Chapter 3


After having lunch in one of the restaurants we like I remember that I still need to buy Lorenzo's gift, so I call the girls to accompany me when we find a sex store still inside the mall.

Just like me, the two of them are surprised by everything they find in front of them, I had something in mind when I entered here, but ended up forgetting what I was looking for when my eyes found every kind of accessory and sex toy imaginable.

The whole place seems to enchant us and soon we all separate inside the store, Giulia the shyest of us all appears a few minutes later holding a basket with several things inside and an embarrassed smile on her face while Marina and I laugh at her embarrassment.

I look at each item in my shopping basket and when I think I finally found everything I was looking for, we pay for our purchases and leave the mall with the security guards following us.

One part of all this that still embarrasses me is that everyone around us usually looks at us with curiosity when they see that we are being escorted everywhere we go by tall men wearing black from head to toe.

But the cheerful and relaxing company of the girls manages to take my attention away from this detail that I hate the most, inside the car I receive a call from the organization staff telling me that they had already arrived and were already setting up all the space in the huge hall of the mansion and that Lorenzo hardly ever uses.

When we finally arrive back at the property I say goodbye to Marina and Giulia who need to get back because they had to get ready for the party and according to them this would take hours and they wouldn't be late for the ball for anything.

With Lorenzo leaving for work I was responsible for taking care of the organization along with the team, the employees, and Mrs. Margarida who was a great help in coordinating the staff that would take care of the buffet part of the party.

I spend most of my afternoon doing this and hoping that everything will be perfect, and in the evening another team from a beauty salon that Lorenzo introduced me to at the beginning comes to take care of my hair and make”up.

The result when they are done is better than expected and when I get a message from Lorenzo that he will be home soon I say goodbye to the salon staff I put on my robe and step out onto the balcony feeling the cooler breeze of the wind against my face this time.

I look down to see that all the decoration is finished, the main gates are with more security guards than usual doing their rounds and ready to receive the guests and acquaintances of the Mancini family in a few hours.

Everything looks wonderful, we've done a great job in the ballroom transforming it into a spacious dance hall with the decor all in single colors, red and black.

From up here I can see the entrance to the house lit up and adorned by vases of scarlet red flowers that match perfectly with the dark contrast of the night that is getting closer and closer.

An anxious smile breaks out on my lips as I spot three cars pulling into the main gates, it doesn't take long for the man I love to get out of the second car and walk briskly to the entrance of the mansion.

I hear quick footsteps through the room and seconds later I am being hugged from behind by Lorenzo who fits his head into the curve of my neck before turning me forward.

I entwine the tall man's neck with my arms kissing him more eagerly, we have spent almost a day away from each other and this seems to fill us with so much longing that we are unable to live without each other for long.

“How was your day, amore dela mia vita?", he asks, kissing my lips one last time before turning away from me to take a closer look.

“Happy birthday, love!", I hug him, feeling his vest with his pistol tucked into his body, but I don't let it shake me.

“I see that my beautiful fiancée is almost ready for the celebration, it's not only my birthday and you know it very well, Bella...", he kisses my neck holding my hand and kissing it with affection where is located the huge diamond ring that Lorenzo made sure to give me when he proposed to me three months ago.

I nod my head, unable to stop remembering the moment he told me he loved me, I wasn't expecting this, a rough and cold man proposing to a girl like me.

“One year since the day you told me you loved me, it's impossible to forget, Lorenzo...", I smile remembering every emotion I felt at that important and defining moment of my life.

“A year since I realized that you brought light into my dark life, you are the light I needed to see the way through, you are everything I love most in this world, Bella."

“I love you too, beast.", I whisper, eliciting a hoarse laugh from him as I call him by the nickname I've given him since the beginning of our story.

“This ferocious beast here is itching to bite and do naughty things to a beautiful defenseless girl who is only in her robe right now, the beast is controlling himself not to be a beast right now and throws his girl on this bed and makes everyone at the party wait for us while we are having our party here...", I bite my lip tempted to accept his proposal, but I need to be strong right now to be able to resist this temptation in the form of a man in front of me.

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