Chapter 2

Jwala’s POV

I took a shower and got ready in the dress sent by my mom which was specially embroidered by her for my birthday. I went to Agni’s place as per his order.

“Madam, sir is waiting for you in his room,” his servant said, and I went to his room.

“Can’t you knock the door before entering?” He yelled at me.

Only then I saw him in bed naked with another girl. They were under the blanket, and his shirtless physique was visible to me. The girl covered herself with the comforter entirely and turned another side. Why did the maid say that he is waiting for me? I tried to close the door and go away.

“Come inside,” he said bitterly.

“Wh.. What?” I said.

“Come inside and take that packet placed on the table. Wear that dress and get ready. I will come after completing my important work,” Agni said.

I took the parcel and rushed from there to another room. I found a dark blue ghagra choli and a jewelry box in it. I didn’t like the dress as it was sleeveless and reveals my navel but I can’t say that. I calmly wore that dress and jewelry.

The scene where Agni was naked with a girl in bed replayed several times in my mind. I felt upset. Why is it affecting me?

I know he has the physical relationship with many girls. I am not the only girl in his life, and he is not my husband. I shouldn’t think about him or his affairs. I wiped my tears and decided not to shed tears for him who is trivial in my life.

After half an hour, Agni came to me. He looked at me from top to bottom. He wrapped my waist with his left hand pulling me towards him. He kissed me.

“You are inviting. I want to take you right now. Nonetheless, you are beautiful when you are in bed naked,” Agni said killing me.

Suddenly, he held my hand and twisted it harshly.

“Agni, leave my hand. It’s hurting. Why are you angry with me?”

“Don’t you know to knock the door before entering the room, you bloody whore? I thought not to hurt you today, but you crossed your limits” he said twisting my hand again.

He started abusing me again. Why am I this vulnerable? What does he think about me? If I didn’t bound to the contract of the orphanage, I would have killed him.

“I am sorry Agni, but maid told me you were waiting in the room for me,” I said and he left his hold. My hand was red due to tight grip. He looked at my hand. He threw a wide bangle at my face.

“Wear it to make the bruise invisible to others.”

“Now, follow me. I booked a hall in a hotel to celebrate your birthday,” he said, and I followed him holding my bruised hand sliding the bangle a bit.

“Leave it. You no need to show off to everyone that I hurt you” Agni said, and I left seeing my hand.

We reached the hotel, and he placed his hand around my waist smiling and showing the fake love. I looked around and found my friends. I think he invited them to the party.

“Put on a smile on your face, if you didn’t want your lips to bleed tonight” he warned me.

I gave an artificial smile looking at my friends and other invitees. Party was going on, and he went to meet his circle. My best friend Aadarsh came to talk to me.

“Happy Birthday, Jwala! A small gift from me,” he said giving me a sweet box.

I opened it and found my favorite sweets which are available mostly in Andhra Pradesh. It was paper sweet. I love it.

“I know Agni will give you everything you want. You will be happy with him once you marry him” Aadarsh said to me.

I will die every second if I marry Agni. I prefer death to marriage with Agni. Once again, I remembered the incident I saw in the morning.

“I thought as these sweets are not available here in Delhi, I bought them for you,” Adarsh said, and I smiled.

I was about to take a bite for courtesy, but Agni came and threw the box from my hands.

“How many times should I tell you not to take anything from anyone? If you want anything, say a word, and I will bring it for you” he said keeping his hand over my waist, pinching it without other’s notice. His nails are sharp to leave scars around my waist. I bore the pain and kept my tears in control.

“This is what you get for disobeying me,” Agni whispered.

He called a waiter and said something. Within five minutes, he brought a plate full of paper sweets.

“I know what you love, sweetheart. These are special paper sweets made in a hygienic environment and filled with cashew and sugar powder. Have it, baby!” he said and fed me with his hand.

I ate it silently bearing his torture which he is giving with his another hand. We finished cake cutting.

“My gift for you is transferring orphanage to your name” he gave the orphanage documents to me.

The date mentioned in the documents was after four months, and not with immediate effect. After four months, my contract of one year to sleep with Agni is going to complete. I took the papers and heard people appreciating him for his love on me, which made him leave property that costs twenty-five crores. Media tried to cover the event. What if my family see those photos? I acted as if I fainted and Agni took me to his car in his arms and drove to his house. He threw me on the bed and closed the door.

“Get up, bitch. I know you were acting.”

I opened my eyes shivering. Agni gripped my hairs in his fist and pulled them to make me stand.

“Didn’t I tell you that you are never supposed to act before me?”

“I am sorry Agni, but I did that as I had no option. If the media cover our photos and if they reach my family, they can’t bear. Please, understand,” I said.

