Chapter 3. Playing with Fire

Kayla struggled for breath as she reached down with both hands to cup Dean’s head, twisting her fingers into his beautiful black hair to hold him in place. Dean’s mouth latched onto her clit and he gently sucked on it, swirling his tongue around that pleasure button whilst he moaned low in his throat. Kayla couldn’t believe how good it felt. She opened to him like a flower, her body arching to his touch. Dean's eyes glinted naughtily up at her as his tongue kept rolling against her clit, driving her closer and closer to a fiery climax. Kayla’s moans of delight filled the room. Dean would move down to probe her opening with that slick tongue, then move up to twirl her clit with his tongue. It was sweet torture. 

“Dean…” She sobbed when the sweetest sensations rushed along her spine to pull in between her thighs. “Dean, please...

At her plea, Dean closed his mouth over the throbbing clit and sucked hard. Kayla didn’t stand a chance... She unraveled, moaning and bucked up as an explosive orgasm tore through her. Dean gripped her hips and kept sucking on her clit throughout her orgasm, prolonging her pleasure. 

Kayla was going insane with ecstasy. In one breath she would be pleading for mercy, “no more please…” Then in the next, she would be screaming at Dean not to stop, “oh my god, don’t stop.” 

Kayla lost track of how many times she climaxed after they began rolling into each other. Dean kept at it till she was a quivering mess, her voice hoarse from all the screaming, her body, pliant and boneless. He finally took pity on her and stopped the erotic assault on her clit. After lapping up her juices, Dean moved up to cover her body with his, watching as Kayla tried to bring her erratic breathing under control. When she eventually calmed down, Kayla opened her eyes and stared up into beautiful dark blue eyes filled with so much hunger and lust, and…was that a smug look on Dean’s face, she wondered. She was too sated to bother questioning him. 

“You taste so good,” Dean murmured, his voice hoarse and heavy with arousal as he stared into Kayla’s orgasm-glazed green eyes. “I want you, Kay.”

Kayla trembled at Dean’s words. He was moving the head of his thick cock through her slickness, up and down through her swollen folds. When he started rubbing slow circles around her clit, she gasped as her hips bucked uncontrollably. 

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Kayla whispered, still looking into dark blue eyes, whose thick long dark lashes made Dean look so young and hot.

Dean froze. Did Kayla think she had been dreaming all that while? 

“Kay…” Dean dropped his head, burying his face in Kayla’s neck with a frustrated groan even as he continued rubbing against her folds. “No. This is real, Kay. You’re drunker than I thought.”

Dean squeezed his eyes tightly shut and fought to retain control of his body because, at that very moment, his control was pretty much hanging by a thread. He knew that he needed to control himself until he was sure Kayla was fully aware of what was going on and ready for it. 


Kayla moved against Dean, trembling as exquisite sensations tore through her body from the point where Dean’s cock slowly circled her slick swollen clit. His heavy breathing was the sexiest sound she had ever heard. 

“Kay…” Dean groaned deep in his chest, a helpless sound of tormented pleasure. “Do you have any idea how crazy you’re driving me?” He husked, grazing her throat with his lips. 

Even as she squirmed against the pleasurable sensations Dean was building inside her, Kayla was asking herself how the fuck she’d gotten to that room which was clearly not hers. And why wasn’t she getting up to run away? This was obviously not one of her erotic dreams about the crazy, hot Dean Broody. Dean was there for real, ready to fuck her. She had a lot of questions to ask but those exquisite sensations running through her that very moment made all those questions seem unimportant. She could already feel the tension building again, could feel the pleasure coil inside her tighter and tighter with the rubbing of that cock against her clit. Dean’s cock felt enormous against her and it scared the living daylights out of her but she wanted to be filled with it…feel it move inside her. She wanted that promised pleasure.

 “Dean…” She moaned, thrusting up against Dean. 

“Do you want this, Kayla?” Dean knew he was at the edge of his control but the last thing he would ever do would be to fuck a woman without her consent. Kayla hesitated. 

“Yes. But…let me see it first.” She whispered. “Let you see what?” Dean raised his head to look at Kayla. He looked confused. “Let me see…you know…your...” She looked flushed. 

The request sounded strange to Dean but he shrugged, rising to kneel between Kayla’s thighs. And at Kayla’s gasp, Dean grinned, flashing those cute dimples that he knew Kayla loved. He was used to girls reacting like that whenever they saw his cock. He loved it. What man wouldn’t? 

“Scared?” He drawled. “Don’t tell me you’ve never seen one this big before. You’re Kay-fucking-la baby.” 

“Dean, that won’t fit.” She gushed out, staring at his erection. It was huge. 

“Wanna bet?” Dean answered with a chuckle, getting back into position and wondering why Kayla was acting all scared. He knew he was hung but there were guys bigger than him. And Kayla looked like an experienced enough chic. Why the fuss? Maybe it was just an act. Well, he could play along. 

“Dean really…” Kayla started but Dean silenced her weak protest with a kiss so sweet it made her forget all about his cock. 

"Look at me, Kay," Dean whispered against Kayla’s lips. She opened her eyes and stared up into blue eyes glittering with need. 

“You are so beautiful. And I want you very much.” Dean crooned, his voice dark and rough. 

Kayla felt a delicious tightening within her core at his words. She was certainly burning for him but that was Dean…he fooled around a lot. He was never serious with anything, especially girls. Kayla licked suddenly dry lips and tried to look indifferent. “I already said you could fuck me, Dean. No need to give me lines.” Kayla murmured, her face flushed. “Just do it.” 

Dean’s eyes had followed the movement of Kayla’s tongue and he lowered his head to taste those swollen lips again. Kayla shuddered when his lips touched hers. His tongue pressed into her mouth as she moaned into the lustful possession. And as they kissed, Dean slowly thrust into her, wanting to savor the pleasure of entering into her tight sheath. Then he felt it…a barrier. Kayla’s pained whimper told Dean all he needed to know.

He froze!

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