Chapter 3

I got up around 7 am, ate my breakfast and jumped into the shower. I wore the dress that Ares gave me yesterday and curled my hair before braiding my top half. I put my make-up on and sprayed some perfume. I put on my high heels and looked at myself in the mirror.

I look.. okay.

I grabbed my bag and put my phone, cards and my powerbank. Just in case I need it. My phone rang and it’s Ares.

“Hey, I’m at the lobby. Come down.” He said and I ended the call. I walked out of my apartment with my cupcakes and went down to the lobby. He’s already opened his car window, gesturing me to get in. I walked towards him and got into the car.

“Good.” He said.

“Hi to you too.” I said sarcastically.

“I just need to act as your girlfriend right? We don-”

“Did you read the full contract?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Nope, why?”

“Read it when you get home and I’m going to help you do this today.”

“What is it?”

“There are so many rules there and what a shame that you already signed it without reading all.” I glared at him and he chuckled.

“What’s in there?”

“Trust me, I’ll help you.” He smirked and then was silent.

“What if they ask you when and where do we meet and something like that?” I asked him.

“We met in high school, that’s not lying and we met again in a reunion. I’m interested in you and I like you.. and we’ve already been dating for 2 months.”

“Your 2 months are full of hitting models.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not going to go public with you, I’m just going to show you to my family and tell them you prefer to be private because I don’t want to hurt you.” He said and I nodded.

“Which is that a big bullshit lie.”

“Why? You want to date me for real?”

“Yeah, when the chicken starts to moo.” I rolled my eyes.

“That’s what I thought because I don’t date. I don’t want to be stuck in a relationship. I want to have fun.”

“So you take them to bed?”

“Sometimes. I’m being careful, I don’t want any mini me running around just yet.”

“You’re such a weird guy. Having a relationship is a good thing and why don’t you want one?” I turned to him.

“Why don’t you have a boyfriend? Too bad in the rule number 23, no dating while we’re in this fake relationship.” He smirked

“I know that rule besides we’re in a fake relationship. What if I meet my soulmate?”

“No can’t do. Rule number 12, you can’t end the contract before it’s over.”

“You memorized it?” I looked at him in disbelief.

“Of course, I have to.” His car stopped in front of a big house. I looked at it and it’s a classic house. I got out of his car and walked inside with him. He slipped his arm around my waist before entering.

“Rule number 20, show skinship to everyone.” He kissed my cheek and it burned my skin. “Rule number 25, I get to kiss you anytime.”

“That’s not fair. I’m not your toy!” I hissed. He put his finger to my mouth and slid his arm to my waist again. He went straight to the garden.

“Granny! Happy birthday!” Ares left me to hug his grandmother and kiss her cheeks. I smiled, and Ares turned to me.

“Who is this?”

“Granny, this is Athena; she’s my girlfriend. The one that I told you about.” Ares introduced me to his grandmother.

“Hello, I’m Athena. Happy birthday. I hope you like cupcakes. I baked you some.” I said as I gave her my pink box full of cupcakes.

“Thank you so much, Athena. You can call me Lily and I’m glad that Ares decided to introduce you to me after hiding it for months.” Lily smiled and I chuckled.

“Oh my.. who is this lovely girl?” I turned to see who I assumed Ares’ mother.

“I’m Athena, Ares’ girlfriend.”

“I’m Rachel, Ares’ mother. It’s so nice meeting you, I thought he’s.. being delusional. This is his first time introducing his girlfriend to us.” She held my hands and I turned to Ares.

“Isn’t she lovely?” Ares said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Is he giving you a hard time?” Lily asked.


“Babe..” Ares whined.

“I’m kidding, he’s lovely.”

“Hello.. Hello!” A beautiful girl came into the picture and she hugged Lily.

“My beautiful granddaughter..” Lily hugged her tightly.

“Happy birthday Granny, I love you so much!” She said and Lily kissed her cheek.

“Thank you, my pumpkin.”

“Hello.” She turned to me after I greeted her.

“Vi, this is my girlfriend, Athena. Athena, this is my sister, Viola.” Ares introduced me to his sister.

“Nice to meet you, what did he do to you until you wanted to be his girlfriend?”

“Hey! That’s an insult..” Ares hissed and he kissed my cheek.

“You two are the cutest!” She squealed. “I like her already!” They all excused themselves except Ares to go greet other guests. I elbowed Ares and he looked at me confused.

“That’s for kissing and touching me.”

“Why? It’s in the-” I cut him off by linking my arms to him. Lily was walking towards us.

“Athena, you should help Viola plan her wedding. I think it would be fun for you to hang out with her.” Lily said and I turned to Ares.

“Told you..” He whispered in my ear.

“But I-”

“No buts! I like you already and I want to spend more time with you!” Lily pulled me away from Ares and he made me sit with Viola and Rachel.

“So.. Athena, where do you work?” Rachel asked.

“I just opened a restaurant, I’m a chef.” I smiled.

“A chef?” Lily turned to me.


“You have to teach me how to cook.” Viola said.

“Of course, tell me when you’re free and I can come to you and teach you.”

“Really? OMG, you’re the best!” Viola squealed.

“How about we learn it here? We can learn it together.” Rachel suggested.

Suddenly people started to fill the place and they all went to Lily to wish her a happy birthday. I sat there alone but I enjoyed the moment.

“Athena.” I turned to Ares and he gestured me to come to him.

“Babe, meet my dad. Dad, this is Athena, my girlfriend.” He introduced me to his dad and I shook his hand and hugged him briefly.


“This is a real one or.. just one of your flings?” His dad asked.

“Real one, dad. I like her a lot or else I won’t introduce her to you.”

“Good, I’m Aaron by the way.” He said and smiled. Aaron then excused himself because he had to entertain other guests. I turned to Ares and wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked at me, raising his eyebrows.

“Your grandmother is looking at us. I want to slap you so bad for today.” I said with a big smile. He slid his arms around my waist.

“Oh.. you’re going to kill me by the end of the day.”

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