Chapter 4. The Deal

“The fuck!” Dean swore. Kayla was a fucking newbie. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you’re new at this Kayla? Fuck. I could’ve really hurt you.” Dean made to pull out but Kayla crossed her legs around his hips, stopping his movement. “Let me go, Kayla,” Dean said tightly. 

“Why?” She asked in a small voice. “Should my being a virgin make me any less desirable?” 

“I don’t do Marys, Kayla. You ambushed me. You should have fucking told me you’re a…nun. I wouldn’t have touched you with a long pole.” 

That hurt Kayla more than she cared to admit. “What are you afraid of, Dean?” Kayla asked. “That I’ll be stuck on you if we have sex?” 

“Well, yeah. Hey, you’re a…” He struggled with the word. 

“Virgin, Dean. It won’t kill you to say it.” 

“Virgin,” Dean whispered, still shocked at the discovery. “Don’t get me wrong, I want you. But you’ll probably expect commitment from me immediately I take on this… You know what I mean. I’m not ready for any such…” 

“You have my word, Dean,” Kayla said quietly, cutting him off. “We’re both adults here. I’m twenty-four…not exactly a spring chicken. And you’re what…twenty-eight? I vote we fuck our brains out and forget this night ever happened. What do you say? Are you man enough to fuck a virgin? No strings attached.” 

By the time Kayla finished her speech, her heart was breaking. She congratulated herself on her outward calm because inside, she was a total mess. She was damned if she was going to expose herself this way to a man and go away with her virginity intact as though she were some diseased freak. That would be the ultimate blow to her ego. That she had been rejected because of her virginity. 

“I will hold you to your word.” Dean’s voice tinged with a warning. “Hey dickhead, if you were the last man on earth, I would remain a spinster for life. How about that? Do we have a deal?” 

But Dean had already resumed rubbing her pussy lips with his huge cock head, his face buried in the side of her neck with lusty moans coming out of his throat. Dean Broody never refused a good offer. He raised his head to look down at Kayla with eyes filled with so much lust, Kayla’s breath hitched in her throat. She thought he was breathtakingly hot. With his jet black hair, dark blue eyes, dimples that looked so adorable on him he got away with almost anything, and sexy body, Dean was one of the strikingly handsome men Kayla had had the pleasure of knowing. He was her hottest wet dream and incredibly sexy. 

“Deal.” He growled and then pushed past the barrier. Kayla screamed. 


“Shit!” Dean groaned when Kayla instinctively tightened around him. “Relax, Kay. Don’t clench on me.” He instructed as he kept sliding in slowly till he was fully embedded inside her. 

She was soaked, warm, so tight, and felt amazing. "Fuck! Feels so good," Dean groaned uncontrollably. He was going out of his mind from pleasure. 

"No, it doesn't feel good," Kayla cried out, trying to catch her breath. “Why the fuck do people do this if it’s this painful?” She gasped. 

“And why the fuck are you allowing me to do this if it’s that painful?” Dean retorted in an amused voice. Dean fought for control. Her muscles were gripping him like a fist. All he wanted to do was plunge into that tight sweet warmth and never stop. But he also knew that if he didn’t gain some form of control, he would end up hurting her. 

“How long before the pain goes away?” Kayla breathed. 

Dean chuckled. "Do I look like a babe to you? How the fuck am I supposed to know?” 

“Dean…” Kayla groaned. Dean tenderly smoothed the wet tendrils of hair away from Kayla’s forehead. 

He sighed, laying his forehead against hers as he stared down at her. “It won't last long, Kay. Just breathe." Dean said, his voice soft. 

And Kayla reacted more to the sudden tenderness in Dean’s voice than to the promise he'd just given her. Dean’s breathing was labored. Staying unmoving inside Kayla when all he wanted to do was thrust in hard and deep was killing him. But it was her first time and he didn’t want to hurt her. He nipped at her skin with his teeth and tickled her at the same time with his tongue. The sweet torture made Kayla forget some of the pain. 

“You’re so tight,” Dean whispered against her lips. “So hot and sweet, Kay, It’s like being surrounded by the sweetest fire on earth.” Dean’s touch, words, and voice played on Kayla’s senses. She began to move before she even realized it. Pleasure danced sinuously with a spark of pain. The combination drove her crazy. 

Dean withdrew and gently teased her clit with the head until her face muscles went lax with pleasure. Then he slowly sank back into her, taking her slowly, allowing her body to adjust to his size. He wanted to take her gently and sweetly to show her how damned good it could be. Kayla uttered a soft moan as she matched Dean’s slow rhythm, her mouth blindly seeking his. He set a gentle pace, easing in and out so slowly that her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head from the pleasure. She couldn’t control her moans. 


Kayla nodded. “It feels so good.” Why had she waited till now to do this, Kayla wondered. What she felt when she touched herself came nowhere near the ecstasy she had felt from Dean’s mouth, or the pleasure she was feeling that moment. She cried out when she felt Dean’s cock brush over something inside her. The lingering pain was instantly replaced by blinding pleasure. 

She shuddered and clutched at him. “What was that?” 

“Ever heard of a g-spot?” Dean whispered against her lips, gently working that spot back and forth with his cock until Kayla was a trembling mess in his arms. 

Her arms tightened around him as she whimpered his name, her moans of pleasure, music to his ears. When she clenched around him, Dean gave an ecstatic rumble that echoed through his chest and made Kayla shiver. She watched his face twist into a grimace of sublime pleasure. His eyes closed and his body arched. Kayla thought he looked as hot as fuck! 

"Put your legs around me, Kay," Dean instructed, his voice harsh with lust.

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