Chapter 3


Nick turned over the file on his table and stared at it thoughtfully, memories started flooding around him and a tear dropped down his cheeks. He stood up and went near the window to get some fresh air and have some control over his emotions. It is always like this whenever he thought about her, why did she leave him six years ago and vanished all of a sudden, and what about the accident? He had lost her that day. It was the day before the wedding in an elite club in Dublin. It was the most luxurious and upscale place in the entire city where only noblemen and celebrities could be seen.

 The people who were gathered in the VIP lounge were very influential and wealthy. The table was filled with liquor as they waited for the guest of honor, the groom to arrive. 

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard coming towards them and everyone knew who it was so they started cheering as the man of the day the groom, the tall and handsome Nick Java walked in. He was every women’s heart’s desire, but he had given away his heart to the most beautiful girl in Dublin. Rio Abbot is the stepdaughter of Larry Radnor and Blake Radnor. He just rolled his eyes and started laughing as he took his place near Richard, his childhood buddy. Richard punched him and asked him how he was feeling about the big day. Nick blushed and it was quite rare for him to blush with so many people around him and his friends started teasing him happily. The four of them were not only his friends but brothers and had been with him since his diaper days. Their families were close-knitted, and they always gathered for every occasion. Each of them excels in their way. 

But Nick was the CEO of Java International and the wealthiest and the most powerful man in entire Dublin. His father had a great name and was respected by everyone. Today was his bachelor party as he was getting married the next day to Rio Abbot. He had known Rio since the time her mother married Larry Radnor and moved into the manor when she was ten years old.

 He still remembered meeting her for the first time when she was riding a phony her long hair bouncing away but the most amazing he noticed was her beautiful big eyes which were staring at him. He could not take his eyes off her and now she was becoming his wife. He was lost in his thoughts when Martin made a toast and pulled him out of his dreams.

 Forced by his friends he kept on drinking as the toast was in his name he could not refuse. He had to oblige everyone present and ended up having too many drinks but it did not have much effect on him as he had alcohol tolerance. After an hour of partying with his friends, his phone started ringing but because he had a lot to drink he could not find his phone then it stopped ringing.

He was in a daze due to alcohol so he did not bother because everyone who knew him was aware that it was his bachelor party that night and no one would disturb him. 

But yet again his phone started ringing then he finally found his phone and when he saw the caller he smiled and picked up his phone and said, “Rio I am missing you.” Look like somebody missed me he thought as he smiled like a kid. 

"Oweee…" His friends started teasing him. 

On the other end, Rio spoke urgently, “Nick I need to tell you something can you come to the outhouse, please don’t ask me anything just come.” 

Nick was in a daze and looked around at his friends but said immediately, “Wait for me baby, I’ll be there.” Then he hung up.

 Richard heard it and was not willing to let him go but finally when Nick said he will come back. They allowed him to go. Nick hurried down to the underground parking lot and got into his car, he was quite surprised to get Rio’s call at this hour but something did not sound right, so he thought it was better to go and find it himself and besides he was more than willing to meet his women. 

He started his car and drove away down the country road. He had a lot of alcohol and was driving carefully, as his mind was very sharp no matter how much he drank he was always in control when he was driving his car. Slowly he reached behind the manor, where the beautiful lake was sparkling in the night because of the moonlight.

 The estate was very big so there were many outhouses near the lake but this was the oldest one which belonged to his grandfather and later he gave it to him and it was also the hideaway where he and Rio met whenever she came back for her vacation from school. Then he saw her standing by the railing near the gate of the outhouse. He was mesmerized by her beauty as she looked so beautiful in the moonlight he got out of his car and walked towards her. As he neared her he could see that she was crying and then she turned, and she saw him and ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He held her and everything came to a standstill, he started kissing her. Her lips trembled. He could taste her tears falling down her cheeks and held her apart and asked, ‘What’s wrong, why are you crying darling?’ She just looked at him and said, ‘Nothing I just missed you, kiss me, Nick.’ She started kissing me.

 He looked at her concernedly and said, ‘Are you sure you are okay?" She nodded and her lips captured his lips and she started kissing him slowly and sensually. 

Nick tried to control himself and tore away from her and said huskily, “Rio, I want you, but we can wait till tomorrow, I want your first time to be special.” But Rio was not listening she continued kissing him and did not allow him to speak. Nick lost control over himself he had too much to drink and when Rio started kissing him, he picked her up and carried her inside the outhouse.

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