Chapter 2

Leila's POV

I inhaled and exhaled  deeply as I strolled into my class. Time to be serious.

"Miss Wayne, you're late again". Mr Rogers complained. I ignored him and continued my journey to my seat. There was nothing he could do to me. I was the beta's daughter and he was just a teacher.

"If you come late again to my class, I'm afraid I will have to report you to your father". I mentally rolled my eyes. That was the only thing they all had against me. I turned to him in a mock salute making most of the students laugh.

"I'm so sorry Mr Rogers, I promised to be well behaved from now on". I apologized. He nodded at me and continued his lecture. I walked to my seat quietly.

"Pack whore". Someone mummured beside me. I turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was Cassidy, the daughter of Alpha Xarold. She always hated me from the very first day she set her eyes on me. As much as I wanted to grab her short hair and rip it off her shapeless skull, I refrained myself from doing so. I respected her mother so much, the Luna of Winter fortress besides her father Alpha Xarold was a troublesome Alpha. He had been looking for a reason to go to war with our pack. I wouldn't want to be the reason that the already strained relationship between the two powerful pack would break. I rolled my eyes at her. Everyone knew she always had a crush on Damian and when he chose to date me instead, her anger towards me intensified.

"You were with Damian weren't you?". Ellie whispered with a smug on her face.

"Of course she was, didn't you see that her lipstick is half way cleaned and her makeup looks so rough. I'm sure she made out intensely with Damian ". Lily whispered smiling. They both giggled causing a few eyes to turn to us. Oh I didn't realize I had the make out look on my face no wonder Cassidy looked as if she wanted to tear me apart. I smiled and wiped my face with the handkerchief Ellie gave me.

"If you girls don't keep quiet, I'm afraid I will be forced to ask you to see the principal ". Mr Rogers shouted at us. Lilly mummured an apology, Ellie just rolled her eyes. I didn't understand her hatred towards Me Rogers. Sure, we all hated him but Ellie despised him. I wonder why.

Ellie and Lilly had both been my best friends since third grade. We shared everything together. They were the only ones who always had my back. Our friendship was one of the many things that Cassidy envied about me. She hated the fact that she couldn't control my best friends. She tried creating hers but they just looked like her minions. Always dressing like her in an inferior way and striving to always please her.

"We should plan for our eighteenth birthday. I want it to be massive". Lilly said dreamily. It was lunch time already and we were at the cafeteria.

"What's the haste, I mean it's like eleven months away". Ellie countered.

"Nope, it is eleven months, twenty four days. And what if it's far, I just want it to be perfect, the best in the history of our pack".

"Yeah, Ellie is so right. I think we should start planning for it. I really want it to be massive. I just can't wait to see the look of defeat on Cassidy's smug face, that will be like the biggest comeback ever".

"You both are weird. I don't care if it's big or not, I just want to find my mate so that I can get away from that hellhole of a house ". Ellie shrugged her shoulders. We understood her pain even though she tries so much to hide it under the mask of being a strong woman. Her mother had died with her brother while trying to bring him into the world. Her father, in quest of a son, had mated another woman. Second chance mate were rare. The woman turned out to be a total bitch to Ellie. She always hit Ellie for any single mistake. We do pray for the woman to meet her fated mate everyday but I think the moon goddess had another plan. She just gave birth to another pup and that means, more hatred for Ellie. She hated Ellie because she looked like her mother. She and Ellie's mother were twin sisters. She had an open crush on Ellie's father but on their eighteenth birthday, he was mated to Ellie's mother instead. That was her grievance towards her sister. I wonder why Ellie's father took her as his second mate when he was aware that the woman hated his real mate. I mean it was obvious to everyone. Maybe, she bewitched him. It was even rumored that she rejected her mate when she found out that Ellie's father was going to marry her. How horrible. I just pray that Ellie should be mated to a powerful man maybe like a warrior who would save her from the claws of her evil step-mother.

"We should invite the whole pack". Lilly suggested. I was so into that idea, I wanted to prove everybody wrong. That was the only goal I wanted to achieve at my eighteenth birthday.

"Yeah and perhaps we might also invite other packs like the winter fortress". I suggested.

"I know what you're driving at Lei, you might want to keep your expectations low. Bad things happen all the time". Ellie said munching her chips. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Why are you so negative?".

"Nah, I'm not, I'm just being truthful. Bad things always happens to those who are too expectant of good things. It's an old saying ". She said nonchalantly.

"There's no such saying as that you're just so negative ". Lilly argued

"Guys stop arguing besides everything will be made clearer at our eighteenth birthday ".

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