Chapter 2

“What happened? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I blinked when Yana clicked her fingers in front of me.

“O-oh… nothing. Where are we again?” I asked when I finally came back to my right mind. I was dumbfounded thinking about that rude pervert earlier. I just can’t believe I embarrassed myself twice in front of him. Damn it.

“Hmp, é abbastanza. I’m tired!” She said as she closed her book.

I creased my forehead. “Huh? No way, you can’t be lazy like that every time.” I grabbed the book from her hand to open it again. She still wasn’t familiar with the basics so she has a long way to go. And I’m her tutor so it also affects my image if she messes up.

“We can continue this tomorrow, I have a party to attend!” She said.


“Sí. Par-ty.” She rolled her eyes.

“Where?” Is that the party that Kate’s talking about?

She stopped arranging her things. “Hm… I think it’s in RB? Not sure.” I knew it. “Shall I drop you off?”

I just shrugged and yawned. “I’m good. Take care.”

She smiled and winked at me. “Addio!”

“One Japanese cake and iced americano for Raegan.” I spoke on the mic to call the guy who’s been staring at me for a while already.

“Thank you, Celine.” He got his order. I smiled and quickly left the counter to pull-off.

I went to the locker room again to change back with my clothes. It’s a white polo shirt, black skinny jeans, and white sneakers that I always wear.

I was about to leave the room when my phone rang. It was Yana.


“Sheline! Hi!” Her voice is different and the background says it all. She’s in a party with loud people and lots of drinks. The things I hate the most. “Can you pick me up here? I don’t think I can shtill drive… hahaha!”

I heard the loud cheering of the people on the other line. I just hope she’s not doing any shits there. I glanced at my watch. It’s 12:14 already.

“Okay. Wait for me there.” I said and ended the call. I walked out of the locker room and told our manager that I’m done before running out of the café.

When I reached the club, lots of people welcomed me.

“Celine! Oh my gosh! I thought you’re not coming? And wait, why are you wearing that?” Kate appeared in front of me wearing a white tube top and black skirt paired with large hoop earrings.

It’s loud inside, and has a lot of students I barely know. Only a few of them are I think from UP, the rest, I don’t know. The lights were just red, and the interior was all black. If you’re not used to it, you’ll think you’re in hell for some disco.

“I’m fetching someone. Have you seen Tatiana?”

“Oh, that gorgeous?!” she exclaimed, “Yes! I’ve seen her dancing earlier but I don’t know where she is no- Hey wait!” I didn’t wait for her to finish her words. I walked past her and scanned the place to find that brat.

I dialed her number again but she wasn’t picking it up. Where the fuck is she?

“Hi,” A stranger blocked my way “I’m Nate-”

“Excuse me.” I cut him off and nudged his shoulder to walk again. I have no time for those fuckers.

When I reached the VIP couches, I finally saw Yana laying on a group of couches with the hem of her tight dress slightly raised. There were four more girls on her couch and four guys on the other. I was creasing my forehead, but my eyes widened in shock when I saw a familiar face again.

Why do I always see him?!

Even if I don’t want to go near him, I need to get Yana. So I had no choice but to walk towards their table and stop in front of Yana. I immediately pulled down her dress because that man was enjoying the view.

“Yana.” I called them and scanned their table with my serious eyes. I pierced my eyes on each of the guys looking at me. When my eyes found him, wearing his usual white dress shirt and black slacks, holding a glass of liquor with a luxury watch, I clenched my fists.

I looked at Yana again, she’s still half asleep. I shrugged her shoulders to wake her up. “Yana I’m here, let’s go.”

Her brows only moved and she grunted. I exhaled harshly before looking for her purse. When I found it, I searched for her car key.

“Hi, Celine Galvez, right?” I heard a man behind me as I felt their eyes watching us.

“Yana, get up.” I said firmly, ignoring the man behind me.

“She seems out of it, let me help-” I turned around to stare at him. He looks the same as my age but gets intimidated easily with my dagger eyes. When his eyes went down to my clenched fists, he immediately backed off.

I saw the man again, calmly sipping on his glass while staring at me. Oh fuck those eyes. This is already embarrassing as it is, I can’t stay here for too long!

I turned to Yana again with no more patience.

“Tatiana Marchessa!” I yelled her name and she instantly opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes while yawning.

“Oh, Sheline!”

I hung her key on my finger and tossed her purse on the couch. I held her hand to help her stand, but she almost stumbled back on the couch because my support wasn’t enough.

“Pull your shits together, Yana, I’m fucking tired!” I exclaimed.

She pouted and looked at me stupidly. “M-my head’sh throbbing sho bad…” She complained like a child. The hell? Is that my fault?!

I placed one of my hands on my waist and the other on my forehead. She’s such a nuisance. I was just staring at her, thinking of ways on how I can get her out of here without my head hurting, when a familiar scent enveloped my nose.

He walked past me and went to Yana without any words. I opened my mouth to speak when he held Yana’s back and the back of her thigh to carry her. Bridal style. He walked out of the couch and advanced to the exit.

When I got a grip of myself. I hurriedly grabbed Yana’s purse and ran out of the table to follow them. Where does he think he’s taking her?!

“You!” I can’t keep up with his wide steps. When he finally left the club, I ran faster and pushed everyone on my way. I saw them in front of the exit.

“Where’s the car?” He asked without looking at me.

“I don’t know.” I replied. How would I know where this brat parked it?! Damn it.

He turned to me without any expression. “Use the fucking remote key.”

I blinked several times before I realized what he just said. I looked at the key on my fingers and opened my mouth to speak but ought not to. I pressed the only button in the middle and we heard Yana’s BMW.

He didn’t say a word. He walked towards the parking lot and opened the front seat himself before putting Yana inside. When he closed the door, I went to him with a clenched jaw.

“Don’t give me that look,” he says.

I creased my forehead. “The hell?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I told you that your eyes are beautiful, but it’s accusing me of raping that girl.” he said seriously. Huh, why is he so defensive?


“Loren.” He cut me off. “It’s Loren.”

Loren, huh? “Whatever. I hope you’re aware that eye-raping a woman is considered sexual harassment. Particularly ogling! And you just touched her-”

“Woah, are you a law student?”

“Do I have to be a lawyer to remind you that ogling is rude?!”

He just shrugged and licked his lower lip. “I haven’t tasted a law student before.” He said out of nowhere.

“What did you just say?” I want to sound calm and serious but I am mad and furious! How can he be so vulgar with a female stranger?!

“I wasn’t eye-raping her. If it wasn’t obvious, I was just looking after her. There were guys around the club, did you see them get near her? She’s out of her senses and she could’ve been bedded with some guy if I wasn’t there. I know her and I don’t see her as a potential bed warmer so calm down.” He uncrossed her arms and put his hands inside his pockets.

He slowly walked towards me but I remained in my place. I inhaled deeply to contain my nervousness. I can’t show him I’m intimidated by his presence and distance.

“And I hope you know that I can’t carry her without touching her. Was she supposed to float?” She said before he coldly turned around and walked away.

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