Chapter 2

Iris POV

Darkness loomed around me as I wallowed in pain.

Soon, the light came and I was healed. I was healed of all deformities in my body. I looked around again and the place was as white as snow and as beautiful as the garden of roses. It was all calm and at the entrance, it felt like there was another life down there. I looked down at my clothes and it was all different.

I was cladded in an all-white gown. It was so white and I wasn't wearing any shoes either. I was barefooted. Stepping on the floor alone felt like heaven. Just as white as cotton. So fluffy.

Just then I heard a voice.

A very loud one, saying:

"Come in."

I looked around and the voice never stopped.

I went slowly into the door and brightness shone around me. The loud voices like people singing jolted me out of my thoughts. Where was I? And why are people singing? Am I in heaven? Am I? I continued walking in deeper and deeper till I saw there girls at the front of another entrance. They were dressed in all white and crowns were OK their heads with their hair as white as snow.

I stared at them and they gestured to me to come forward.


I didn't hesitate. I followed immediately.

Entering the door was another door. Why are there so many doors? I didn't grow impatient but in fact, I was patient and curious enough to know what was happening. I had died because I was poisoned. I was poisoned by the people I considered family. My boyfriend and my best friend.

I wasn't crying nor was I feeling bad but the painful scenario was still there. It was still in my heart.

When we got to the door. It was pulled open and everything was bright. Like, very bright and as white as snow. I turned around to look for the three girls but they were not there anymore.

"Do not fear, come in."

I did as I was told and the door was shut behind me so loud that my soul almost left my body. My body?

Oh, I forgot that I was dead.

I was poisoned.

"Welcome, Iris."

The voice roared in my ears and I shifted back with full force. Just then, the wind began to blow and then, a woman appeared. The first thing I noticed

was her hair. Her full, white hair and her glowing skin. Her white lashes, her golden robe. She is very most prettiest woman I have ever seen.

She had on a beautiful smile.

In her hand was a trident with three crowns on each of the es. It looked very powerful.

Who was she?

"You look like you have been wallowing in regrets, beloved but you are here now and everything will be to your advantage."

How did she know my name? Who is she?

"Mother of all wolves." She answered and immediately, I bowed.

She is the moon goddess.

The moon goddess. It was as if she was reading my mind and everything became so familiar to me. I felt calm and okay inside of me.

"Your Highness," I said bowing.

"You may raise your head. You are the head, Iris. Don't ever forget that. I am going to be giving you two options. It's your choice to pick. Do you want me to avenge your death and you shall live peacefully in the other realm or do you want me to send you back to earth and give you the power to right all wrongs and to avenge your death?"

I thought about it carefully.

If she avenged my death for me, that means I will rest in her glory. No danger or evil will come to me and then I will forever be grateful. But what about my parents' death? Who would avenge me? Their spirit would not be at rest if I do nothing. I wasn't born a coward. I was born in victory. I was born to conquer.

Going back to earth also means I will have the power to fight all evil. I will have the power to right all wrongs. I will be able to find out the cause of my parent's death. But what about living a comfortable life? Going back to earth also means going back to being poor to suffer.

I sighed. I will choose the second. I need to correct all wrongs. My parents. Who knows if I would be able to stop my parents from death? I shut my eyes and breathed heavily. I raised my head just to see the moon goddess gone.

I widened my eyes. Was I too slow to give her my answer? Was that the reason why she left me?

"Your Highness!." I called and immediately she appeared before me in her golden crown and robe.

She put on that smile as the comforter she was.

Her smile alone could clear your worries and everything.

"Beloved, you called for me." She said looking at me.

"Yes, your highness."

"Speak." She gestured.

"I am willing to go back to earth."

She got up on her feet instantly as I said so. The smile on her face disappeared and fear bobbed in my heart. Have I said something wrong? The wind started blowing and before I could mutter a word, everything stopped.

She was back on her golden throne.

"May I know your reasons, beloved?"

"I want to avenge my death and not only that, I want to correct all wrongs doings. I want to know the cause of my parent's death. I won't be able to rest knowing the person who took their life is living happily without paying for his sins. And the two of them? They betrayed me and I will avenge

them. Regardless of going back to the poor person I was, I don't mind. As long as I get to make my parents happy and make sure that all evil ones are put in their place. These are my reasons, your highness."

There was silence.

She didn't say anything.

I shut my eyes waiting for her.

She knows the best for me.

She is the next after the heavens.

"I hear you, beloved. All your wishes have been granted but deeply in your heart, I see the person who cares about you and that is the man you saw last before your spirit directed you here."

I tried remembering.


He was the last person.

"Yes. Your Highness. I want him to be my mate if I should go back to earth."

"It has been granted the moment you stepped your feet in here. The mate bond has been created. But-"

I bowed immediately.

"I have added to your mission on earth. You have three missions now. The first is yours, which is to avenge your death"

"Yes, your highness."

"The second one. On Earth, there are three women with three different powers. They are powerful but evil. They are after one of my beloved and your mission is to find out their weaknesses and use them against them. Save the girl and automatically, her spirit will return to us here. They have overused the opportunity given to them."

"Yes, your highness," I answered.

"The third, in your next life on earth, you have to save your guardian. She is supposed to be at her destined place but her evil grandmother kept pulling her back, dragging her time backwards. You have to save her and it is until you save her, you will be able to carry out your second mission. And note this, she will come in a different form. She might be poor, rich, or even a pauper. Never look down on her. She is the one the heavens had assigned to you to help you with your newly acquired missions. She is the one to direct you on how to find the three powerful women."

"Yes, your highness."

"And for your bravery, courage, your well-determined spirit, your life will change for the better. I will bless your parents, you will no longer have to suffer again, you are already powerful. Never use your powers for evil because the day you plan to use them for evil purposes, it will turn against you." She explained and a sword appeared in my hand.

"Call upon it when you need to defend yourself. And your name? You will now be called Iris Beloved Williams."

"Iris Beloved Williams," I repeated.

She appeared in my front and placed her palm on my face.

PRESENT TIME ~Two years back

I felt liquid splashed on my face and I jumped out of the deep slumber and wiped my face and muttered;

"Iris Beloved Williams."

I repeated wiping my face. I looked around and couldn't believe my eyes.

Where am I? Where is this place?

This place looks like my room but it is in a better version. It is in a modern version. Some things look different but that is just the way it is. There is no wooden cabinet or wooden table. I don't even have a mirror then.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I heard a voice. The voice that reminded me of the pain I had gone through before. I raised my head just to see her. I frowned.

I threw her a death glare.

"What are you doing here, Halley?"

How did she even get into my room?

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