Chapter 4


I woke up at five in the morning to do my morning exercise, which is such basic training considering how weak her body is. I just did a few twenty times of jumping jack, running back and forth from my bedroom to the comfort room, and lastly one push-up... this body could only handle one push up and it's done.

After I did my exercise for an hour, I was lying flat on the floor and because of the sweat on my body that made me frown, I forced myself to take a bath again.

When I was done cleaning myself, I walked toward the closet and found a new set of clothes that I saw before.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow upon seeing the neat clothes that are inside my closet. After a few seconds, I couldn't help but let out mocking laughter.

Is it because they are afraid to let anyone know how they treated me in this house and how corrupt their heart is? After all, the other clan sees the Marvick Clan as kind to a poor soul.

My clothes were a simple plain black shirt and black trousers. Maybe it was the servant who chose these clothes just based on how I dressed up yesterday. I combed her hair and braided it, letting the bangs remain on my face to hide its face and its eyes. Then I wore a black boots that matched my clothing.

Anyway, that psychopath won't mind if I'm all dressed in black, besides it's not like I'm planning to meet him at all. I'm going to spend my time avoiding that psychopath devil for the sake of my life. I don't want to die in the hands of that psychopath after all and besides, I still haven't avenged ‘Evelyn’ from those so-called the family of hers.

I even remembered the faces, the shape of their body, and the name of the servants who dared to mock me and those who have the guts to beat me up as if I owed them gold in their past lives.

I won't let them get away. All of them.

Just thinking about how I'm going to be engaged by that psychopath, makes my blood boil because I couldn't do anything to that villain.

Even though the butler said that they want to buy someone from the Marvick Clan, these fool father and stepmother thought that I was going to be their new servant in that Valcarcel clan without knowing that the butler set his master to an engagement without its master's knowledge.

I rubbed my temples, soothing the frown on my forehead as I packed up all my things. Well, Evelyn doesn't have many things that she received from the Marvick Clan but since this Marvick acts as a saint that loves poor souls, of course, they can't let someone know that they mistreated Evelyn or else their reputation would be ruined, which was why one of the servants handed her a large black traveling bag which filled with new clothes and other things that are for women.

I could guess that it was the stepmother's idea to do this since they want to face it after all. They can't ruin their reputation for the sake of me.

When I came out of my room, holding my large traveling bag that doesn't have that many things inside, to begin with, I was greeted by my so-called parents and step-siblings. Tsk, I could even see through their disguise.

After living in my original world which was filled with filthy rats, snakes, and other different types of backstabbers, I could distinguish a person if they are hiding something or planning something against me. Nothing can escape my hawk-like eyes.

I calmly nodded at them and walked towards the dining hall that was filled with lots of food.

“Come on and eat a lot. By now, the butler of the Valcarcel Clan would be here in an hour.” The so-called father stated with a smile on his face as he urged me to eat.

Of course, I didn't reject it since I was already hungry. I needed to put some fats on this skeleton body or else I might faint while in the middle of exercising. It's important to have three meals every day.

After they are all done eating, the butler of the Valcarcel Clan already arrived and greeted Evelyn's parents and stepmother.

This two-faced father and stepmother were doing their best to flatter me in front of this butler.

I secretly snickered and rolled my eyes.

I couldn't take their nonsense and couldn't help but look at this so-called holy father and hand my hand in front of him.

“My fifty thousand pocket money, father?” I softly asked, making the so-called father freeze.

Now... what will you do now that you are in front of the distinguished butler from the Valcarcel Clan?

The father's expression darkened for a second and immediately changed his expression to a doting father as he took out fifty thousand from his pocket and gave it to me with a delightful smile.

“Here it is. You need to take care of yourself, okay?” He said while remaining to be a loving father.

I didn't pay attention to him and started counting the money in my hands. I frowned and looked up at this so-called father.

“Father, it's only twenty thousand. You still need to give me thirty thousand.” I innocently said in a soft tone without holding any grudge or so.

I saw in my eyes how this father's face darkened for a second while secretly clenched his fist.

