Chapter 4. Pregnant?

"I was expecting you to say something like that. And for your actions today, I want to reward you with something," Danaswara said.

Ratu's lips had been pouting. Her gaze was sharp, intimidating. She didn't like this. She had not expected her quiet life to change at all since the arrival of the ignorant man beside her. If she were just a little late, her favorite room would turn into a space of hell.

Ratu didn't answer. Although she was curious about what gift her father would give her, her feelings told her it was not good. Therefore, she didn't move from the doorway at all. She continued to block the servants and couriers from moving the items her parents had just bought into the room.

"I have decided to leave my entire estate to you...."

A slight smile appeared on Ratu's face. Finally, what she had been waiting for all this time was also realized. With her father's wealth, she could open branches of her business in various places, making her much richer.

"Thank you, Dad," she said.

"Umm... I'm not done yet. All of this will be yours on the condition that Sagara sleeps in your room for one year and you get pregnant with his child!" said Danaswara.

"What! That's impossible!" roared Ratu. She then looked disgustedly at the man beside her. In her entire life, she had never come into contact with a man other than her father. Then how could she be related to Sagara? Every time she saw his face, she wanted to kick him.

"Well... if you don't want it, I'll leave the property to my son-in-law!" insisted Danaswara.

Ratu was even more annoyed. Without a word, she entered the room and slammed the door. Seeing his only daughter's behavior like that, Danaswara could only sigh. He thought this method would at least work. But what he got was the opposite. Danaswara was utterly baffled by his daughter's resemblance to himself. Danaswara seemed to be facing himself but in female form.

"I'm sorry, Gar!" Sagara smiled. "You didn't do anything wrong. Ratu is my responsibility now."

Danaswara patted Sagara's shoulder. "I did not choose the wrong son-in-law."

Sagara laughed. "Don't judge too quickly before you taste your son-in-law's cooking."

It was Danaswara's turn to laugh. " You can cook?" he asked, doubting Sagara's words.

"I'll just sit here with Mom and wait for the cooking to finish!" Sagara pushed his father-in-law to a place. Danaswara ordered everyone to get out. He knew his daughter's temperament well. Ratu could lock herself in her room all day if she had a tantrum like earlier. So it's useless to wait for her. There are also many servants in this house. If Ratu had given permission, Danaswara could have told them to put the items bought into Ratu's room.

Meanwhile, Ratu took a pillow and threw it up. Before the pad fell to the floor, a typical taekwondo kick hit it first. She did this repeatedly until she fell onto the bed due to exhaustion.

Ratu began to calm herself down. She knew her father never went back on his word. He always kept what he said and always prepared what was needed. So, if it was like this, Danaswara must have designed an heir letter with the conditions he had said earlier.

Ratu got up. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"Okay, Ratu. You can hold this! Whatever you can do to make everything as you wish. It's only one year. It must be very short! And after one year and your father's fortune is in your hands, you can kick that selfish man!" she said to herself.

After putting her makeup back on, Ratu exited her room. She swept her eyes around, looking for her father and the person she hated the most in this house. But neither was in sight. Even her father still had his purchases in the living room. Just as Ratu had expected, her father didn't give up. He wants Sagara to sleep with Ratu.

Ratu moved from the doorway of the room. She started looking for her father. At first, she thought her father was on the balcony, reading the newspaper, but he was not. There was no one in the room either. Finally, her nose smelled something delicious coming from the backyard. Without thinking, she headed there. Anger and annoyance made her stomach rumble.

Arriving in the backyard, she saw her father and mother conversing. In front of them was served pasta with a very tempting sauce. Ratu had never seen such mouth-watering pasta before.

"Why don't you invite me to eat!" she protested.

"You were angry earlier. Usually, when you're angry, you go straight to sleep, right, Honey?" responded Danaswara while eating his pasta.

"That's right. In the past, if you were angry, you would never be offered food," Mrs. Danaswara replied as she continued to eat her pasta.

"Anger can't make Ratu full. I want to eat, where's mine? Is this it?" said Ratu. Without waiting for an answer from her father and mother, she immediately took one of the remaining plates. The plate was in front of an empty chair, but she didn't care. She was hungry, and pasta was one of her favorite foods.

Danaswara and his wife looked at each other. For a moment, they were stunned to see the miraculous behavior of their only daughter.

"How is it delicious?" asked Ira, Ratu's mother.

Ratu ate with gusto. After swallowing, she nodded. "It's delicious. The sauce is even better. Where did you and Dad buy it? Tomorrow, if you buy again, buy a lot at once," Ratu replied. She continued to eat again.

"We didn't buy it," Ira said.

"Huh? Did you make it? Really?"

Danaswara suddenly laughed. "It's perfect, isn't it?" he repeated.

Ratu frowned. "Yes. It's delicious. That's why I asked where to buy it. I don't know if our maid could ever cook pasta this good. Especially Mom."

Ira laughed along with her husband. She even choked, and Danaswara quickly got her some water.

"What's wrong with you and Dad?" Ratu felt something was wrong.

"Nothing. Hurry up and finish it; it's not good if it's cold," Ira said.

Ratu didn't care. Her stomach was still hungry. She ate the pasta until finished, even choked on it, and immediately drank.

"Delicious, right?" asked Danaswara once again.

Ratu nodded. Her hand was still holding a glass of water.

"Still want to know who made the pasta?" "Yes, I do. If I'm too lazy to eat tomorrow, make pasta like this. I'll eat it," said Ratu.

Danaswara looked at his wife. They both smiled while raising their eyebrows.

"The one who made the pasta is your husband, Rat."

Hearing that, Ratu could only remain silent. She wanted to spit out the pasta that was already in her stomach. Unfortunately, the tongue cannot lie. The taste of this pasta was perfect. And she wasn't a snake who could spit out what she had eaten.

"And your husband only made three servings because the pasta was running low, and what you ate was Sagara's," Danaswara continued with a chuckle.

"Sagara also ate a little, didn't he? So you indirectly ate from Sagara's spoon," Ira added.

Ratu could only gape at that. She felt embarrassed and annoyed. Her father and mother revealed that fact when the pasta on her plate ran out. Especially now that Sagara had suddenly arrived with three avocado juices on a tray. He smiled, proud that his cooking had won over his wife's tongue.

"It's a relief that you like my cooking," Sagara said as he placed the three avocado juices on the table.

Ratu looked away. "No need to lie about being a person!" she snapped.

Sagara still needs to answer. He just smiled a little. Only after a while he opened his mouth, "Let me get the dessert first."

Ratu was even more upset by that. She admitted that she couldn't cook. She also rarely went to the kitchen. When she went to the kitchen, most of the time, she only got water or fruit. That's all. Never once did her delicate hands hold a pan or any tool there.

Although Ratu looked at Sagara judiciously, his hand slowly approached the avocado juice that Sagara placed beside Ratu. Danaswara was amused to see it. He took Ratu's glass a second before Ratu's hand reached for it.

"No need to be ashamed of your own family!" said Danaswara.

Ratu exhaled an annoyed breath. She then took the glass from her father's hand. "Who is ashamed? I even came here to tell you I agreed to room with Sagara!" she snapped. She drank the avocado juice, which looked tempting.

"Oh God, thank you!" said Danaswara as he cupped his hands and looked up at the sky.

"But don't force me to get pregnant. Getting pregnant is God's gift," interrupted Ratu. Though in her own heart, she had plans for Sagara later that night.

"That's not a problem. You will get pregnant if you are already in the same room and the lights are turned off."

Ratu just nodded. Let her parents be happy this time. What was clear was that she would never touched by another man, including her husband, Sagara.

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