Chapter 2. The Awakening

Dean left the party around three a.m. for his chalet. When he got to the bedroom, he quickly stripped and then slid into bed.

“What the fuck?” Dean exclaimed when he felt a soft body in bed beside him. 

He reached up and flicked on the switch, flooding the room with light. The sight that met him got him instantly hard. Shit! He had totally forgotten about Kayla. And how the fuck was she in just her panties? She must have woken up at a point to shed off her clothes because Dean knew for sure he hadn’t touched her clothes when he tucked her in earlier. And those boobs…Hot Damn! 

“Fuck me!” Dean whispered, staring at Kayla’s left breast. She had a gold nipple ring in her left nipple.

Dean groaned. He knew he had to quickly get Kayla back to her chalet to avoid any...incident. Cole and the others would have his balls if he dared do anything with Kayla. With the combination of all that alcohol in his system and the virtually naked sexy, beauty in his bed, Dean knew he had to act fast before he lost control.

“Kayla wake up,” Dean’s eyes shifted around the room, trying to find Kayla’s dress and bra. 

He saw them heaped in a corner of the huge bed they were lying in. But just as me attempted to reach for them, Kayla snuggled close to him.

“Dean…” Kayla breathed as she tried to get comfortable.

“Oh, fuck,” Dean muttered as he tried to move back so that Kayla’s body wouldn’t rub against his hard-on. “Kay wake up.” Dean’s voice sounded almost pained.

But Kayla was oblivious to the turmoil Dean was in. She molded herself to his warmth, loving the feel of his chest hair against her nipples. She moaned and rubbed against Dean harder. Why was he stalling, Kayla wondered subconsciously. In all the dreams she had of Dean, he was the aggressor. Why wasn’t he aggressive now? And why did this dream feel so real? Kayla wondered. 

“Kiss me, Dean,” Kayla whispered.

“Aw come on Kay, snap out of…” Dean trailed off when Kayla captured his lips in a hot open-mouthed kiss. 

Dean tried to tear his mouth away from the kiss but Kayla’s arms twined around his neck and her fingers slid into his hair, holding him in place. She had the softest, sweetest lips. Her kiss didn’t only make him weak but also made his cock throb. When she started sucking erotically on Dean’s lower lip, he knew he was lost. With a groan, he took over the kiss. And boy, what a mind-blowingly orgasmic kiss it was. 

When Dean’s tongue found its way into Kayla’s mouth, a lusty moan tore out of her throat. Dean took it slow, moving his tongue around Kayla’s mouth, exploring the depths of it. Kayla’s hands gripped his hair, holding him to her as his mouth plundered hers, hard and hungry. When Dean came up for air, he trailed kisses along her jawbone and nibbled her earlobe, his breath a harsh rasp against her ear. Kayla thought she would go up in flames as heat infused her, melting her to the core as Dean worked on her. Her body shuddered with need as he kissed his way down till he got to an engorged nipple. And when hot wet mouth closed around it, Kayla couldn’t suppress her lustful cry.

“Oh god, Dean.” Kayla moaned as Dean sucked on her, his fingers tugging gently on the ringed nipple. Kayla’s fingers slipped into Dean’s hair, holding him to her nipple. She was loving the erotic pull on both taut peaks. 

Dean sucked, nibbled, kissed, and drew harder on her nipple, torturing Kayla slowly. When he switched and took the pierced nipple between his teeth, Kayla almost passed out from sensory overload. Dean went to town on that nipple, licking and sucking and pulling on the ring with his teeth whilst squeezing and pulling on the other with his fingers. Kayla cried out and arched against him, feeling herself get wet. She’d never loved her pierced nipple more than she did at that very moment. 

“You have such beautiful breasts, Kay,” Dean murmured against her sensitized flesh, flicking his tongue back and forth across the ring embedded in her nipple making Kayla whimper with need. “And I love your nipple ring.” 

Pleasurable tremors whipped through Kayla with every pull of his mouth on her ring. She rubbed her drenched pantie-covered pussy against Dean. He was driving her so wild she wanted to scream. 

“God…” Kayla moaned brokenly and pleasurable tremors whipped through her. She needed more.

“It’s just me baby.” Dean husked, moving lower and trailing kisses down her body. 

Kayla’s moans were music to his ears, urging him on. She writhed beneath him when he circled her belly button with his tongue, giving it slow, moist strokes. When Dean got to her panties, he pulled it off and dropped a kiss on top of her shaved mound. His hands moved to her inner thighs to spread her wide as he moved lower until he was looking directly at her wet cleft. She was wet, soft, and delicate. Dean simply admired her hairless slit with greedy eyes, glad that the light was still on. He thought she had the most beautiful pussy he’d ever seen.

"You’re beautiful," he breathed. “I’m going to enjoy eating the hell out of this perfect pussy,” he husked sexily, his words getting Kayla even more drenched.

Dean held Kayla’s quivering thighs apart for his wicked tongue. Then with a growl, he brought out his tongue to stroke over her soft tender lips, torturing her as he began to softly wander through her folds with that incredible tongue. 

“Dean…” Kayla cried out as her hips bucked involuntarily, arching up to meet his mouth eagerly. 

Surely, what was happening was unreal, she thought, quivering with sheer lust.

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