Chapter 5. The Injury Time

The doctor pointed the ultrasound device into my stomach so that finally everyone in the room could see what was happening.

“Congratulations, Miss Claire, you are just pregnant.”

“P-pregnant? But why?” Jake looks shocked.

I saw an aura of sadness and disappointment that was very deep on Jake’s handsome face, he seemed emotional and looked angry, he can’t control his feelings.

“But who is the baby daddy?” The doctor asks them.

“That’s me, doctor.” Ethan raises his hand.

“Okay, good, this baby is very healthy, but I’ve never seen a baby move so strong and agile like this before.”

“So what will happen next to her and the baby?” Ethan looks confused.

“Nothing bad will happen to Miss Claire and her baby, I will prescribe medicine to relieve the severe pain she is feeling and make her baby stronger that will be better.”

“Okay, thank you so much, Doctor.” Ethan looks so happy.

But the happiness didn’t last long because Jake just punched Ethan hard and left a blue mark on his handsome face.

“Why did you do that to Claire? Do you want to ruin her future? She was a very determined and ambitious girl, unlike you, just a spoiled man who will become the heir to the billionaire’s throne.”

“Shut up your mouth, Jake! You don’t understand anything. Claire is my mate and that’s recommended for her to have my baby as our future generations.”

“You are such a lunatic!” Jake returned to fight Ethan hard.

“Don’t be a hypocrite Jake, you must do all the same if you were in my position too, Claire is also incredibly hot, you must be envy I already take the most precious thing on her.”

Jake didn’t answer Ethan and kept attacking him, he looks so angry.

“Just finish our business outside now!” Jake shouted.

“No please, I’m so sorry for anything that happened Jake, please forgive me, I never know this will happen to me.” I can’t stop crying and feels so emotional.

“I never really blame you, Claire, this, must all be because of that lunatic young man’s fault? But please I want you to stay together and start my life with you, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

I can’t stop crying in Jake’s warm embrace, this feels so bad for me, I feel like the real traitor that didn’t deserve him.

I feel so dirty and hate myself, I can’t stop venting my disappointment over everything that has happened.

And lulled by Ethan’s seduction that drove me almost insane, I felt so sorry for hurting Jake.

“It’s useless for you to do all that, Jake, the two of us will soon get married and live together.”

“That’s so wrong, and you’re her stepbrother.”

“No, she was my Luna.”

As soon as the doctor finished preparing the medicine for me, Ethan took me away with him, into his car.

But Jake kept holding us, and he kept knocking on Ethan’s car door.

Ethan continued to drive at high speed until he finally stopped the car in a very dark forest.

Ethan got out of the car, and he immediately launched an attack on Jake.

Jake became increasingly emotional, and he quickly launched attacks on Ethan’s body several times.

But Ethan still stood tall, and he looked strong and continued to do the counterstrike to Jake.

“Please stop your fighting, you can’t keep fighting like that, Stopped!” I can’t stop screaming at them, I feel so shaking.

“Okay Claire, I will go with you, I want to avoid dealing with a freak like Jake, we have to be strong and raise our baby together.”

“Claire is my girlfriend, and we will live together once she gave birth!” Jake shouted.

“Stop meddling in my business! Just living in your dream world, Jake.”

Then Ethan immediately took me away, I felt so sad, and my heart broke for leaving Jake who looked so angry.

I don’t know what will happen between my relationship and Jake, but I still love him very much.

I regret everything that has happened, and I hope that things don’t happen like this in the past.

If only I could go back in time, I would leave Ethan and not be swayed by his seductions.

But Ethan is so intoxicating to me and I could feel our strong bonds, on the worst part I think I fall in love with him.

Once at the mansion, Ethan help me to clean myself, I feel an extraordinary warmth every time I’m with him.

But I still can’t forget about Jake, I still want him, I hope that he still loves me.

“Claire, what are you thinking? You must be thinking about Jake, I know about that, you better forget all about him and start your life with me.”

I just kept staring at him, without saying any word, and Jake grabbed my hands, caressing my hair.

“Claire, deep inside me, I want you. Please appreciate my feelings for you and accept me, I will give you anything that makes you happy.”

I find it very difficult to accept everything that Ethan has said to me, I’m still madly in love with Jake.

Then suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from outside, and I tried to investigate everything that was going on.

But I suddenly saw a young man who seemed to be about the same age as me, but he looked very panicked and serious.

“Ethan, there is an attack by another Alpha, we must be able to deal with all of them immediately because they are trying to sneak into our place.”

“What do you mean by all this? I never understood what happened.” I feel so confused with all those tragedies that happened.

“I’ll tell you everything that happened later, Claire! I can’t say right now. Come on, follow me!”

“E-Ethan, I feel unable to get up, my stomach hurts so bad!” I’m limping, and the pain is unbearable.

“Claire, hold my hands. I will carry you.” Ethan lends his hand to me.

Then I saw the figure of a giant wolf that entered the inside of Ethan’s mansion, breaking the window’s glasses and shattering everything.

“Jake. Stay away from us.”

Ethan immediately ran quickly to take me to a place that felt cold and dark.

“W-where am I?”

“This is a hidden base in this mansion, you will be safe from all those vicious werewolves.”

“What werewolves? But how about you, Ethan?” I feel shocked and shaking.

“I will be okay, don’t worry, I’ll get back to you soon.” Ethan kissed my forehead, and then he ran fast to attack all the werewolves. 

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