Chapter 4

Even though this nerd is just that, he doesn’t have a problem with grades like I do.

Yes he doesn’t have a sense of fashion but he’s smart. Only a few are so smart in the world, the others are just feeling.

“It’s good if you don’t bother with grades. While I’m here, I seem to be worried about graduating, why is that? Why is it doubtful when I get a high score? Can’t I just study?”

Now that I am perfect they are questioning me as well as my downfall they are still questioning me!

What is it really?!

Why the mess of their brains?!

“If you’re going to r-retake the exams. You should start studying right now.” Aniya.

“That’s why I brought you here …” I paused and stood up, “Will you help me again Magnus?”

“I-I can’t …” he looked away.

My forehead furrowed. “What why?”

I can’t believe this! Did he just?

Did he reject me? A Celiza Carosca?

This nerd is something!

“I p-promise to help Aira with her projects after class.”

Ugh! That ugly girl is really getting on my nerves!

“Oh come on Magnus! You can do that! I need you,” I said.

“I don’t b-break promises.”

“There’s always a first time for everything.”

“I can’t.”

I sighed. “If you help me I’ll return the favor.”

“I-I don’t think you could help me in anything—”

Fuck him! He’s so full of himself.

Reality check!

He needs my fashion style and sense.

And he’s probably a virgin…

“Do me a favor and I’ll do you.”


My eyes stared on thin lips.

“You haven’t kissed someone have you?”

“W-why is this what we’re talking about?”

“You’re a virgin.” I said.

“There’s n-nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah sure,” I agreed, “But will you let yourself know nothing about that thing? I’m not saying you should lose your purity to someone but I would make a difference if you know how to make her happy.”

“I-I don’t—” I cut him off.

“I’ll teach you how …” I paused, “for us to be even. You’ll help me with school things and I’ll help you how to—”

“I d-don’t understand—”

“You’ll need it in the future, Magnus. You’re lucky because I’ll still be teaching you.” I rested my hand on my hips.

He gulped.

“And don’t tell me you’re not doing yourself because I caught you.” I smirked.

“Uh …” he stared at the ground.

“Let’s call it a deal. Are you in Magnus?”

“H-help you but don’t even teach me—”

“Deal.” I smirked and grabbed his hand then shook it.

“This time you’ll be my student.”


“Bitch! I heard you’re going to retake exams?” It’s Bea, one of my best friends.

“Yes! I did a review and then they questioned me now! It’s a brain mess! Porket I’m not in the top, they doubt that my grades are high! If they only knew that the top they were bleeding! Deceivers! Bwisets!” I said in disgust.

“Bitch! Calm yourself. It’s okay to review right again. If you can!” she bantered.

“You know if I’m in front of you now I’m really going to hit you! You’re a bitch too! Even you!” I said in disgust to her.

“This isn’t funny!” She says laughing.

“Bitch! I have something to meet you! Omg I’m sure you will like it!” This promise is thrilling.

What could that be? I’m used to being called the two of us. At school, people get distracted when we talk, especially when we call a bitch.

“What’s that? It must be good!”

“Of course!” she said.

She is rich, now she is in Boracay and just on vacation. She also went to Japan in the past.

Her family is wealthy, she can get and do everything she wants. I used to live like her… I used to have that life before…

“All right. I’ll go down and review. Enjoy there.” I say goodbye to him.

“Oh, yes I will! Good luck!” The answer is this.

I calmed myself. I took a deep breath. I can’t disappoint my parents.

I need to pass.


I lay down softly. I stared at the ceiling. This condo is bigger and more fancy than our house.

Infairnes, the style of his condo is modern, the equipment will obviously be expensive, not just casual.

His condo is pleasing to eyes. He was definitely not the one to design it because Magnus had no taste for it.

Magnus arrived just in time. The door spat on him.

“You’re late.”

“S-sorry. Someone took care of l-lang—”

“Whatever, let’s start.”

We have already started reviewing.

“You need to focus. Your brain can’t fly anywhere because there’s really no p-point going in there and you don’t remember anything,” he said. It’s bossy when it comes to learning.

How come my brain doesn’t fly, it’s sleepy to review!

“Yes, start now.” I said irritably to him.

As he rummaged through his bag, my gaze turned to his pants.

Is that skinny too?

Maybe, because he was thin and lacked nutrition that part of him because the food he ate just went to the brain and nothing went there, he definitely didn’t really know.

So he really needed to teach me. I can’t remember what it looked like because he covered it immediately when I caught him in the bathroom.

Wait, why am I thinking that?!

Bwiset oh!

I need to review thoroughly!

An hour later almost nothing entered my brain!

I sighed. “Let’s stop first! My brain can’t memorize as much as before.”

“Are you s-sure you want to stop?” This is a question.

My eyebrow raised. “Why? Is it forbidden?”

“Nope, maybe you’re just wasting your time, you just have a limited time you know.” When he informs me as if I don’t know.

“Yes … I know but my brain is getting tired, maybe my brain will have blank spots in the next review rest first.”

He did nothing but agree, I lay on the bed while he continued to read next to me.

“Magnus!” I shouted at him for a reason to turn him away from me.

I lay down on the bed.

“I said let’s rest first, I mean you too!” I told him.

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