greet his wife and Arion, but he quickly changed his mind because he knew that wouldn't work with his wife.

Tap tap tap

The sound of Bella's high heels echoed. Arion's chatter could also be heard, so adorable. Austin longed to hug his beloved son, but he held back for the sake of spending the evening with his wife.

Bella chuckled when she saw Austin's car parked, knowing that her husband had arrived before her.

But how surprised was the beautiful woman when she found her husband asleep on the living room sofa.

Bella turned to Arion's babysitter, "Anna, please take Arion upstairs and change him in his room," she said quietly to the middle-aged woman who was taking care of Arion.

"Yes, madam," Anna replied quietly, smiling at her ever polite employer.

After seeing Anna and Arion go upstairs, Bella approached her husband.

"Oh my! Hubby..." she murmured as she saw her husband sound asleep. She smiled softly as she saw a bunch of red roses and Arion's toys on the table.

Bella lowered herself and gently stroked her husband's face, "Hmm... he looks so tired," she said, stroking her husband's lower lip.

Seeing her husband's reaction made Bella want to laugh, "Hmm... Let's see how long you can hold out, Hubby!" she muttered to herself.

Meanwhile, the handsome man, pretending to be asleep, tried to stifle a smile. Hearing his wife's soft voice and attention, he was sure that his wife had forgotten what had happened earlier.

But wanting to enjoy this moment, he continued to pretend to be asleep. But everything changed when Bella began to caress his face and lips. His wife's touch, always electrifying for him, sent shivers down his spine.

"Oh my! Darling, if you go on like this, I won't be able to hold on much longer!" Austin exclaimed inwardly.

Meanwhile, Bella continued to tease her husband. Now on her knees, Bella caressed her husband's chest with her slender fingers. For a while she played with one of his weak spots.

Bella stifled her laughter even more when she saw his reaction down there. Her husband's pants were visibly tight.

"Euhmm..." Austin squirmed.

Bella closed her mouth, then tried to control her breathing. "Hmm... Maybe my husband would feel more comfortable sleeping here. Well... what can I do... Looks like I'll be sleeping with Arion tonight."

After saying that, Bella stood up, wanting to escape before she became dinner for her husband.


Quickly, Austin grabbed his wife's hand until Bella lost her balance and fell onto her husband's body.

"You want to run away after teasing me like that?" Austin's voice was heavy as he stared deep into the eyes of his beautiful wife.

"Teasing you?" Bella replied with a straight face, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Hmm... Teasing me, so now you have to take responsibility," Austin whispered, then licked his wife's ear.

"Euhmmp..." a moan escaped Bella's lips. She always felt completely powerless under her husband's touch.

She had intended to tease Austin first, but now she found herself trapped in her own game.

"Euhm... darling, aren't you tired?" Bella still tried to restrain herself. Especially now she felt so sticky after a day of work.

Austin smiled as he saw the melancholy look on his wife's face that always seemed to captivate him.

Gently, Austin kissed his wife's forehead and smoothed the hair that fell behind her ear.

Bella, who was on top of her husband, also stared deeply into the handsome face beneath her.

"I'm sorry about today, Hmm..." Austin said softly.

"Sorry for not telling you, darling. I just didn't want you to worry," Austin continued, looking into the beautiful face of his beloved.

Bella took a slow breath, "Hubby, I trust you with whatever you're going to do. But I just want you to be honest with me about whatever we're facing. Whether it's your problem, my problem, or especially if it affects both of us, because it means it's connected to Arion. Didn't you ask me to be like this?"

Austin sighed deeply, the guilt really overwhelming him, "Yes, darling, forgive me. I promise, whatever problem we face in the future, I will tell you about it."

Bella smiled softly and nodded, "Yes, darling. I love you, hubby."

The handsome man immediately cupped his wife's face and landed his lips on hers. They kissed passionately. More intimate and demanding. "I love you so much... So much, love,"

Austin kissed her again, his lips continuing to sip alternately over Bella's tongue and lips. Desire always dominated. The desire to spoil his wife. The desire to be spoiled by his wife. He really couldn't imagine what his life would be like without this woman he loved.

"Euhmm hubby, I'm sticky..." Bella whimpered playfully. She did not want her husband to smell her body scent right now.

Austin chuckled softly, "You always smell good, darling, no matter what state you're in."

"Isshh... But I've been working all day, darling," Bella protested.

His wife's words didn't make the man retreat, but rather made him want to devour his wife even more.


"Euhmm darling..." Austin inhaled the scent of his wife's body once again and licked Bella's slender neck.

Austin, who couldn't stand it anymore, immediately got up from his bed and lifted his wife's body bridal style.

"Where are we going, honey?" Bella asked, her arms wrapped around Austin's neck.

"To devour you," Austin said quickly.


In a dimly lit apartment, a woman appeared, disheveled and tense. "I told you to play nice," a man yelled at the woman he was currently dominating.

"Ohh... Ohh... Yes, sir, forgive me..." she whispered between her gasps, enduring the rough assault of the man on top of her.

"Don't waste all I've done for you!!! And remember!!! We have only one goal!!" He yanked roughly at the blonde curls of the woman beneath him.

"Now, tantalize him with your body! I've spent a fortune sculpting this beauty for you!" he continued, his voice dripping with authority.

"Ohh... Ohh!!! Yes, Sir...!! Ughh!!" Resigned, she had to indulge the fetishes of the man she addressed as Sir.

"Ohh... your body is exquisite!!! You truly are the precious whore I have discovered, Giselle! Hahhaha...!"

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