Chapter 3

It was not like every normal day.

The Draven papers and News stations had published it.

There was to be a comet orbiting the sun the next day. Many new vampires did not understand the meaning of that and why everybody in the clan was making a fuse about it.

A long time had passed since the last orbit and the effect was extremely dreadful to the vampires at the time. Emmett having experienced this before had become immune to it after about two hundred years had passed. He was the oldest in the clan and the only one who the comet did not affect. He worried now for his newly turned wife and his child that was also a vampire. He didn’t think they had the strength to bear the effects the comet had on them. His wife Dahlia, liked the strength she now had as a vampire and had forgotten what it felt like to feel weak. His child had never known what it meant to be weak and he wasn’t happy that she would get a taste of what it felt like.

After that last comet, they had noticed the drowsiness, loss of strength, and abilities they felt and knew then, that they couldn’t stand the night of the comet. The next day, the vampire population noticed that they couldn’t hear or sense things from afar. They could barely move from place to place, they had very funny symptoms too. As the day drew to a close, the comet appeared and everyone started feeling the effect fully and worse than they had felt all day.

Everybody began to retire early to their various homes as the feeling of weakness came with severe headaches, body vibrations, scaling skin, and sweating. The healing properties in their blood didn’t seem to work and some were rendered incapacitated and immobile. It was to last for ten hours according to the report.

Emmett made sure everyone in his clan was safely in their homes, as it was a perfect time for their borders to be infiltrated. After a long time, he had finally settled down to build this community and he wasn’t ready to let it all go to nothing. He had made quite a lot of enemies back in the day before he met his wife and had his child. He had been reckless and very ruthless, brutally killing many humans, wolf clans, and even other vampires. The first two were mainly for blood while the vampires were people who stood in his way or were his rivals. His last invasion of a group of people had been a wolf pack over twenty years ago when they were in dire need of blood. When he got there, it looked like he had visited the pack a couple of times before, but he did not care. He was always in a bloody haze whenever he raided a pack or group of persons and wouldn’t remember anything after that. Time had become fogged in his mind, and all he wanted was their blood and he made sure to get what he wanted. But that day, they tried to attack him and he did not like that, so he killed a couple of them. He had taken some newly turned vampires for a kill, to teach them how to drink blood straight from the source and had used the opportunity to get blood for storage. He had built a strong community by then, with a rich supply of blood of any kind (animal, human, wolf) and type, but they were running low so they had gone to restock.

Now he only wished none of his rivals were aware of their only weakness and use it as an opportunity to strike. These thoughts played in his mind all day. He had a child now, and call him old-fashioned but, he wanted Arayah to run the community when she was much older. He wanted to have an inheritance to give her. He knew he would not die but still, he wanted to hand over the reins to her as his successor, when she was ready. Knowing how smart she was, he knew she would do a much better job.

The plan was set and already in motion.

The wolves had planned this day for years, or rather Alpha Aragorn had.

He had made sure there were at least three plans in case the original plan did not work out.

“Are we good to go?” Alpha Aragorn asked the about thirty persons that would go.

For this plan, he was not to come in. He was to come in if this first plan did not work.

“Yes sir!” Everyone chorused in an ear-splitting shout.

He had wanted to be out in the ring but all his warriors had protested. About sixty more warriors were left with him and they would take over with the Alpha if all went to naught.

To Alpha Aragorn, this was the best day of his life. The day when he would finally get revenge over what his rivals had taken from him. They didn’t deserve to live, and after all, they had had their share of life and some more. He knew vampires were immortal and he had wished for a long time that he could rid the world of their bloodsucking species. They were an abomination as far as Aragorn was concerned. You only get to die once and you are to remain dead. Not come back alive drinking people’s blood.

He had carefully hand-picked each warrior, based on speed, technique, strength, and loyalty.

He had of course put Beta Ross in charge, which Beta Zali the army general had not been so happy about. Though he was not the type to go against authority.

They took off with about two trucks, wanting the dead of the night, so as not to seem inconspicuous when the comet was at its peak. The Draven Vampire Clan was about two miles away from there. They got there and they noticed how quiet the place was. They were at first suspicious, so they shifted to their wolf form. Just as they shifted and stepped into the clan, they noticed the fleeting shadow of something moving. It was incredibly fast and only after it had passed a few more times, they discovered it was a person.

It was Emmett Whitlock, the leader of the vampires in that clan and the one with whom Aragorn held a grudge. Beta Ross who was in charge was thankful that the Alpha was not there at the time, knowing he would have attacked without following the plan. They were of course not surprised that he was not affected by the comet, as they had prepared for this. He appeared to be securing and protecting his people in case of an invasion.

It did not matter as the plan would still go on. It was obvious he was scared as he kept moving back and forth. They would destroy his clan before his eyes. Before they knew it, Emmett ran into their midst in a split-second as though he flew, bit into the neck of one of the lower-ranked warriors that were with the pack, and drained the wolf’s blood, his eye-widening in astonishment and his face showing the pain he felt. He collapsed on the ground from the heavy blood loss. They caught Emmett before he could escape. He tried to free himself by going for another, but all of them pounced on him and ripped him apart. Arms and legs were pulled by the canines of the vengeful wolves with reds dripping by the sides of their mouth. The face of the vampire turned to ash in color, and so did the rest of his body, when he finally succumbed to his death. Beta Ross who came prepared with a machete, cut off Emmett’s head as a souvenir for Aragorn back home. It was an exhilarating moment for them. They were satisfied, having taken down the Vampire clan’s leader.

After the hard part was over, they entered each home and burnt or ripped out the hearts of as many as they could find. Everyone was at their weakest state and could not fight.

It was a massacre.

It rained red everywhere in the city.

After there were corpses everywhere.

They burnt down houses, sheds, buildings, companies, shops, and many of the fine things people visited the city for. It was a nightmarish experience for the vampires as they saw their colleagues, friends, families, and all being murdered and could do nothing, knowing it would soon get their turn.

It was a win for the wolves. They laughed and made jest of the vampires, as some pleaded for their lives.

Sothoughtres managed to escape into the surrounding bushes but not all of them. Some hid and were caught. In all, it was a mass kill.

When they got to the palace, some of them shifted back to their human form and looked at the place.

They admired the luxury. The lady of the house must have put so much thought into it. There were also some old artifacts and paintings that undoubtedly belonged to Emmett.

It’s a pity this would all go up in flames. Ross thought.

“You know what to do guys,” Ross spoke up, distracting everyone from the beauty they were admiring.

They began pouring chemicals into the sitting room.

The sound of some incantations stopped them.

A woman came by the doorstep. She looked very weak and she looked like she could not walk properly. Her hand was stretched towards them and her eyes looked unfocused. She had a pained expression on her face. They could barely hear the gibberish she was saying. She was crying now begging an unseen deity to help her just this once.

Beta Ross and the rest of the pack found her actions to be interesting and somewhat amusing. She was the mother of the house. They were not here for a pity party and Ross was not one to be lenient. In a flash, he rushed towards her and cut off her head too. Her blood splattered on his face and the walls. He wiped it off. His face was emotionless. He then motioned for the rest of them to search the entire house for any other person.

They found some servants, who were sleeping off the effect of the comet, and killed them in their sleep. They got to a room and saw the sleeping child. Knowing that no matter how tough Aragorn appeared, he did not like the killing of children, they took her with them. He would see fit, what should be done about the little girl.

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