Chapter 2. Can You Be a Replacement?

Yul's POV

I woke up without any clothes and my bed is so messy.

I can still remember her moaning last night but it's not vivid. Argh! But I'm done with her now. I'm getting sick of remembering it. Anyway, where is she?

"Stacey?" I called her name while wearing my brief and boxer.

I looked up at her on the balcony, comfort room, and couch, but she wasn't there. So I decided to wash my face at the sink and I almost slip.

She's here.

"Hey," I called her in my husky voice, having no emotions at all.

She's now wearing a white blouse and black jeans. Her hair is straight, and blonde; while her eyes are different. The left side was brown and the right was blue.

"Sorry, I used your kitchen to cook breakfast 'cause my tummy is rumbling in hungriness. I also made some for you. Fried rice, bacon, and egg. Hope you like it," she said with a blank face. As if she's not shy talking to me.

"Is it always your job to intrude even on the personal space of your guest?" I said it with an angry tone.

I was back again with my old self after that long night. Arrogant, selfish, entitled, and all. The last thing I remember is I went out of the VVIP room with her and then wooff, my memory was gone.

"Why so odd?" she asked, and I just smiled bitterly.

"Why? Do I have to be sweet to you?" I said.

"You're overreacting, do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?" she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Just don't do it and leave."

She didn't listen to me. Instead, she took a contact lens from her bag. I thought that her eyes were already in a contact lens. Now I know that it was real.

Black is the color of that lens, and she wore it.

What for?

"I'm using a black eye to confuse people. You know, I don't want them to know my secret job," she explained.

"Why are you explaining things as if I care?" I said it plainly.

"'Cause you're looking as if you want an answer," she confidently responded.

"You must stop assuming things," I said and drank the milk she prepared.

She was done fixing her face and her hair, so she went to the door. I thought she'd leave, but I saw her staring at me.

I looked back with a black face, "Forgot something? Make it quick, I don't wanna see that face anymore."

"I just wanted to ask you. Are rich guys always like this? So full of yourselves?" she asked that bursting me into laughter.

I went to her closely until we were only inches apart, then I rest my palm on the door to corner her.

"Is this your first time having a billionaire guest? You know what, we're always like this. The attitude I showed to you is nothing compared to my whole personality. Be thankful. Yeah, I'm arrogant, and I have the rights," I said.

"How far will your pride take you? And please," she stops for a while and slightly pushed me, "Don't get your face near me, you're pungent smell is suffocating."

"You shouldn't be acting like that. What if someday you'll gonna need me?" I teased her, "In fact, you should be thankful that I'm still talking to you. You're such a waste of time, though."

She opened the door and my nose was hit by it! Motherf*cker b*tch!

"Hey! Watch it!" I said while holding my hurt nose.

"Didn't you know? THAT someday you were talking about had already happened. I needed you, and I need someone like you. Billionaire who's willing to pay me in exchange for sex. It's true and I admit it. But if it's you AGAIN, well, not anymore. Mark my word, I will never come to you again."

Stacey's POV

After doing my work with that weird, arrogant, insolent, entitled, and rich guy, I went straight to my school.

Yes, I'm still studying. I couldn't finish college 'cause I need to sacrifice and provide money for my family to study and eat.

I only took TESDA with a Caregiving course at Pony University so I could finally have a decent job.

"I don't want that offer," I said to Mr. Bald, who has been asking me to fill in. The contract needed a gorgeous woman with foreign blood. If I agree to this, I need to stop studying, get married to an arrogant guy, and provide him with a baby. I'm pretty enough to fill in the 'runaway fiancée '.

"You will earn a beautiful amount of money once you accepted the offer. Except for the 1 million pesos final payment, your family will receive a 40k pesos allowance and you will have 10k as well every month until you give birth. Aside from that, you will also receive a house and lot in Korea. What? Aren't you convinced?" he said. He almost got me! Huhu. I want to accept the offer.

"Argh! Why do I need to get married if I could just give him a child?" I said.

"Reputation of family Servano is in that marriage contract hands. The Servano family has a lot of enemies so for sure, once they find out some humiliating information about Servano, it will gonna be the end. Also, you will not receive the payment they promised. They just needed your trust," he said.

I now realize how powerful that family is.

"Just let me think before giving my decisions. It's tough," I said. I'm thinking about Cygnus. He proposed to me last night, what am I gonna do? He doesn't have the money to provide for my family's needs. I don't want to settle yet with him, but I felt guilty.

"What's keeping you from agreeing?" he asked.

"I might get damn. You said they don't want a hostess, right? So just let me think. Leave it to me. Until I know the perfect plans," I said.

I bid goodbye to Mr. Bald-- I mean, Mr. Oliver, after the meeting.

Kate is calling while I'm in a meeting, until now, so I answered it.

"Hey? Why'd you called? You knew I've been to a meeting, right?"

"AHHG! Finally, you answered! Where are you?" she asked through a call.

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