Book cover of “Savage Shadows: Unleashing The Alpha Within“ by Franklyn

Savage Shadows: Unleashing The Alpha Within

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Age: 18+
  • Status: Completed
  • Language: English
  • Author: Franklyn
Abandoned as a child on the doorstep of a wealthy but childless couple, Damien grows up with the title of heir to the Tyler fortune. Unaware of his true origins, Damian lives a quiet, unassuming life—until Cassandra Torres transfers to his school. The mysterious new girl ignites a connection he can’t explain, and their bond quickly deepens into som... 

Chapter 1

Sounds of groaning, cries, and screams filled the air, and the smell of spilled blood was strong.


[A few days back]

Sylvester was seen talking to a pack of werewolves who seemed abnormal. They were obviously rogue werewolves whom the Ferd clan had driven out due to their uncalculative attitude and havoc.

“We are attacking the Ferds in three days. We’ll arrive by night and stage an ambush,” Sylvester started. “It will be glorious as we watch the entire clan burn down. Oh, what great joy I will experience when I finally kill that stupid Alpha, Daniel, and his dense wife, Melissa. The Ferd clan needs new leadership, and we are going to take over the clan and manage the affairs as its new rulers. Now, any questions?”

“Yes, Sylvester,” a werewolf answered.

That seemed to irk Sylvester, who struck down the werewolf immediately. “How dare you? How dare you refer to me as just Sylvester? I am your Alpha. Anything less than Alpha, and you will be dead. Do you understand?”

At first, there wasn’t any response, but when he boomed the question a second time, the whole pack trembled and responded positively.

“Okay, that’s it. No questions. Prepare. In three days, our lives shall change, and we won’t have to live in hideouts. We shall rule!”


[Back to present]

The Ferds were having a mini party to celebrate the Alpha’s new son. Music and the howling of wolves filled the air. Suddenly, a wolf bawled out, “There’s an attack! We are being attacked from the southeast mountain!”

Another shouted, “No, we are being attacked from the main gate!”

Another still said, “We are being surrounded, Alpha! There’s no way out!”

Daniel tried to stay calm, though internally he was troubled. Due to the party, their defense system was weakened, and the clan was populated with mostly females.

“Melissa, take our son and run. Hurry, for I fear we might lose this war. Go far away where you and our child won’t be found.”

“No, Daniel, please don’t speak that way. Don’t say that. We will remain together till our death. I can’t leave you.”

“Melissa, for the sake of our son, run to the human settlement and save our child!”

With that, he ran off to join the other members in fighting off the rogue werewolves.


Melissa dashed out of the wolves’ settlement down to the humans’ settlement, just as her husband had instructed her. The wind was raging, and the weather was stormy. She quickly wrapped up the child in a shawl and headed toward a mansion. She slipped in through the gate effortlessly and took her child straight to the doorstep of the house.

Melissa took one final glance around to check if she was being noticed or seen by anyone. Finding no one, she dropped her child on the doorstep of the building and knocked hard on the door twice. At first, there was no response, but when she knocked again, she observed movement in the house. One final knock, then she left quickly and returned to the wolves’ settlement to help her husband.


Tricia Tyler, a Black American woman, was downstairs in the laundry room washing some underwear when she heard a knock at the door. At first, she ignored it, thinking she had misheard, but then it came again, and this time it sounded more urgent. She paused and turned toward the door. It was late at night, and the stormy weather made her more paranoid.

“Who could be out there knocking at this time of night and in this weather?” she thought to herself.

When the knock came for the third time, she called out to the maid, who came running downstairs.

“Check who’s at the door immediately,” she instructed.

“Yes, ma’am,” the maid replied, hurrying to the door. She looked around but found no one. “Ma’am, there is no one here.”

“What do you mean there’s no one there?”

“There’s no one out here, ma’am. You can come check for yourself.”

Tricia hurried out and found no one. But then she heard a little giggle and looked down, only to discover a little baby wrapped in a shawl, giggling and trying to fight off the edge of the shawl that kept covering his eyes.

“Oh, good gracious, it’s a baby!” Tricia exclaimed. She immediately picked him up and stepped outside to see if there was anyone. She found nobody on the premises and went back in, shutting the door carefully behind her.

“Darling, darling!” she called out to her husband. “Come down quickly; a treasure has found its way to our dwelling place.”

“What do you mean?” her husband responded from up the staircase.

“Darling, it’s a miracle. Come see what I found.”

In haste, he came down, excited by his wife’s tone.

“Oh my God! Trish, what’s that?”

“It’s a baby.”

“Yeah, I know, but how did you get a baby?”

“I found him on the doorstep. Maybe our prayers have finally been answered.”

“Uhh, I’m not too sure about it, dear. We’ve got to report to the police.”

“You know I ain’t doing no such thing. Perhaps one of those teens dropped off the baby ‘cause she has no means to raise him. C’mon, darling, we’ve got to keep him.”

“How about in the future an issue arises?”

“Then we will take care of it, babe. C’mon.”

“All right, all right, we’ll keep the baby.”

That signified the end of their conversation.


Meanwhile, the battle in Heddington continued. Melissa arrived just in time to see a horrible scene. Her husband, Daniel, blocked Sylvester’s attack on a weaker werewolf and made himself a victim to Sylvester’s claws. The evil menace saw it as a great opportunity and inserted his claw into Daniel’s heart.

“Noooo! Daniel!” Melissa screamed and rushed to her husband’s side. “Oh no, Daniel, stay with me, Daniel, stay with me. We’ve got to get back to our baby, Daniel. Please, stay with me.”

Alas, it was too late; the Alpha bled on and on.

“You evil monster! Do you have any idea of the implications of what you’ve done?” she yelled at Sylvester.

“Well, well, if it ain’t Melissa. You see, if you had come to me when I yearned for you a few years back, you would be rejoicing now instead of weeping. But then, I shall give you the grace of becoming my Luna. Stay with me, and let’s rule the world together.”

“Never! You will surely pay for what you have done. You will.”

“And who will make me? Boys!” he called out. “Come tie this dog up and throw her in the dungeon as we await dawn.”

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