Chapter 3


It seemed that when they saw my face, the face that was half-covered with bangs which made me look creepy and disgusting in their eyes, the Marvick family couldn't help but mock me

Those eyes were filled with disgust as they looked at me with disdain. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Who cares if they would view me as trash? They are much uglier than a shit of a dog anyway.

“Even if you wore a new piece of clothing, it doesn't change the fact that you're dirty and ugly.” It was Evangelyn who sneered at me while rolling her eyes.

His twin brother, Evan laughed. “Well, no matter what, she looked like a rag.”

The servants snickered and Evelyn's stepmother also laughed silently while looking at me who just remained silent because I was afraid of them but because my temper is good.

These two twins had both blonde hair and olive eyes while Evelyn was the one who was different from them because she had a light red color of her hair which would sparkle whenever it was hit by sunlight which looked mesmerizing even if it wasn't well taken by the owner. Also, she had a pair of purple eyes that were hidden under her bangs, paired with her pale skin.

Although I and the body of ‘Evelyn’ that I'm using right now are a bit look alike, the only problem was its strength, its muscles, its abs, and even its agility. Compared to my original body, it was taller than this body that I'm currently using and much stronger than this body.

Just thinking about my eight-pack abs and her muscles, makes me want to cry.

“Stop talking and let's eat.” It was their father who said those words and glanced at me whose nose, cheeks, and mouth could only be seen.

“Go on and sit. You must be hungry right?”

I almost puked after hearing his words. Just how shameless this man is? Pretending to be righteous and kind in front of everyone, makes me roll my eyes. It was a good thing that my eyes were covered or else they might see the way I rolled my eyes at him.

As usual, I didn’t go out of character and sat down at the nearest table.

While I was eating as fast as I could I almost choked and one of the servants immediately handed me a glass of water which I never refused. Who cares if I would drink the poison? I don't want to die in such a shameful way.

“Are you okay?” The stepmother asked, looking worried towards me but I could guess that in my heart this woman is snickering at me and even wishing me to be choked to death.

However, I didn't speak. Instead, I just nodded my head at her.

“Don't eat too fast, it's not like we never feed you. Don't worry, you can eat as much as you want.” It was his shameless father who said those words, almost making me vomit blood due to anger.

Don't lie! You only feed ‘Evelyn’ once a day, which made her look like this! Don't think you can lie especially since I saw fragments of memory from ‘Evelyn’ that I dreamed about last night!

Well, what could I do? I just obediently nodded my head and slowly ate a lot, yes I ate a lot due to starvation. These monsters!

“Since Evelyn is already here, let's start our discussion.” It was Evelyn's stepmother who said those words looking impatient as if she can't stand to see me.

Damn, I knew it! The reason why they are acting considerate today, that that they must be up to something!

This shameless family! I can't go out of her character as Evelyn especially since I don't have much information in my hands. They might notice that something is wrong if I go out of this character.

Hah, this is troublesome. I'd rather have a one-on-one curse fight with my tenant gangster rather than deal with this bullshit.

“As you can see, the butler of the Valcarcel asked us to sell one of our people to become the companion of Mr. Valcarcel in the future.” The father said without even hiding his intentions.

Wait... are they trying to sell me to a psychopath villain?

And what did the fuck I just heard? A what?! A companion you say?

What the fuck! So I am that cannon fodder that got engaged to that psychopath and was eventually killed by him? No... it was Evelyn but I am now using Evelyn's body so does that mean I have to take her role and die?

Damn it! I suddenly got the urge to join my parents in heaven.

I snapped back to reality when I heard someone snickered. It was none other than the twins.

“Then that's great, we should also make our contribution and send one of our people there. Although we are saddened by this news... what do you think, Evelyn?” It was them who said while smirking.

Saddened by the news their ass! You were just sad because your punching bag will leave this house!

They are trying to send me off to death! Who among the clan didn't know how psychopathic Mr. Valcarcel is? They know about it yet they still want to send me to that place.

In other words, a new way of sending someone to death!

These people don't deserve to be Evelyn's family. I suddenly felt annoyed and angry for treating Evelyn like this.

Evelyn died without experiencing love and happiness. What she experienced what despair and sadness.

