Book cover of “The Alpha’s Abused Mate. Book 2“ by Nwan's Reads

The Alpha’s Abused Mate. Book 2

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Language: English
  • Author: Nwan's Reads
A story of a strong, virtuous young girl named Lovette and the immoral, vicious, and uncaring son of the previous Alpha, George Kingsman. Ryder Kingsman was meant to inherit the throne after his late father, George, but just as he was about to grasp the opportunity that his birthright presented to him, the consequences of his grandfather’s past b... 

Chapter 1. Nanny Lupita


Lovette’s POV.

My little feet ran across the hallways and down the stairs as I made my way to my nanny’s room that was right under mine on the floor below. We lived in a triplex right in the middle of silver lake pack. This was where I was born and bred, catered for by my uncle after my father ‘went away on a long trip’.

It was time for my supper and for my nanny Madame Lupita to come put me to bed but she was no where to be found. She couldn’t have retired for the night without coming to feed me my supper yet and read my bedtime stories and clear up the kitchen. I passed some guards and other helps in the house on my way to her room and the hall stopped me to ask where I was headed. I said in my cute babyish voice that I was going to look for my nanny in her room and they all said she want there now, that I should check back after a while or she will be looked for and sent to my bedchambers. But I wasn’t satisfied so I still went to her room anyway and after I had peeked through the key hole and I was satisfied she wasn’t indeed there, I started on my way to my father’s office.

Or my uncle’s now since my father was yet to return from his long trip. As I ran and hopped away from the maids quarters towards the section of the house where my father’s and uncle’s office was I hummed a melody to myself. It was the one I was most familiar with from all the songs my father used to sing to me to put me to bed after reading my bedtime stories. I hoped Madame Lupita would sing it to me tonight.

I couldn’t recall what made me decide to check for my nanny in my uncle’s office but my intuitions were right. She was there. I heard her talking to my uncle from inside the office. I stopped running when I was quite close to the office and walked gently towards the door. I was preparing to give my uncle and my nanny a jump scare, it was one of my favorite sports. I crept mischievously to the door until I was close enough to execute my plans and get the satisfaction of seeing the frightened look on their faces.

And then I heard my name.

Then I waited for a few seconds and heard it again. They were talking about me. Hmmmmmmm……..why was that? What could the two of them be saying about me?

I changed my stance and just stood very close to the door hinges so I could pick up the conversation a bit more clearly.

“She is just a child……………….”

“That doesn’t matter now Lupita, the fate of the pack……….”

“But…….but you’ve been managing our business so well all these weeks. What could be the problem now?”

“I’m afraid it’s no longer in my hands now. There’s nothing I can do. You must begin to prepare her immediately………….”

“She is too young my lord………..”

“Would you shut up and listen to me Lupita!” My uncle yelled. “She is the only child of her father, there is a duty she must perform for her people. We cannot allow an opportunity to get alliances for our oack slip away. Do you understand me?”

I heard my nanny sniff.

“Can we at least get some more time? I will prepare her I promise but can we get some time?”

“I will try my best but if all fails she will leave for Paca when Master Felix demands it.” 

“Is he the only option………”

“He is the only option.”

Pause. Suddenly the both of them were silent and all I could hear was Madame Lupita sniffing. What could they be talking about and who was Frederick……..and who was supposed to leave for……..

“What if………what if she doesn’t wish………”

“Don’t you dare complete that sentence Lupita.” My uncle thundered. I had never heard him sound so……upset and demanding. Every word he spoke was through a yell and low growl. I wondered what Madame Lupita must have done to make him so upset. “She doesn’t have a choice in this if that’s what you’re trying to ask. She has a duty to the pack and she will perform it.”

“I would have imagined her only duty would be to lead her people………..”

“You have some nerves Lupita, questioning me. It seems like you have forgotten your place in this pack.”

“No my lord I have not. Please forgive me it’s just that……….I must do protect the little mistress……….I must do my duty to her……..”

“And what about your duty to the pack? What about hers? Those don’t matter to you?”

“They do my lord………….”

“This discussion is over. I have given you an order. Now get out.”

I heard footsteps approaching the door and I was about to turn and run away before Madame Lupita caught me eavesdropping.


I heard my uncle call my nanny and the footsteps halted.

“Lovette is but a child. She is not fit to run the affairs of this pack. My brother told me before……..before his demise that I should look after our people and bring his only child up should anything ever happen to him. Do yo think he would have been pleased to learn there was someone who was willing to mate her, cater for her and protect her and I didn’t hand her to him? Master Frederick is a wealthy man and his uncle is currently the Alpha of the red moon pack. He has the resources to care for her, she would be highly respected over there. She may be young right now but that is not a problem. He will look after her as she is growing and when she’s old enough she would assume her role in the pack.”


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