I fell on the floor with his hard slap. I held my cheek weeping.

“How dare you to talk to a man other than me? Don’t you remember that for one whole year, you are my property?” He fumed at me.

“I am sorry,” I said.

“Look!” He roared.

“You are mine, and I should never find you, talking to any male except me,” he said and kissed me.

Before I complete my words, he cut my dress from back and dress fell on the floor making me half naked. Within the next few seconds, he made me completely naked. He took me to bed and came top of me.

He kissed my lips, and I too responded as I know the consequences if I stay still. He then started playing with my bosoms and navel giving me both pleasure and pain.

“Your body is so soft which tempts me to pinch it and bite you. This property belongs to me, Do you understand?” He asked kissing my neck.

I didn’t reply, and he bit me my bosoms and neck leaving hickeys. I screamed and moaned whole night, with the pain and pleasure which he gave me. He left me at midnight.

“From tomorrow, you are going to stay here in my house. Shift your luggage here. I have just four months to enjoy your beauty. You are going to satisfy me in every way I order you. You won’t be getting rest for these four months. As you completed your exams, stay at my home. Whenever I come home, you must be here. If I didn’t find you at home, I am not going to spare you.”

I nodded. Next day Agni accompanied me to the hostel to make sure that I shift to his house. Now I am going to face his torture 24/7. However, I can’t escape. If I try sidestepping before the contract completes, I am sure he will ruin my life, the reputation of my family and throw the kids and old aged people on streets from that orphanage and will spoil the life and family of Vigna, for whom I sacrificed my virginity. To stop all these, I must stay quite whatever he does to me. I shifted my luggage to his house.

“Stay in my room with me,” he ordered.

I took my luggage and maid tried helping me to carry my bags to his room.

“Jwala, I told only you to stay in my room, not your garbage. I kept everything you need in my room as per my choice. This garbage is not necessary. Go to our room. I will be coming.”


“Throw this mess in a storeroom and lock it. I shouldn’t see Jwala’s stuff anywhere in this house except in storeroom. Hand over the key to me,” he said to the maid.

“Look, you should take my permission if you want anything from your luggage. I will decide whether you need it or not.”

I nodded.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait in our room?” He said raising his voice.

I went into the room. Agni came after a few minutes.

“Get ready wearing any dress from those clothes, which I kept in my wardrobe for you. From today, for the next four months, you are going to assist me in my office work too. I can’t leave you in the house in my absence. However, I don’t think your body alone costs twenty-five crores to leave that orphanage easily. I want your brain too. In these four months, you have to work for me on the projects which are tough and values crores. Unless you make my company win projects of twenty-five crores, that orphanage will not be yours permanently”

“But you didn’t say this before our deal,” I said stunning to his words.

“Look, Sweety! Do you think your body alone costs twenty-five crores? You can’t make twenty-five crores even if I start doing business with your body 24/7. So, just shut your mouth and work for my company. As you are a student, I didn’t trouble you to work until you completed your final exams. Now your body and brain must work for me and must be under my control,” he said.

He broke my heart with his words, one more time. However, it’s his kingdom, and only his rules will apply. Arguing with him gives me nothing but more pain. I went to the wardrobe and searched the clothes to wear. Everything was a one-piece dress which I never wear as it reveals much of my skin.

“How long will you take to choose a dress?”

“I.. I.. Can’t. Wear... These... Dresses...please” I requested.

“Can’t you do anything without saying no and receiving punishment from me?”

“Agni, please.”

“Look, most of the companies which make deals with my company usually get attracted to my PA rather than the actual deal. You must look hot and sexy. Everyone must feel to take you there itself just by looking at you once,” he said and took a dress and threw on my face.

“Get ready fast,” he said

I was about to go to the washroom to change, but he held my arm.

“Change before me. However, I saw you naked many times. I already told you that your body and brain must be under my control for these four months.”

Tears were flowing from my eyes, and I wore that dress before him. As soon as I changed my dress, he slapped me. I fell to the floor and looked at him with fear. He pulled my hair and made me stand.

“Don’t spoil your glamour with your stupid tears. I love your tears, but you are allowed to cry only at night time. If you cry while going to the office, I will kill you, you useless bitch” he said slapping me again.

“I.. Am.. Sorry... Please... Don’t hit. Me” before I complete, he slapped me again.

“It’s me who should decide what I should do with you. Not you, understand?”

I nodded.

“Now beautician is coming for you. She will do makeup to make your dirty face look beautiful. Let her do what she wants to do with your face and hair. I don’t want you to trouble her. From tomorrow you will get ready in the same attire,” he said and left the room giving me a chance to breathe.

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