Chapter 2. Locked Away

Snow’s POV

The next morning, my mother and I are woken up by guards barging into our home. What the hell is going on? Did that filthy old man report me to the Alpha? Did he send guards here to arrest me? But I was waiting for this, wasn’t I? I knew what I did was punishable, but I didn’t expect to be woken up by guards.

“What is the meaning of this?” My mother asks the intruders in our small house as I stand in fear behind her.

“We have been demanded to accompany Snow Lancaster to the castle immediately to stand trial in front of the Alpha. She has been accused of attempted murder against a noble,” one of the guards explains as he pushes my mother aside and grabs my arm. Attempted murder? Is that the lie he decided to feed to the Alpha?

“Mother!” I scream in fear as my mother falls to the floor. “Don’t you dare hurt my mother, you monsters!” I scream at the top of my lungs as one of the guards drags me away. The other one hits my mom hard on her head, making her pass out on the floor of our house.

“Mother! No! Let me go!” I cry out as they pull me away. They lock my hands and feet up in chains as they carry me away toward the castle. Tears fall uncontrollably from my eyes as I look back at our small house, hoping my mom is okay. I already lost one parent. I don’t think I can stand losing another.

Once we get to the castle, the guards drag me to the throne room and toss me on the floor in front of the Alpha. He sits on the throne in all his evil glory. I scan the room and spot my Master, the man I work for, the pervert I serve, eyeing me with a wicked look. His wife and daughters sit beside him as they all stare at me in a disgusting manner.

My eyes fill with tears as I realize the ordeal I’m in. The bastard couldn’t punish me himself. Did he have to bring the matter to the Alpha? And on top of that, he’s accusing me falsely. Saying I attempted to kill him.

I know the Alpha will automatically believe him since he’s a noble. I have no chance of fighting against him. Even if I weren’t poor. I am a woman, and he’s a man. Even if I were rich, if I accused a man of assaulting me, no one would believe me. It would be my word against his.

“You have been accused of attempted murder against a noble. The man you serve. How do you plead?” The Alpha’s thick voice resonates in the throne room.

The authority coming from his voice forces me to bow my head in submission. I freeze, wondering if I should just be smart and accept what they are accusing me of. Maybe I’ll just be punished, and they’ll let me go, and all of this drama can be over and done with. That would be the wise decision to make. But that would be lying. That would mean I didn’t even try to fight for my dignity.

“I didn’t do it, Alpha. He’s lying! They’re all lying! That bald-headed pervert tried to take advantage of me, and I protected myself… He...” I feel a sharp sting on my face as a slap sends me flying across the room.

“How dare you say such filthy things about a noble, you filthy peasant?!” The king’s right-hand man says with anger as he looks down on me. My face burns from the hit I just received.

“That’s a very blasphemous thing to say, peasant. Accusing a noble of something as atrocious as that is a serious crime. I suggest you choose your next words wisely. Say another lie like that, and you’ll be punished severely,” The Alpha says seriously.

“I think she should be beheaded, Your Highness. If she’s left to roam around freely, who knows what other terrible rumors she’ll spread? If she can say such terrible things about me, imagine what she’ll say about you,” my Master says as he looks at the Alpha with an innocent look.

His wife and daughters all agree with what he just said, convincing the Alpha to kill me. Is this how my life ends? Is this how I die? My mother won’t survive this evil nation without me. She has already suffered so much at the hands of her fellow werewolves. I can’t die like this.

“I didn’t do it! Please! Have mercy, Alpha! I have a mother who needs me. I’m only seventeen years old. I haven’t lived at all. Please! Have mercy on me!” I beg helplessly as tears fall uncontrollably from my eyes. I think of how much my mother and I have suffered in this stupid nation. Dying like this just means all our suffering was for nothing. I didn’t come to this world to suffer and die.

“You should have thought about that before spreading false rumors, girl!” 

The Alpha says to me with a nonchalant tone.

“If you’re willing to accept the fact that you spread false rumors, if you are willing to confess your sins, then your punishment shall be reduced. You’ll only be given thirty lashes. But if you continue with your lies, then you will be beheaded. The choice is yours, girl.”

His words hit me like a tsunami. How can he expect me to admit to something that I didn’t do? As I continue to cry, I remember my mother’s words. She always told me to be true to myself and to be honest in all that I do. If I’m going to die, then I’ll die respecting my mother’s words. I don’t even think before uttering my next words.

“I didn’t do it! I did not attempt to kill him! He attacked me! He tore my clothes! I just went to collect my payment, and he couldn’t keep it in his pants! All of you in here know absolutely well that I’m telling the truth! This filthy bastard falsely accusing me just can’t handle a bruised ego. He’s angry because he didn’t succeed in having his way with me, and you all are here supporting him! You are supposed to be the Alpha of the pack of the Rising Sun! You are supposed to protect your subjects. But you are no Alpha! You’re a fraud! I will never admit to a lie even if it costs me my life!”

As I finish with my display of disrespect, my Master and his family all gasp at me in shock as they look at me with wide eyes. The look of shock on their faces is immediately replaced by hatred and anger.

The Alpha leaves his throne and walks slowly toward me, his eyes turn yellow, and he lets out a loud growl as he stands in front of me. He looks like he could kill. He looks like a monster.

“I am your Alpha, peasant, and I will not tolerate this level of disrespect from a filthy little girl who lives in the slums!” He speaks authoritatively.

I look him straight in the eye, which makes him even angrier. Then he suddenly lands a terrible slap on my face sending me flying across the room. I feel nauseous and disoriented. I feel like all my senses are blinded. I feel like I’m going to faint.

“Guards! Take this vile thing to the dungeons! She is to be executed tomorrow in front of the entire pack. This will teach the others a lesson next time someone thinks of disrespecting me or any noble in this nation!” I hear the Alpha’s voice faintly as my head bursts with pain.

The guards lock me up in chains and drag me to the dungeons. They toss me inside one of the cells like a toy. I let out a low whimper as my body hits the cold floor.

Why is this happening to me? I glance around the dirty cell and wince in pain as I get lulled involuntarily into a deep slumber.

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