Chapter 2

Elina's POV

A few weeks later, I began to throw up continuously. As a werewolf, we rarely take ill, so I felt a little bit under the weather when my nanny became so worried and wanted to tell my parents. I kept pleading with her not to bother them with that while we observed; it could just be stress, I told her.  

It took only one night to destroy everything I have known. I know I will not be able to hide from this shame; sooner or later, my parents will learn that I am pregnant.  We lived in the city of werewolves, the valley city. The entire population was made up of only werewolves, comprising three packs for the three different territories. 

My father is the alpha of the shadow moon packs, the second-strongest and largest in the entire community.  After spending weeks sick without improvement, my father brought me to the pack doctor to find out exactly what was wrong with me. He is very worried and just can't see me strong again. I am his only daughter and the future Luna of my pack, which is coming up in a couple of weeks when I will be turning 18.  The looks on my father's face kept freaking me out of fear; he could hardly smile at anyone, and all that mattered was me getting better; he couldn't afford to lose his only daughter, the supposed future Luna of the shadow moon pack. 

"Doctor, please. She has been sick for weeks now. Could you please run some tests on her?"  "If I had a way of speaking to the pack doctor, I would; this news is going to be catastrophic, I thought."     "She is pregnant; she is two weeks pregnant." The pack doctor said  My heart entered my stomach upon hearing his words, and from the seat where I sat, my father threw a glance at me for a second while returning it back to the pack. I can't be pregnant because it happened in one night, and I have no memory of how it happened.    

"Rerun the test; my daughter is not pregnant. She hasn't even found her mate yet; she is barely seventeen and would be turning eighteen in a few weeks."  I wish this was just a mere dream. One of the rules we, the she-wolves, made is that no she-wolf should sleep with a man who is not her mate, and every she-wolf carries this rule like a badge, as it is an honor every she-wolf wished for. I am not just an ordinary member of the pack; I am the daughter of the pack's Alpha, meaning that every consequence this action brings, I will be duly obliged to accept. I will shame my family and my entire pack. What have I done?    

"Alpha I have done the test twice now, and it still says positive." Our pack doctor tells him this. My father's trust and confidence in me instilled guilt and disappointment all over my body. Could it be that he knows the truth but doesn't want to accept it?    

A few minutes later, my mother, Beta Lia, walked into where we were seated. She was very restful; at least she would calm him down. My mother is seen as the most beautiful beta our pack has had in years. She is strong, resilient, accommodating, and submissive, just like every other beta our packs have had in the last few years. Looking at me, she shook her head and held my father's hand.  "This can't be! My father screamed aloud. My daughter is not a rogue whore; this result is not hers; there must be a mistake somewhere.  Rogue whores are she-wolves that sleep with a wolf that is not their mate. One of the consequences of being a rogue whore is that you will be sent away from the territory, stripped of your wolf's powder, and will become vulnerable and weak to defend yourself from monsters, except if you are lucky enough to find yourself a mate, which is not always possible."

My mother could not absorb the pack doctor's words; she began to cry. She walked up to me to hear what I had to say.  "Who is the father of this child you are carrying? Does he even have status? Hope is not an Omega wolf, because not only would your dad reject you, he would pronounce a curse on you for falling pregnant in the Omega pack. After everything your father and I have done for you, this is your payback, to bring shame to our family."     My heart began to beat out of my chest. What worries me the most is how he would react when he found out that the father of my child is his biggest rival.  My father requested that the pack doctor rerun the test again; he trusted me so much and was ready to turn on me.   

A few minutes later, the pack doctor came at it again: "My Alpha, your daughter is pregnant; all six different tests I ran on her confirmed it."  "You can't be pregnant right; there must be a mistake somewhere." My father said to me. My father was always proud of me; he would always take me out to events just to show me off, and he brags amongst his fellow alphas about how nice I was. Unfortunately, I have ruined it all.  Looking at me in a disdainful manner, I could feel his rage from where I was seated. He groaned; his face looked like veins were about to explode from it; I could hear his heartbeat; and his eye color began to change to red. He was struggling not to shift because he could harm me. How do I even protect myself? I haven't shifted yet; everyone in the family was expecting it to happen on my eighteenth birthday. Unfortunately, I can't shift because of the baby's life. I would rather remain like this than hurt my baby. I have never seen my dad angry in that manner.  He looked on the verge of killing me as my face was mirrored in his black orbs.   

"Can we run a scan to know how many weeks she is gone? We need to take care of this now before it gets too late." He said to the pack doctor. Immediately I stood up and came closer to them, saying, "No, father, that is not an option at all; I can't kill an innocent child; besides, it is a sin against the moon goddess."     "You know I could forgive you; things will go normal again; we keep it a secret so no one has to know, and you will be able to take over your position as the leader of our pack."   

"Doctor, please get your instruments ready; she is not keeping this monstrosity. I am the alpha of the shadow moon pack; no one questions my authorization, not even you. Are you aware of the consequences of keeping this baby? Apart from being a rogue whore, you lose your wolf powers with time." Fear encapsulated my entire being upon hearing this.   

"What about the unknown beast that attacks our territory at night?" "We are still training gammas for this operation to uncover this beast, and now I will have my only daughter devoured by the beast."  "Take it or live it; if you don't terminate this pregnancy, I will disown you. That is what the law says, and as an Alpha's daughter, you are not exempted."

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