Chapter 75. Completely Naked
Could she do it any slower??
It was like a fucking striptease.
And why was it so damn hot in here anyway?
Oh yeah...the steam from the shower. Sure. That's the story I told myself.
Topless now, Hycinth unbuttoned her pants and lowered the zip. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband, she gave a little hip wiggle as she pushed the garment down over her hips.
He gave her an approving nod and growl.
I wanted to chew one of his paws off.
The last thing to go where her pretty lace panties.
Even he couldn't stop the full body shudder that coursed through him as he drank in the shewolf in front of him.
Hycinth stared shyly, unsure what to do next.
With another dip of his head toward the shower, he made his instructions known.
Biting her lip, Hycinth opened the door and stepped inside. She moved to the left so he could join her.
So, we were really doing this?? It appeared so. I really needed to get a grip on m
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