Chapter 2

"Yes! I'm on my way now!" I told my assistant to quickly get me a car because we need to sign an agreement between 50 companies that decided to join the collaboration. I already discussed it with my dad and he agreed.

I walked to the lobby of my office and my phone rang.


"Dakota." I was going to hang up but..

"Don't! Don't hang up please.." Mark begged. Mark is my ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him because I caught him texting with another girl. He cheated on me.


"Let's meet up, I'm in LA." He said and I wanted to laugh so bad.

"No." I ended the call and got inside my car. Today, my driver drove me there because I'm not in the mood to drive myself. I'm so tired these days and I just got home from Singapore yesterday.

I went straight to Fort company again to sign the contract so the project can start sooner. I walked inside and waited for the kift to come.

"Look who's here, miss feisty." I froze for a second but decided to ignore him.

"I'm pretty sure you're not deaf or mute." He said but I kept ignoring him. There's no use interacting with him. The lift door opened and I got inside. I pressed the 3rd floor and Nico stood in front of me looking at me curiously.

"You're something." He narrowed his eyes and I looked up to him.

"Get off." I pushed him out of the lift.

"What did I do to you? I just want to know your name, is it that hard?" He protested and suddenly an idea popped out of my mind.

I walked to Mr. West's office and he kept wanting to come in too.

"Dakota, how are you?" He asked while Nico just entered the room. Now that he knows my name, I wish he can have an instant flashback.

"I'm fine, thank you. How about you?" I asked.

"Great! Tell your dad to come here, I miss drinking with him." He joked and I smiled.

"I'll let him know!"

"Hello Nico." He turned to him.

"How are you, Frank?"

"I'm good. So you two are going to sign right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes." Nico answered.

"Here read it first, if you have questions, feel free to ask. I need to make a quick phone call." Frank said and I nodded.

"Dakota." Nico called me.


"Let me introduce myself.." I turned to him and raised my eyebrows.

"Nico Callahan." He put his hand out and I looked at him.

"You know that my name is Dakota right?" I asked and I slapped his hand instead of taking it.

"So childish."

"What do you want?"

"I want-"

"Do you have any questions?" Frank entered the room and I turned to the contract. I read it fast and I trusted Frank, he's been my dad's partner for years.

"Yeah." I said. I signed it and I could feel my head hurt all of a sudden. I gave Frank the paper and stood up.

"Can't wait to work together." I said as I put my hand out.

"Thank you, Dakota. I can't wait too." He said and I walked out of the office. I walked slowly towards the lift and I felt so dizzy. I pressed the lift button and took a step back but almost fell if someone didn't catch me.

"Are you okay?" Nico asked and I turned to him. I pushed his hand away.

"I was being nice.." He said coldly.

"I don't need you to be nice." I said and the lift door opened. I walked inside and I'm guessing that my blood sugar is low.

"Careful." He caught me again.

"Where is your house?" He asked and I shook my head. I took out my phone and walked out from the lift.

"Look, I'm trying to be-"

"Don't! I don't need your help, I don't need you to be nice. Please just stay away!" I yelled at him but not too loud. I walked again and suddenly I felt so weak.

Nico caught me again but this time our face was just an inch away.

"Don't be a bitch this time, I want to help you." He put his arm around my waist to help me stand. I felt my head was so heavy. Nico brought me to his car and helped me to sit in the passenger seat. I closed my eyes.

"Where is your house?" He asked and I opened my eyes.

"Can you just drop me at the hospital?" I asked and he nodded. He got into the car and drove towards the hospital. The whole car ride was silent. When we arrived at the hospital, he parked his car right in front of the emergency room.

"I can go in by myself, thank you." I said as I grabbed my bag.

"I'm going in with you."

"No! Don't!" I hissed.

"I was being nice while you got bitchy on me." He hissed back and I rolled my eyes. I got out of the car and walked towards the emergency room. Nico wrapped his arm around my waist and he made me wrap my arm around his.

"You know, you're the most annoying thing that I've ever met." He said.

"I know, I know. I'm that bitchy girl. I know I owe you one so you need to tell me what you want?" I asked and he stopped.

"I was being nice, I don't need you to owe me."

"Leave me here, I can walk alone." I said.

"Yeah, you can but I won't leave you when your condition is crap!" He said and that made me remember our highschool days.

We walked into the emergency room and a nurse came to us.

"What happened?" She asked.

"She's tipsy, I think she has a headache." Nico said before I can answer it. The nurse led us to one of the hospital beds.

"The doctor will be here, please wait.." The nurse said and I nodded. I turned to Nico and he looked around the room. I felt bad for being bitchy to him.

"Thank you." I said in a small voice.

"Yeah." He answered.

"Hello, I'm Rey. Can you tell me what happened?" The doctor came and I told him what happened. He checked on me and took a sample of my blood.

"You can go, you don't need to wait for me." I said.

"I want to know the results first."

"I'm sure you're busy, you don't need to know the results either."

"What did I do to you? Why do you keep pushing me away?" He hissed.

"I hate you so much that I want to kill you with my own hands." I hissed almost whispering.

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