Chapter 4. His Savior

“Oh no, not again!” Bushra lamented and heaved a sigh because of a slow computer. She kept pressing her fingers on the keyboard out of frustration.

She shifted her gaze to the calendar on the desk, reading the upcoming meeting notices. One of the meetings involved the Dan-Musa’s company. It was going to be a rough day for her – not only because of her hefty schedule for the day but because of the person she’d be dealing with, Adam Dan-Musa’s son. A pain in the neck. She had just been promoted eight months ago, and she became the company’s account manager.

She had met Mahir Dan-Musa twice before he went AWOL, but she despised his attitude and his way of interacting with people just after meeting him twice. At first, she gave him the benefit of the doubt – maybe their first meeting started in a bad way, but she was wrong when they had another meeting.

He was the type of person that commanded and expected things to go about his way and style, and she was the type of person who was strong-headed and hated to be controlled.

Bushra rubbed her temples… It was even absurd of her to bother herself with him. She only saw him monthly on their meetings concerning the company’s account summary or something else. She gently shook her head sideways and focused on getting the slow network back.

The sound of the knocking was like the sound of a heartbeat, and so the door opened by itself. It was Sadiq, and Bushra winced. A smile appeared on his lips. Bushra stared at him as she held a stoic expression.

“I never gave you permission to come into my office.” It wasn’t the first time he was doing that, and it never seized to annoy her. And it would never settle with her how he thought it was okay to trespass like that.

“Good morning to you, baby.”

Bushra grimaced at his statement.

“I went home, and yapendo (auntie) told me you left early. I wanted to drop you off and… talk about something…”

“Thank you for the kind gesture, but as you can see, I’m busy.” She had already predicted what he had to say.

“Oh, come on… Are you sending me out?” he asked, unbothered whether she was busy or not. He wasn’t leaving without telling what he had in mind.

“Well, anyway… I spoke to bappah (uncle) about us, and he told me he’d speak with my father to make the wedding arrangements. I think two months is okay. I don’t want to wait so long. I need my wife beside me ASAP.”

Her head snapped up at his announcement and the guts he had to utter those filthy words at her.

“What?” she grunted. “You’re joking, right?” she let out a hearty laugh.

He furrowed his brows and shook his head. “Bushra, you know how much I love you, and-”

“And how much you want to ruin my life?” she cut him off. “Look, Sadiq, you’re a very nice, hardworking man, but… you’re just not my type, and I do not wish to get married to you. I hope I’ve made myself clear.”

Bushra returned her attention to the computer. The network was back, and she couldn’t be happier.

Sadiq narrowed his eyes, staring at her intensively as though he could see through her. He scoffed and got to his feet before storming out. It didn’t bother him that she rejected his proposal for the fourth time. He was still going to marry her since her parents had accepted his marriage proposal. That announcement was just to inform her so she wouldn’t get surprised when their wedding date would be fixed.


He paced back and forth in his bedroom as he stared at his phone screen. Mahir felt anxious – and it was so rare of him. He locked the phone and shoved it back into his pocket. He stepped out of his room.

His mother was in the dining area, setting the table for dinner. She looked at him and beamed. “Dan mama, you’re back?” she said as she dropped the last warmer.

Hajiya Aisha was a beautiful woman in her early 50s. What Mahir loved more about his mother was that she cared very much about others. She showed how special and important people were even when she got taken for granted. She wasn’t just beautiful; she made the space around her beautiful too. She affected others and brought their beauty out of them. She was a flower that made others bloom.

“Yes… I came back not long ago. But I’m going out now to meet up with Mansur.”

She approached him and cupped his face. She stared closely at him. “After dinner,” she said and freed his face before walking away. “I haven’t prayed Isha yet. Sit and wait for me. Your father will be out soon,” she said before going toward the stairs.

He heaved a sigh and settled down. Unlocking his phone, he stared at the screen. Mahir snapped his head up at the realization of how anxious he was about finding the mysterious girl. His savior. It made him restless. Maybe because she saved his life, and her blood was flowing inside of him. The thought of her blood flowing in him sent chills down his spine. She couldn’t have done that for free!

What was taking her so long to show up in his office and present herself? Mahir scoffed – he should’ve thought of that quickly when he had spent weeks trying to get her details.

What if she wasn’t as beautiful and delicate as he imagined her to be? What if she wasn’t just ‘not presentable’ but actually ‘hideous’? He grimaced at the thought of the girl being ugly. He wouldn’t want to deal with that.

“Mahir,” his father called out.

Mahir snapped his head up as the thoughts vanished away, only leaving Bushra’s fanciful face roaming around his head. “Yes, abba. Good evening.” He ducked his head.

His father settled down on his usual seat. “You left work early. Hope all is well.” Alhaji Adam looked at his son with concern.

Mahir scratched the back of his head, making his father chuckle. He knew what that meant. He was about to say something untrue.

Hajiya Aisha joined them before Mahir could fumble a lie. She served her husband and also offered to serve Mahir before she served herself and settled down.

“So, how was work today? Anything interesting happened today?” Hajiya Aisha threw the questions at her son.

He beamed and nodded as warm food melted in the back of his throat. “Everything’s alright… Well, except the part where abba sent another girl to my office today… again. Other than that – great.” He took another bite of his food as he looked at his father tauntingly.

Hajiya Aisha turned her gaze to her husband. “I thought we talked about this and gave him time to bring the girl of his choice.”

Alhaji Adam shrugged. “I know, I was just trying to help out…” he paused when he acknowledged the look on his wife’s face.

She looked upset. He heaved a sigh and dropped his spoon. “I’m sorry, okay? I also want what’s best for him.” He grabbed her hand and caressed it.

Mahir smirked, looking at his parents. He stood up. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds and head out.” He started walking toward the door.

“You barely touched your meal,” Hajiya Aisha said.

“Wasn’t that hungry,” he responded without a glance back.

Alhaji Adam looked at his wife. “Six months, and I’m choosing a wife for him. And no one, I repeat, no one is going to change my mind.”

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