Chapter 3

The Alpha continued to greet his guests but he kept locking eyes with Clary after each encounter. She could not move, she felt like her insides were on fire. It was a strange yet pleasant feeling. 

“Was this how the mate bond felt?” She thought to herself as she played with her fingers. 

The closer the Alpha got, the stronger the bond could be felt. The connection was stronger than anything she could ever think of. It felt amazing!

But the thing that made her face fall was the fact that she had a strong feeling that it was not going to end well. She knew that if the Alpha was truly her mate, he would for sure reject her. There was no way that he was going to leave his Luna for an acne-faced omega; a nobody.

She pushed her thoughts to the back of her head and started to move in the direction of the Alpha. When they finally were standing right in front of each other, Clary flashed him a nervous smile. 

In return, the Alpha also flashed her a smile, a very dashing one that made her heart flutter. This was her first time in the presence of someone so important. She felt like a lot of eyes were on her but the only set of eyes she cared for right that moment was the Alpha Ace’s.

Clary was very nervous but also felt so safe and comforted. 

“Hi, welcome to the Moon Festival.” He extended his hand for a handshake. “May I know your name?” 

Clary’s heart was light and she felt like she was floating on clouds. She was normally ignored and overlooked. But now she had literally caught the attention of the alpha of the pack! This was very big for her!

“Thank you,” She replied as she shook his hand. His grip was strong yet loose. His hand felt calloused and manly. And the physical connection elevated the mate bond even more. She could see that he could feel it too. 

“Your name,” Alpha Ace chuckled the words out. “Tell me your name, please.” 

“Oh, um.” Clary chuckled nervously. “My name is Clary Astoria. I’m an omega.” 

“Oh.” He nodded slowly. “An omega, huh?” He smirked. 

“Yes, I am,” She replied proudly. She may have hated her life but she was proud of who she was. She withdrew her hand from his and the wolf inside of her whined. 

The music suddenly started playing on the huge speakers and everyone cheered. The Luna had finished her speech and she was greeting the guests as her Beta followed her closely. Her beta was a ginger-haired lady that had a sour facial expression. 

“Sir, I think we should take this inside?” The Alpha’s Beta suggested to his boss. He had an amused look on his face like he knew that there was a spark between the alpha and Clary. 

Alpha Ace took his eyes off Clary for a few seconds and glanced around at the crowded place. Then he looked at his Beta. “You have a point. Let’s do that, JJ.” He nodded and turned his attention to Clary. “Would you like to have a personal tour of the place?” 

Clary wet her lips and then breathed out a short sigh. She knew that she should have gotten away from him because he was married and she did not want any drama, but she could not resist the pull. 

“Um, sure. But let’s make it quick?” She replied, and then quickly added, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.” 

“It’s okay, let’s go. Follow my lead,” The Beta said and led the alpha and Clary through the crowd and into the huge mansion. They headed upstairs until they reached a huge door. “I would wait outside.” 

“Wait, what?” Clary asked nervously. 

“Don’t worry, we’re just going to talk. If you feel uncomfortable for even a second, let me know, hmm?” Alpha Ace told her, and she nodded slowly as she gulped. The Alpha was attracted to her tentativeness. 

He led the way and opened the huge door. He walked in and Clary followed shortly after. Then he closed the door. The room was huge. It was like a ballroom. The tiles on the floor were so clean that they could see their reflections. 

Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the music from outside could be faintly heard. The walls held expensive-looking paintings and a sweet smell floated in the air. 

He led her to the end of the room, next to the floor-to-ceiling window. The view was magnificent. “Do you like it?” He kept his eyes on her, admiring her beauty. 

Clary was at loss for words. The was a beautiful lake that could be seen very clearly from where she stood. And the light from the full moon reflected on the surface of the water, making it look mystical. 

“It’s…magical,” She managed to say. Her heart was beating hard in her chest. She was feeling a very strong attraction to the Alpha. 

“May I, um…may I touch you?” He asked her, and she locked eyes with him. 

Even though the alpha was gazing upon Clary with admiration and love, she still felt self-conscious. She was bewildered as to why he was not disgusted by all the acne on her face. 

“Why are you doing all this? You’re married.” Clary’s voice was breathy. Her eyes kept falling on the rosy pink lips of the Alpha. 

Ace chuckled and ran his hands through his perfect hair. “I know I’m married, Clary. But can’t you feel it too?”

“Feel what?” She pretended like she did not know what he was talking about, even though her throat had gotten dry just due to how close the alpha was to her. 

“Don’t play silly. You can feel it.” He took another step closer to her, leaning close to her ear. “You and I are meant to be,” He whispered hotly. “I’m your mate, Clary Astoria.” His hot breath brushed against her skin.

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