Chapter 5

With her bright red lips and neatly tied hair, Emily was ready, standing in a corner of the parking lot, engrossed in her phone.

Emily's beauty easily dazzled Adrian's gaze. His eyes immediately focused on the pretty woman, especially with Emily's captivating scent filling the air tonight.

"Oh my, this scent... I'm not sure how long I can resist the temptation to inhale it," Adrian took a deep breath as he walked, trying to calm his mind and not show any suspicious behavior.

However, Adrian's mind was noisy, imagining Emily's screams as he sank his fangs into her body. These wild thoughts had been playing in his mind since earlier in the afternoon.


In the midst of his tumultuous thoughts, Emily flashed a sweet smile at him. She shifted her gaze from her phone and approached Adrian, who had now stopped between the cars near them.

"You look beautiful. Do you have a spare outfit? I remember you weren't wearing this when you were working," Adrian observed Emily from head to toe. His admiration and desire to kill her increased drastically.

Emily's physical beauty was undeniable. His heart raced, the scent of her body and blood becoming even more pronounced. If there were no people in this parking lot, Adrian would have chosen to end Emily's life right away.

"Yes, that's one fun fact about me. I always prepare at least one spare outfit in my bag in case I need to leave or attend something unexpectedly. By the way, are we going now?"

"Yeah, sure. Come on; my car is over there. I forgot to tell you to wait in front."

"Then how did you find me here?" Emily gazed at Adrian intently.

Of course, Adrian couldn't tell her that he was able to find her from her strong scent. Adrian chuckled and said, "I just went around the parking lot. I don't have any special abilities to find a woman, even one as beautiful as you."

"You're much more interesting than being a leader at the office, Mr. Adrian."

"Just call me by my name. We're not working right now. And this is my first time flirting in a parking lot between these two cars."

Adrian and Emily laughed together. They were both trapped in an unusual feeling, both admiring each other. However, Adrian had something else in mind that Emily certainly should have considered.


A Japanese restaurant became their main destination. Emily's charm melted Adrian's heart, who had planned to end her life quickly. His heart, which a woman's arrival hadn't touched for a long time, urged him to enjoy their date tonight.

Moreover, what's even more interesting is that Adrian is trapped in a conversation that manages to overshadow his desire to suck Emily's blood.

"I didn't expect us to have the same taste in music. I rarely meet men who honestly talk about their preferences. Most would lie to spend time with the women they're interested in. Let's say, for sex. It's sad, but that's the reality. Hahaha! Men's minds are only focused on sex! Haha!"

Emily took a sip of sake from the glass on the table. Her face looked flushed; this was her fifth glass since they arrived. One could say she was starting to enter the drunken phase, as she was already having difficulty controlling herself during her ramblings.

She was now leaning against the wall, closing her eyes.

"You're drunk enough; I think you don't need to drink anymore, Emily. We should go home."

Adrian was now trapped in two considerations: taking her home and forgetting about Emily's blood or taking her home and sucking all the blood from Emily's body. On the other hand, he had a considerable attraction to Emily, and he also felt a sense of pity.

"I have to try to kill her first. After all, the target of 10 virgin bloods must be realized soon."

That determination in Adrian's mind prompted him to immediately embrace Emily's body, which was now leaning against the wall while smiling broadly.

"Where are we going, Adrian? I still want to be here, Haha!"

Emily's loud voice caused some other patrons to glance in their direction. Adrian patiently embraced and guided Emily to walk without stumbling. His desire to suck Emily's blood grew stronger.

Whether it was because of alcohol or not, one thing was sure: her body scent had increased dramatically and was far more enticing than before.

"Forgive me, Emily," Adrian muttered, quickly putting the woman's body into his car.

The black car sped off towards the city's outskirts, specifically to a forest at the border. Adrian was truly racing against time; he couldn't wait to enjoy Emily's blood.

After half an hour, Adrian's car arrived at the secluded forest. He immediately turned off the car and looked around; no one else was himself.

"Okay, I have to be quick. There's a lake nearby where I can dispose of Emily's body," he murmured.

Long fangs and claws started to appear. Adrian grinned and leaned his head towards Emily's neck, which was leaning in the car seat. They were very close when Emily suddenly turned her head and opened her eyes, smiling at Adrian.

"Adrian, have we arrived?"

Adrian's focus was disturbed, and his fangs and claws disappeared instantly. Emily, still intoxicated, was hanging on Adrian's neck affectionately.

"I don't want to go home; come with me, Adrian..." Emily whispered to Adrian.

"Yes, we've arrived. I'll take you home. Wait, I'll open the door."

Adrian wanted to save time; he quickly got out of the car and strategized to gain control over Emily.

His fangs and claws reappeared as he opened the car door and carried Emily's body. However, what he discovered now was even more shocking.

Emily, who was embracing his neck, suddenly kissed him passionately and aggressively. Once again, Adrian's fangs and claws disappeared. Adrian tried to evade, but Emily was much faster in reclaiming his lips.

"Let's do something crazy tonight, Adrian... I need your body. Touch me!"

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