I suddenly felt on fire. I want to help Evelyn to make sure that this Marvick family would fall. Of course, I wasn't acting like a Mary Sue, but rather I want to kill this family for treating me this way. After all, I am the type of person who always wants justice when it comes to myself. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

But of course, she wants to help Evelyn to get rid of the source of her despair and sadness.

Before I could help her, I must think of a way to escape death and to get back my eight-pack—cough—I mean to find a backer.

Of course, the golden backer is none other than myself but because with her body that was too skinny, wimpy, weak, crybaby—no, that's too much... well I need to find a golden tigh first while at the same time I'm going to train to get stronger and get back my eight pack abs.

Anyway, even if I would be sent to that psychopath's mansion, all I gotta do is avoid him as much as possible.

I refuse to die in the hands of that psychopath villain. I won't let someone kill me if that someone doesn't have eight packs—hah, old habits don't die hard.

As expected, I still love eight-pack abs no matter which timeline I'm in.

“What do you think, Evelyn? You should know that we are going this for the Marvick family, right? You love this family right?” It was her stepmother who said those terrifying words.

Wow, I'm amazed that you still considered ‘Evelyn’ as your family.

Love this family? Pwe! I rather watching this family rise from grace than fall to disgrace. I could imagine myself watching the chaotic scene while eating popcorn and drinking coca cola.

Seeing that I didn't reply and remained silent, the stepmother decided on her own.

“Okay, then it's settled. Evelyn will be sold to the Valcarcel for one hundred thousand. No objection.” The stepmother shamelessly said without being embarrassed. How could such a thick skin be embarrassed?

Wait for what? I was only sold for one hundred thousand? So cheap? I can't accept this at all! At least they should ask for millions—no, trillions! I am worth that much!

Darn it, this family is hopeless. When I woke up in this world, all I experienced was anger and shame to the point that I want to vomit blood.

This whole family will be added to my death list!

Once a person was sold to the other clan, whatever the clan would do to this sold person, either get tortured or die won't care about them since they were already sold. Also, those who were sold were considered trash, dirty, ashamed, or not considered part of their clan.

Yes, there is no law in this world compared to my world where there's justice.

The ones who are strong are considered to be the law in this world. This is the setting that the author made up.

Evangelyn pretended to be sad. “Then we'll send Evelyn tomorrow. We will miss you truly.”

This two-faced bitch! I bet she's laughing at my misery and couldn't wait for that psychopath Valcarcel to finish me off!

“I will miss you too, sister.” I softly said, pretending to be sad as she lowered her head, making someone look at her with pity.

Evangelyn, who heard her title, couldn't help but to shivered as her eyes were livid, trying to calm herself down.

Pfft... I wanted to laugh after seeing her expression. It was worth seeing her shame.

Evangelyn let out a fake laugh. “Oh? Ha ha ha, this s-sister will miss you.” Her tone when she said those words, sounded mechanical, forcing herself from saying those disgusting words.

Deep inside, Evangelyn was cursing me as much as she wants for calling her sister.

Their father also spoke with delight. “It's a good thing that these two children get along well.”

Old man, are your eyes blind? Did you forget that this illegitimate child of yours almost died in the hands of your legitimate daughter?

I rolled my eyes and didn't continue speaking, instead, I continued eating. I can't waste my saliva talking with them or else my blood pressure would rise to the highest level.

Wait... I'm going to be sold tomorrow, then what about my money? I don't even have a cent of money, how would I buy my new clothes?

I glanced at this so-called father who was delightfully eating and reluctantly said in a soft tone. “Father, since you're planning to sell me for one hundred thousand, what about my share? I should be given at least half of the money since I am the one who's going to be sold, right?”

Upon hearing my words, this so-called father stopped eating and looked at me.

I heard his tsk-ed and then right after he changed his expression immediately to show his harmless smile at me. “Of course, we'll divide the money. I'll give you fifty thousand tomorrow.”

After hearing his confirmation, I nodded in satisfaction. That's fine. Although it was too little, at least she still has money to spend on her necessities.

Meanwhile, the stepmother glared at me for being shameless and whispered to her husband, “Are you going to give her fifty thousand?

Her husband nodded his head and answered, “It's fine, besides she's going to die anyway. That fifty thousand is worth sacrificing for.”

His wife nodded her head, expressing her understanding. She can't wait for this illegitimate daughter to die.

Tsk, this husband and wife are rotten eggs. Even if you two would whisper to each other, can you at least minimize your tone because I could hear your entire conversation?

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