Chapter 3

Adrian had already finished three bottles of beer at the nightclub tonight. He couldn't stop looking around to find the mysterious man.

"Hey, bartender. Are you sure the man who is supposed to meet me will come to this club?"

"Yes, he comes here often. You need to wait."

Adrian sighed, reached into his pocket to pull out money, and handed it to the bartender. "Three more bottles."

Despair enveloped Adrian. Today was his worst day, with his financial report worsening, plus the strangeness happening to his body. Adrian just wanted to meet the mysterious man as soon as possible.

"You're still alive, huh?"

A whisper in his ear made Adrian turn his head, and he saw the mysterious man standing beside him with a wide smile.

"What the fuck are you doing with my life?!" Adrian pointed angrily at the man.

"Didn't I tell you? You need to wait. He will come every night."

Adrian grabbed a bottle of beer handed to him by the bartender and drank it in one go. He then stood up and approached the mysterious man.

"I need your explanation! I can ruin your life! You will rot and die in jail!"

"You wish. You won't do it. By the way, I appreciate your courage to wait for me and your ability to come back to life. You're an outcast now; congrats!"

Adrian furrowed his brow and grabbed the man's collar, saying again, "Explain it normally! Dumbass!"

"You're a vampire now, but in the low tier. You need fresh blood to keep you alive. You will die if you don't get it. Also, your body will burn if it is exposed to sunlight."

Adrian punched the man in the face. He felt played with and trapped. His anger made the man stumble, surprising the people around them.

"Hey, dude! Don't make a scene here!" the bartender shouted.

Adrian pulled the man's collar and kicked him, saying, "Let's settle this outside!"

The man didn't resist; he smiled widely as Adrian kicked his body into a dark alley beside the club. But as the darkness of the alleyway welcomed them, the man immediately turned his body around and grabbed Adrian's neck with one hand. Long black nails and fangs appeared again.

"I won't hesitate to crush you to dust. It will be easier for me to kill you since you're an outcast!"

"Fuck you!" Adrian struggled to free himself from the man's grip.

The mysterious man then threw Adrian's body to the ground.

"You should be grateful for this. You should have died! Unfortunately, you became an outcast because you disrupted my ritual last night," the man grabbed Adrian's body and slammed him against the wall, "outcasts are the lowest tier of vampires. Blood and night are your life. Your body will crumble if you don't follow your desire to consume blood."

Adrian's breath quickened; the reality he faced was so terrifying. Slowly, his energy to fight the mysterious man disappeared.

"But, you can still get what you want. Ten virgin girls' blood will help you increase your wealth; you must do it every two years. otherwise, everything will be in vain. Even though you failed, your blood was enough to add to my strength overnight. I appreciate it. Don't do anything stupid to me again; we're done."

The mysterious man moved deeper into the dark hallway and disappeared without a trace. Meanwhile, Adrian was still stunned and digesting every word he left behind.

"10 virgin girls' blood? What the fuck... Shit!"


Adrian walked lazily towards his apartment. His head started thinking hard about how to get virgin girls' blood.

"Where can I find it? It's 2018; there are no virgins in New York!"

Adrian threw himself onto the bed. He took out his phone from his pants pocket and checked every contact he had.

"No way, I can't possibly kill people around me. I need to meet new people and do it as neatly as possible! Wait...."

Adrian's hand quickly unlocked his phone. His eyes lit up as he looked at a dating app on his phone menu.

He began changing his profile picture with a fake picture he got from the internet. He changed his name and everything he wrote about himself so no one knew his identity.

Several women started matching with him. Adrian openly asked about virginity in messages, but the answers he got were always the same.

'Virgin? Come on, thanks to my senior high school teacher!'

"Damn it! One hour, 15 girls, and I didn't get a single virgin! Where else do I have to look?"

He received a match notification again. Adrian was tired. Without hesitation, he immediately sent a message to the blonde girl.

'Virgin or not?'

'Virgin. I'm waiting for someone who will take my virginity.'

A grin spread across Adrian's face. What he had been waiting for had finally arrived—a virgin girl waiting for a man. Of course, Adrian didn't waste any time. They arranged to meet now. Adrian will pick up the girl at the bus stop near her house.

"I will take back all my glory. This is not too bad!"


Adrian planned it perfectly. For disguise, he used a fake license plate that he already had to fool his ex-girlfriend when he dated other women. Adrian smiled wider when he discovered the area he was picking up was a quiet residential area that allowed him to play perfectly.

A beautiful woman in a yellow dress and a spotted leopard coat stands at the bus stop. Her body scent is so different. Adrian's eyes quickly turn red, and his black nails appear.

“No! No! I must hold on until we get to the right place!” he mutters.

Adrian honks the horn twice, and the girl immediately gets off the bus stop and enters the car. Adrian is worried because her face is different from the photo he used.

“Hey,” Adrian greets her.

The girl is startled when the door opens, and Adrian is ready to force her in if she wants to cancel their date. However, the girl instead smiles widely and gets into the car.

“Hey! Sorry, I was a little surprised because you are very different from what's in the photo. Why did you use someone else's photo? I mean, you're gorgeous!”

“Well, I'm a little insecure. That's why I asked my friend to find me a date. I didn't know if he was using a dating app; I thought you were his friend.”

The smile on the woman's face changes. “Wait a minute! You mean, you don't know anything about his messages?”

“Yeah, I don't know. Before we discuss it further, can we go now?” The girl nods. The car soon drives off, breaking the silence of the suburban housing area.

“Okay, so, what did my friend say to you?”

“This is embarrassing! He asked me if I was a virgin or not. Then, I told him that I was waiting for a man to take my virginity. You know, the stupid game we played in high school, I'm embarrassed to be the only woman still sealed among my circle. Even I've told them I'll get a prize from a man tonight...” The girl looks disappointed.

“Hey, you don't have to worry. If you want it, we can do it.”

“Really? I'm so happy to meet a handsome man like you. But, because I need it, I'll be very happy if it becomes a reality.”

“Of course. Who wouldn't want to be the first to leave a mark on your body? But I'm someone who likes silence. Can we do it at my favourite lake?”

“Oh, my God! Lake, quiet place, moon, and sex? That is so perfect! You can speed up!”


Adrian increases the speed of his car, the scent of her body driving him crazy and entering his soul. His mind is already filled with blood.


“I can't take it anymore!”

The girl was about to kiss Adrian when they arrived at the lake. However, Adrian stopped her and said, "Hold on, baby. I want to do it under the moon. Not in the car."

"Okay, then, quickly!"

The girl opened her coat and got out of the car. Adrian opened the car window and said,

"Close your eyes facing the lake. I want to give you a touch that you will never forget."

"Got it!"

Adrian's fangs, eyes, and nails began to change. He exited the car and approached the girl who had followed his orders. Adrian gently caressed the girl's smooth shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Are you ready?"

The girl nodded. "Yeah, just do it now!"

Adrian's hand covered the girl's mouth while his fangs pierced and tore her neck. Adrian's strength when he covered the girl's mouth made her scream unheard. In just a moment, the girl had lost all her blood and died.

Adrian looked satisfied; he wiped his lips, which were still covered in blood. The effect he felt was so real all his anxieties disappeared.

"So tasty! Thank you, blonde girl."

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