Chapter 2. All-Powerful Reform System. (2)

Anderson stares at his laptop, then looks around, as if he's the only one hearing this. The magical light emerges from his laptop, swirling around his head, turning into a transparent screen in front of him, displaying his personal information.

The mechanical voice speaks again: “Meeting is fate, Host. As a welcome gift, the system grants you One Hundred Trillion USD legally, please accept it.”

Soon after, Anderson's phone lights up, its long-ago cracked screen now healed as if it was never damaged. His bank balance shows a deposit of one million dollars, not the One Hundred Trillion as the system had mentioned.

But as if reading his thoughts, the system says: “Host will receive rewards after each mission completion, starting with one million dollars, then ten million, maybe even one hundred million, a billion,... until the total gift amount reaches One Hundred Trillion USD.”

This is... magical. The system, the rewards, things that seem like they only exist in movies, are really happening right in front of him, this isn't a dream, is it?

“Sir, five minutes are up, please leave the café!” Suddenly, the harsh voice of the waiter breaks the silence, coming to drive Anderson away.

This time, Anderson is not as tense as before, now that he has money, he won't grovel before the staff anymore, he says: “Give me the account number, I'll pay.”

“Hmph, at least you know your place.” The waiter then reads out the account number, mumbling a few meaningless insults: “The account number is One coffee, 3 dollars, don't tell me you don't even have 3 dollars?”

“I've sent a hundred dollars, no need for change, thank you.” After saying this, Anderson stands up to leave, but the waiter shouts loudly.

“What? A hundred dollars, are you kidding me? A tip of 97 dollars for one cup of coffee? If you have that kind of money, why are you here using free wifi and only ordering one cup of coffee for five hours? Wait, don't you think you can fool me!”

The commotion of the waitstaff caused everyone in the cafe to stare at the two of them, and suddenly, a customer sneered: "Isn’t that Anderson, the useless son-in-law of the Harris family? The once-famous prodigy of Lightharbor now so desperate that he’s scamming a cup of coffee?”

“So that’s him, cheating over a cup of coffee, what a lowlife. And he dared claim he’d tip 97 dollars to the staff, what a joke!” another chimed in.

“Ha ha ha, what a farce.”

Hearing the other customers' remarks, the waiter grabbed Anderson by the collar and berated loudly: "You fraud, pay up the 3 dollars for the coffee, and stop boasting about tipping big!”

“You can check the balance." Anderson replied.

“Huh, as if I'd believe that, no need to check.”

Anderson said nothing, as he had indeed just transferred 100 dollars into the account the waiter had mentioned and received confirmation of the successful transaction.

At that moment, another server rushed over, whispered something in the ear of the waiter holding Anderson. The waiter immediately let go, laughing: "My apologies, sir, we just received a notification of your 100-dollar payment.”

“Such poor service." Anderson muttered, leaving the cafe, leaving the waiter and the other customers in bewildered silence.

“He actually had 97 dollars to tip?” someone wondered aloud.

“Hard to believe.”

But Anderson had other concerns; he needed to return for the birthday celebration of Mrs. Harris, the matriarch of the Harris family. Yet, he hadn’t bought her a present, wondering if he could make it in time.

“Master, don’t worry, I can help you choose a gift." a voice said.

“Hold on, I have a question." Anderson mused: "Why are you here to help me? I still can’t believe this is real.”

If it weren't for the real money in his account and the ability to make payments, he would not have believed it. The so-called system was too miraculous and hard to believe in this world.

“Master, rest assured, I am the All-Powerful Reform System, created by your mother to assist and protect you. The reward money the system gives you is a gift from her. It’s not money falling from the sky; it’s your mother’s property. But she didn’t want you to have it too easily, so you need to complete tasks to earn it.”

“My mother?”

“Yes, your mother created me and sent me to you, but you activated me too late." the system explained slowly but clearly: "The system chip was installed in your laptop, only when the laptop was damaged, was I able to appear.”

Anderson didn’t respond, remembering ten years ago when he was fifteen, his mother had given him the laptop. He had always treasured it, taking care never to damage it. If not for his recent anger, he wouldn’t have activated the system. It could be said that Anderson valued sentiment, even using the same laptop for ten years.

“So, do you know where my mother is now?”

Ten years ago, after Anderson's birthday, his mother disappeared. He always believed his stepmother had something to do with it, but now he realizes the situation was not that simple.

“I don’t know where your mother is now, but I know her background. She’s the only daughter of the Lewis family, one of the three largest dynasties in Ivory Essence. They don’t know about your existence. Once your identity is confirmed, it will create a stir across Ivory Essence. Moreover, she was an extraordinary scientist. To create an all-powerful and superior system like me, she was no ordinary person.”

Anderson was surprised to learn about his mother's unique background, especially that she was the daughter of a major family, a fact he never knew. He only knew that after giving birth to him, his mother discovered his father had impregnated another woman and left, leaving no trace. It wasn’t until he turned fifteen that he received a laptop from her through the mail.

But he didn’t have time to ponder this further and asked: "You said you could help me choose a gift for my wife’s grandmother. How can we do that?”

“I’ll contact a trusted associate of your mother’s and ask for their assistance. What kind of gift are you thinking of, and what’s your budget?”

“Around two hundred thousand dollars. Jewelry, a necklace, or a bracelet would be fine." Anderson replied. With Mrs. Harris’s love for money, a two hundred thousand dollar gift would surely dazzle her.

“Alright, I’ll get on it right away.”

Anderson nodded and said no more, his immediate concern was to check on Lauren. And that Young Master Miller, daring to flirt with his wife, he was really asking for trouble.

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