Chapter 3

Kelly let me do my bumps off her tits. She took full lines and then sat on my lap. We fondled and kissed lightly, but mostly we talked. In particular, she opened up to me about Kat.

"You’re seeing a wild child phase," Kelly said. "It was how she got before she moved back to Houston. The LA scene got too deeply in her blood. The whole Patrick situation, the drugs, the celebrity chasing. She was free, but she is always bound by her upbringing. She feels boxed in by this list of things she thinks she has to achieve, even if it’s not what she wants. And now, with you -- and, John, you are so good for her and so good with her -- she could throw the whole list out the window. She can just be content and happy. So she’s going to run and run and run to push the boundaries as far as she can."

"It’s her personality," I said. "And mine, to a certain extent. I get her."

"What you need, babe," Kelly said, "is an end game. You see her appetites. I know all about the new drugs she’s trying. The rough stuff. The bondage games infatuation. That’s all fleeting. These are things that burn hot and short. She loves them at the moment but then has to push harder to something more extreme to get the same thrill."

"I think I have the end game," I said.

"You do?" Kelly asked. "I’m impressed. I thought you were just riding this out as long as you could."

"No," I said. "The end of football season is it. Hard stop. At least on the crazy shit."

"I’m pretty well up-to-speed on all the crazy shit," Kelly said. "So let me just give you one piece of advice. Kat loves breaking out of the confines of her restrictive upbringing. It’s the vice she loves the most. But here’s the secret to her. If you give her something that is on her big life list -- a baby I’m sure is the first thing that comes to mind -- she will commit herself to that so strongly. When she got her opportunity to go back to Houston? You know it. You saw it. You were a part of it. She threw herself into having a successful career. The wild child took a back seat. I see you two together. I know it’ll be easier for her to commit herself to those things because she’s with you. She’s devoted to you in a way I have never seen her before. Not even in the deepest stages of infatuation with Patrick."

I still recoiled slightly at the mentions of Kat’s former lover in LA, the one she had almost thrown away everything for. The one I let her fuck one last time. But Kelly’s honesty and insight were important and refreshing. It helped keep me focused on our larger goals.

"I admit, it feels like we are far away from being ready for a baby," I said. "We do talk about it, though."

"Okay, I will say this one last thing, but after that? I want your dick in my mouth," Kelly said. "The baby, in particular? Would be like flipping a switch. Everything else would fade to the background. Kat is a good person. She just loves indulgences."

I nodded slowly several times, then finally spoke up. "I appreciate it, Kelly," I said. "I know you’re honest. I know you look out for her. I trust you."

"You should," she said, sliding off my lap and letting her head move between my legs. "I’m a beautiful, brilliant woman who is going to suck your dick."

I laughed and leaned my head back. Yes, I thought to myself as Kelly’s hot mouth enveloped me, the end game was in sight.

Nine weeks. That’s how long we had left in football season, counting this week. We landed back in Houston Friday evening from the adventure in LA. It had been a rejuvenating escape, in spite of the hard-partying finale on Thursday night. That had been too surreal to be anything but energizing.

"Once in a lifetime," Kat had described her time with Stephen. "The man is a legend for a reason. I’m awestruck."

We didn’t have much time to reflect, however, because spending the week away meant there was a lot of catching up to do at the agency and, more importantly, preparations to be made for the football party on Sunday. On the flight home, Kat and Jess had both insisted that I come to all the parties the rest of the season.

"The guys like you," Jess said. "And Kat and I want you there. Things are more fun with you."

While the girls scurried around making arrangements for Sunday, I had a Saturday rendezvous to plan. Crystal, the Baptist housewife, had begged me all week to take her to a hotel to fuck. She was a little bratty about my trip out of town, but I promised that during her husband’s open house that afternoon we would go to a hotel strictly for sex.

Given that Crystal was a little bit of a spoiled suburban girl but also harbored this growing hooker fantasy, I booked a room at a solid but not-too-nice hotel. It was only twenty minutes from her house in the suburbs. I checked in about thirty minutes before Crystal was set to arrive, told her we had the room, and she responded that she was on her way. I did a couple lines and opened a bottle of red wine while I waited.

Crystal was nervous about being seen, so I met her on the ground floor at the side entrance of the hotel and let her in. Her nerves were warranted because she had dressed like a hooker. She wore a bubblegum pink dress that pushed her tits up high, spilling out of the cheap fabric, and barely covered the back of her ass. Her black high heels didn’t match, but I got the impression she didn’t have anything but work shoes in her closet.

"You look stunning," I said as we rode the elevator up to the room.

"I wanted to look pretty for you," she said, chewing gum.

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