“Oh? Is that so? Maybe I'm starting to get old which is why I forgot how to count. Silly me. Don't blame your father for counting it wrong, okay?” The father softly said while deep inside he was shaking in anger.

I gratefully nodded my head and smiled at him. “Of course, I won't get angry at father at all. After all, we all make mistakes.”

After receiving the thirty thousand that the so-called father gave me, I happily put it on my new pouch which was also bought by a servant as per their stepmother's instructions.

I had eighty thousand remaining balance in my pouch. Yes, that's right I tricked them after knowing that this so-called father of hers won't say anything, especially in front of the trusted butler of the Valcarcel.

Which is the reason why I'm confident that Evelyn's father would give me thirty thousand as per I asked.

Well, there's nothing wrong with this especially since I was sold for only one hundred thousand and it was I who would suffer in the hands of that psychopath, not them. I just take back the money that I had in their hands, after all, I'm the one who's gonna be sold not them.

Besides, this family would steal every one of Evelyn's hard-earned money without giving it back. Evelyn was also abused, and tortured, physically and mentally damaging her in this so-called family. Also, she was only allowed to eat one meal every day and this so-called cheap stepmother of hers would put a small amount of poison in her body whenever she have time.

All of them want her dead. Because of them, Evelyn died. This eighty thousand that I had in my hand isn't enough for all the things that Evelyn suffered and of course, I also suffered after taking this body.

Maybe once I fulfilled the wishes of the original owner of the body that I'm using, I would be able to go back to my original world and continue being their boss and their landlord that they all respected.

I glanced at the butler who was taller than me. More like he was in his one nineties centimeter. What a huge mountain for someone like me who's only sixty-five. Is it because this butler is a werewolf who can shift and also a beta that's why he's strong?

Well, it must be.

Anyway, I envy this butler for having muscles... he might also have eight-pack abs. My eyes won't be mistaken when it comes to this.

Hah, I missed my original body. My body had a height of one seventy-five centimeters which is taller compared to a woman's normal height. Well, it was because of genes since my parents are also tall.

The butler glanced at me and smiled warmly. “I'll hold your bag, young lady.”

Of course, I didn't object to it since I couldn't properly hold my bag due to this almost skeleton body.

“Thank you.” I softly whispered.

Of course, I know how to thank sincerely those who are sincere to her. But, I also know how to hold a grudge against those who hold grudges against me, after all, I'm not a saint.

The butler smiled and shook his head. “It's nothing, it's my duty after all. Let's go to the Valcarcel Clan.”

I nodded my head and left the Marvick Clan without holding nostalgia or even looking back at those so-called family of hers that almost fainted in anger.

I sat on the carriage together with the butler, facing each other. Although this world looked exactly like a modern world where it has such luxurious things or even a few buildings, it doesn't have cars or planes since, in this world, they are even much faster than cars since they are werewolves.

Of course, it had also humans since those who haven't shifted yet are called humans.

I snapped back to reality when the butler spoke in a warm tone. “By the way young lady, did you know that you weren't going to the Valcarcel as a servant but rather a fiancee of Mr. Valcarcel?”

I naturally didn't hide it and nodded my head. “Yeah, I already have that idea since the Valcarcel Clan doesn't need new servants since it has already enough. It's just a mere guess of mine.”

The butler was stunned by my words and let out a loud laugh. “So witty.”

I didn't pay no mind to his words and asked, “may I ask for what reason you plan to send a nightmare to Mr. Valcarcel? I also object to being his fiancee since I don't want to die and all I could do is nod my head since I'm already sold anyway. Even if I would give back the one hundred thousand that you used to buy me, you won't accept it right?”

The butler nodded and chuckled. “That's right. You manage to hide this side of yours in the Marvick Clan. I thought you were some kind of weakling who would just cry and protest.”

I shrugged and let out a heavy sigh. “Is there no other choice? I don't want to meet that psycho—I mean my so-called fiancee.”

I still don't dare to meet the psychopath villain who would be the one who will kill me shortly.

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