Chapter 2. Our Wedding

Diva’s feet ached as she fell into a chair, out of breath. The church was great and admirable. Her eyes scanned the crowded room full of women adorned beautifully in bridal dresses. She released a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of security wash over her; no one could trace her here.

“Here’s your token.” A woman handed Diva a black piece of paper. “Now go and put your gown on,” she instructed Diva and pushed her toward the dressing room.

She questioned, “What? Why are you handing me this paper? What are you talking ab-” Diva stopped midway when she spotted that murderer from the corner of her eye. “Oh my God!” She hid behind the curtains of the dressing room, breathing heavily.

Another woman poked her shoulder from behind, scaring the crap out of her, and snatched the token from her hand. “Number seven? That’s a lucky number,” the woman muttered, handing a white gown to Diva. “Change into this. You probably don’t need makeup; you’re naturally beautiful, though you are very late. Put on a veil. It’s church rules for the brides,” she instructed.

“What bride?” Diva breathed out, completely baffled by the people around her. The woman furrowed her eyebrows, crossing her arms against her chest. “You are mistaken. I am not a bride, I-” catching a glimpse of the guy in the blue suit from her peripheral view, Diva changed her mind almost immediately, “I’m the bride. Please, show me where the changing room is. Hurry!”

The woman smiled before motioning toward the changing room, thinking that she was getting cold feet before her wedding.

After Diva changed from her blue jumpsuit into a fit-and-flare wedding gown and hid her face with a veil, she briefly looked at the mirror. The skirt flared out above the knee, hugging her body through the chest and waist, while being a little more forgiving through the hips, derriere, and thighs. She was satisfied with the way she looked. “That criminal won’t be able to identify me now, and I’ll run away as soon as I get a chance.”

“It’s about time, girls!” the familiar woman, who gave her the gown, announced.

There were many brides, wearing similar, plain wedding gowns. Most of them were smiling through their veils, probably happy to start a new life. Diva tried to go in a different direction, but the woman grabbed her hand with a, “Stay in line, number seven.”

Sighing, Diva followed the other brides, hoping not to get caught and killed by the murderer somewhere in the crowd.


Blaze was trying to maintain a low profile, hiding from the hitman who followed him inside. That’s why, even though he wasn’t a big fan of crowds, he was going along with the crowd of grooms. Since he was wearing a black suit, he decided to blend in with them.

A blond man handed him a token. “Here’s your number. Go and stand there,” ordered the blond, gesturing to a forming line.

Though before Blaze could ask any further questions, the organizer took his token from his hand and murmured, “Seven is a nice number. You are very lucky. Come, follow me.”

Blaze didn’t want to follow him, but when his eyes fell on a second gunman, who was yet to discover him, Blaze obediently followed the priest and stood in line. One by one, every groom was being called toward the aisle to say their ‘I do’s.

Realizing that he still had his cell phone, Blaze took it out and was about to text Vyan when the priest called out, “Number seven.”

“You are number seven, dude. Go!” Blaze was pushed by the groom behind him.


Diva was standing in the aisle, a simple white wedding dress and a veil were the only things saving her from being spotted. In the corner of her eyes, she could still see the criminal wearing a blue suit looking for her while trying to hide his weapon from the other churchgoers.

“What is your name?” asked the priest, looking at Diva.

She answered hesitantly, “Diva Adler.”

The priest nodded and turned to Blaze. He already knew Blaze Hudson; he was, after all, famous.

Everyone was chattering in the background, seeing the famous Blaze Hudson getting married based on a token number. Some started recording with their phones.

The church bells were ringing in full swing as the priest conducted the ceremony: “Do you take Diva Adler, as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”

Blaze was well aware that he was trapped. It was either die or get married. Of course, he would rather marry a stranger than die at this age, leaving his career in the dust. Not to forget, he would be humiliated in front of all these people and ruin his public image. He muttered, “I do.”

Diva was beyond shocked, dumbfounded as to why someone had agreed to marry her – a complete stranger. But then again, it was a mass wedding. The person opposite her probably wanted to get married; unlike her, this person wanted to find his soulmate, like the other brides and grooms in the church. It was a holy place, where people met their soulmates and prayed to God. Then why was she escaping from a criminal in such a place?

“Do you take Blaze Hudson, as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?” the priest continued.

Running away wasn’t an option anymore. She was stuck. It took her a lot of effort to deceive Vyan’s wolf eyes. Having no other choice, she exhaled a deep breath and said, “I do.”

Blaze’s eyes grew wider, not believing he really got married at that moment instead of being with his brother. He wasn’t supposed to be here, he wasn’t supposed to get married, yet there he was.

Blaze regretted ever stepping out of his office.

“I now pronounce you: husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” As soon as these words escaped the priest’s mouth, the crowd cheered, congratulating the newlyweds.

The other newlyweds around them were already making their way out of the church, grins across their faces, all excited to start their new lives together. It was the complete opposite for Diva and Blaze.

When the gunman chasing Blaze suspiciously glanced at them, Blaze was removing the veil of his bride, pulling her into a kiss.

How could simple things change peoples’ lives? Diva and Blaze thought that their lives were over. But who knew, this was only the beginning?

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