Chapter 2

Evelyn Holder’s POV

“Do I look okay?” I asked my brother and he nodded.

“You look beautiful, Ev.” He smiled and I let out a sigh of relief.

“Really?” I looked at the mirror to check my outfit. I wore a short off shoulder blue dress. I curled my hair loosely and put some makeup on. I slang my bag and put my phone there.

“Come on.” He said and I followed him to grab a cab to go to the venue. The party will take place in a 5 star hotel. When we arrived and walked inside, I couldn't help but admire the decorations and how luxurious the hotel was.

Not to mention that there’s a lot of people here.

“You can go around and grab something light to eat. I’m going to find someone. Will you be okay?” Evan asked me as he looked around.

“Of course.” I assured him. I walked towards the food and drink section. I ate them on the side and it’s so delicious. Everything tasted so good here, I took a sparkling drink and sipped it. I love the taste. I walked to the cake section and I tripped all of the sudden. I fell and I heard some people gasping.

“You!” My eyes widened when I realized that I spilled my sparkling water on his white shirt. Everyone around us turned their heads.

“Oh Alexander!” There’s a girl who was worried and she patted the stain with tissues.

“I’m sorry.” I said as I got up.

“Sorry?” He asked, looking at me in disbelief.

“I’m sorry.” I repeated.

“You’re so clumsy! You don’t have eyes to see where you’re walking?” He looked at me from head to toe. “What are you doing here anyway? Did you sneak in?” He added and that’s when I looked around seeing other girls. They are all wearing beautiful dresses when I’m just… wearing a plain blue dress.

“I’m so sorry.” I apologized again.

“Sorry doesn’t make the stain magically disappear!” He hissed and he glared at me hard.

“I’m sorry.”

“Go! Before I make you pay for all of this!” He said and gestured to me to go. I walked away and decided to walk outside. I can’t control my emotions so I cried. I was mad, sad, furious and embarrassed.

So that’s Alexander Nielle that Bella mentioned. He’s rude, an asshole and… at the end of the day, I did spill my drink but he doesn’t need to be an asshole for it. I messaged my brother, telling him that I’m not feeling well. I decided to take a cab and go home. Tonight is not my night.

I decided to calm Jenny and Bella.

“Hey!” I yelled at them.

“What? What happened? Why is your voice?”

“I spilled my drink to Alexander.” I sighed.

“What?” Bella gasped.

“See. I told you Bella always has false predictions!” Jenny said in a sarcastic tone.

“So what did he do to you?”

“He humiliated me in front of everyone and-”

“Gosh, you don’t need to continue that. We hate him already.” Bella hissed.

“Me too. Can’t believe there’s a guy like him out there.” Jenny said in an angry tone.

“It’s my fault too.”

“Yes, we know but it doesn’t mean that he can humiliate you in front of everyone.” Bella said.

“It’s okay, I want to go to sleep now.” I ended the call.

“Tonight is not my night.” I said to myself. My brother called suddenly.


“Are you okay?” He asked with a hint of panic.

“It’s just that time of the month.” I lied.

“Okay, rest well. I’ll be home in 2 hours.”



A month later…

Someone knocked on our door and I opened it. There’s an old man and I looked at him suspiciously.

“Ev, who is-”

“Hello Evelyn and Evan.” The old man greeted.

“Dad?” Evan asked and I turned to him. After all these years, my dad decided to appear? I took a step back.


“How can you decide to appear now?” I asked sadly.

“Come in, dad.” Evan said.

“Come here, you two. Let me tell you my reason why… I disappeared. Evan hugged him while I kept looking at him confused.

“Come here, Evelyn.” He gestured to me to come sit next to him and I walked slowly.

“No need to be scared.” He said and I turned to Evan but he was busy looking at him.

“Dad?” I asked.

“I have an explanation, I swear.” He said and he looked at us both.

“Here’s the thing, your grandfather and I built a company together but something went wrong. There were people who tried to hurt us. I wanted to protect you guys by sending you and your mom away but every week I will always ask your mom to meet me and update you guys. 2 years ago before your mom passed away, I visited her and met up with her a lot. I love your mom so much and when she passed, my heart broke.” He said and then cried. I looked at him and turned to Evan.

“It’s okay.” I whispered.

“I’m sorry that you had to live your lives struggling but now I’m back… I’ll never leave you guys again.” He promised. “Evelyn, do you know the Velvet?” He asked.

“Yes, why?”

“Well, that’s ours.” My jaw dropped. The Velvet is one of the biggest companies and no wonder people wanted it.

“You’re joking.” Evan said.

“I’m not Evan, I’m going to hand it to you both. I want you to move too and I will teach your guys how to run the company.

“I will give you both everything that you want and all the things that I miss. I will spend more time with you.”

“I don’t need anything.”

“I bet you need something, you can tell me and I’ll buy it for you.” He smiled and I nodded.

“I don’t need anything else. We just want you.” I said and Evan nodded.

“I’m going to meet my friend after this, do you wanna come?” He turned to us both.

“I think I’ll pass for today, I have work to do.” Evan said.

“Where do you work now?”


“Before I forget, today my people will come to get all of your stuff. You’re moving in with me tonight.”

“Okay.” I said and my brother agreed too.

“I miss you guys a lot.”

“It’s okay, dad. I would do the same thing too, if I was in your position.” Evan said.

“Evelyn, you’re coming with me right?”

“Let’s get you dressed, let me make a call.” He got up and dialed someone.


“Let me get my phone first.” I said and he nodded. I walked to my room to grab it and he saw my phone when I walked back.

“I’ll buy a new one for you.”

“No, it’s still working-”

“No buts.” He smiled and I nodded. I’ll just let him do his job as a dad especially when he missed a lot of our times together.

“Let’s go.”

“Bye, Evan.” I hugged Evan.

“Bye, see you.” He chuckled. I walked out with dad and he got a luxury car with a driver.

“Hop in, princess. From now on, you’ll get a car and a driver too so you can go wherever you want.”


“Let’s go to the office.” He told the driver.

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