Chapter 3. Backlash from Bella

Hearing Austin's words, Jennifer suddenly felt a surge of pride, especially when she saw Bella trying to stay calm. She smiled contentedly, but it didn't last long.

"Sir, I'm sorry, your client is not Jennifer Reese, but Jaqline Reeves," Ethan's voice interrupted Austin.

"Oh really? Is that so?" Austin replied.

"Sorry, it seems I was mistaken, so I don't know or have met the client you mentioned," Austin continued, making Bella smile slightly.

"Hubby! You'd better watch out!" Bella muttered to herself. She knew that her husband was teasing his client.

"Ahh, I see Hubby, what a pity," Bella replied, sounding sorry.

"Yes, sorry dear, you know. I don't remember all the clients' names," Austin continued.

"Hmm, yes, dear, that's okay."

Jennifer, overhearing the conversation between Austin and Bella, clenched her fists tightly. She was really embarrassed right now.

Della tried to stop herself from laughing. How could she not know that this was surely her husband Ethan's idea?

"What else, dear?" Austin, who knew the problem because he had been watching everything on the surveillance cameras, deliberately threw a question at his wife.

Bella seemed to think. "Hmm... Well, dear. I would like to ask your opinion. Should I make concessions or change the special proposal for Miss Jennifer? Because in the invitation proposal for those who passed the selection, I have already stated that only five places will be given," she said, emphasizing the words "passed the selection.

"What's the problem, honey? Concessions like that?" Austin asked again as if he didn't know.

"Hmm, Miss Jennifer is asking for more slots, seven to ten, because she came all the way to Germany but only got five slots. I tried to explain that I can't give extra slots. But it seems I'm being too rigid, dear? I'm a little confused," Bella said.

"Rigid? Who said that? Don't think like that. If you've laid down the procedures, then follow the procedures."

"But dear?"

"I have told you many times, dear, in business you must be as firm as I am. If the client objects to what you've decided, let it go! Because you'll lose even more money later just because of one client," Austin explained firmly.

Bella smiled thinly, trying to hold back her broad smile. "Hmm, thank you, hubby, sorry for interrupting your meeting, it seems I've taken up too much of your time."

"It's okay dear, you never take up my time, if necessary I'll end this meeting now just to continue talking to you," Austin said, not just joking. Austin had often ended meetings he was in just to answer his wife's phone calls. Without his wife knowing, of course.

"Haha! Don't be silly! See you later, honey," Bella laughed when she heard her husband's words. Because she was sure and believed that her husband would do that if it was related to her.

"Hehehe... see you, dear," Austin replied. Then Bella ended the call. And returned to a serious and slightly friendly demeanor.

"Ahem... I'm sorry for talking too long with my husband, Miss Jennifer," Bella said with her sweet smile.

Jennifer clenched her fists and tried to return Bella's smile, "It's okay, Miss Bella."

"So, as you have heard, Miss Jennifer, following my husband's advice, I will reluctantly cancel our cooperation contract. You can simply send the details of the compensation to my assistant," Bella explained.

Ba-dum! The blonde woman immediately widened her eyes in disbelief at what Bella had said.

"Della, quickly contact DD Closet to fill the vacancy," Bella instructed Della.

"Yes, ma'am," Della replied, smiling at the annoying face of the blonde woman in front of her.

"Wait! Wait! Miss Bella!" Jennifer interjected.

"Yes?" Bella replied briefly.

"Well, Miss Bella, I can't possibly make you pay that much. So I think it's okay if we follow the procedure you wrote," Jennifer continued, smiling at Bella.

"Damn! I can't miss this opportunity, or she'll be very angry with me!" Jennifer muttered to herself.

"Are you sure, Miss Jennifer? You don't have to force yourself to follow our procedure, and you don't have to worry about compensation costs," Bella replied, already smiling triumphantly.

"Ugh! That's just like her, she really only wants to make a profit, and what's with her pretending to know Austin. Ugh, so annoying!" Bella muttered to herself.

Jennifer then put on her sweetest smile, "Yes, Miss Bella, I'm sure. I would like to work with your company in the future. So I wouldn't want you to suffer any losses," the blonde replied, still maintaining her dignity.

Della, feeling irritated, couldn't stand the arrogant behavior of her client, "Hmm, ma'am, DD Closet is happy to fill any vacancies. Even though there are only three spots available, they will be coming from Canada," Della added like a bomb to Jennifer.

"Damn.... Watch it Della!!" Jennifer shouted angrily in her head.

"Oh, really? Thank goodness!" Bella replied with a small laugh.

"Miss Jennifer, as you can see. It seems that someone will fill your place, even two places, I think is enough to compensate your company," Bella continued with a satisfied smile.

Austin, who was watching his wife work, smiled contentedly, "She really is amazing! Ahh... I can't wait to get home!!" Austin murmured, his eyes shining brightly as he watched his wife work on the big screen in front of him.

All of his subordinates, Max, Ethan, Finley and Ken, laughed as they saw their big boss acting like a little kid in front of his wife.

"You're right, sir. But remember. Don't let your guard down and continue to find out who's behind this woman," Austin replied.

"Understood, sir."

"Miss Bella, there seems to be a misunderstanding here," Jennifer said, reluctantly lowering her head.

"I'm not canceling this agreement, Miss Bella. I apologize if I have offended you with my words, I kindly ask you not to replace our position, and I'm willing to take those three places," Jennifer humbled herself.

"BINGO!!" Bella cheered inwardly.

"Ah, of course you weren't offended, and all right, if you say so, I won't replace your position with three slots," Bella replied, turning to Della and winking.

"Della, tell DD Closet if there's no more room," Bella instructed.

"Alright, madam. I'll let DD Closet know right away," Della replied, promptly following Bella's order.

Jennifer stood and held out her hand. "Thank you, Miss Bella, for your generosity," she said.

Bella accepted Jennifer's handshake. "You're welcome," she replied briefly.

Jennifer left with a frustrated look on her face, having to accept a crushing defeat at Bella's hands.

"Damn you, Bella, just wait! I'm going to take everything from you! I've suffered for over a year just waiting for this moment," Jennifer muttered to herself as she walked out into the parking lot.

"YES!!!" Bella and Della high-fived and cheered happily for their success.

"Hahaha... I really want to laugh when I see that blonde's annoyed face earlier!" Della chuckled with satisfaction.

"Ha! You know, Della, why are we always on the same page? Hahaha!" Bella replied, joining in the satisfied laughter. This was the first time she had landed such a client, especially one who was so eager to include her husband's name.

"Wait!! I think I forgot something!" muttered Bella.

"What is it, ma'am?" asked Della curiously.

Bella closed her eyes and scanned the room. "It seems we missed something, Della," Bella said, confusing Della.

Meanwhile, Bella, who knew her husband's character well, searched for any surveillance cameras he might have installed somewhere without her knowledge.

Bella cleared her throat. "Hmm... Someone surprised me and almost embarrassed me earlier, and they're hiding something from me! Should I punish them?"

Della, understanding, chuckled quietly.

Meanwhile, Austin and his subordinates, who were still watching, panicked when they heard Bella's words.

"Oh dear! I think I've been caught!" muttered Austin in a panic.

"Sir, it looks like you should go home right now!" shouted Max, and his suggestion was met with a nod from Ethan, Ken, and Fin, who all agreed with Max's idea.

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