Chapter 3. A Shitty Husband

An explosion sounded deafening. A plume of smoke rose from the hood of the Ratu's car. The woman immediately braked and pulled the car over. After opening the hood, black smoke came out.

Without thinking, Ratu took drinking water from the car and splashed it on the source of the smoke. Although the smoke on the car's hood slowly disappeared, Ratu could only sigh. Ratu hissed in annoyance. Why did this happen when she was upset because she was married to Sagara?

"Damn!" she shouted.

Ratu also took her phone and contacted her father. Unfortunately, he didn't pick up. Mom didn't pick up either. Ratu called the house phone, but suddenly, a thought infiltrated her brain. It would be very embarrassing if she called home and her new husband picked her up. She had left her husband at the wedding and wanted to ask him for help. That was impossible.


And it was true what she thought. The one who picked up the house phone was Sagara.

"Wrong number!" she concluded.

By hearing his voice alone, Ratu already hated this, let alone if he lived with him later.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Ratu's mind. "Later?" she thought.

Suddenly, she was thinking about her room. Her body immediately shuddered to imagine herself in the same room with Sagara. Ratu imagined Sagara, who only wore an undershirt and bit a rose to seduce Ratu.

"No-no. That can't happen." Ratu shook her head, pushing the thought away.

Ratu also called Ami, but she didn't pick up. Not giving up on that, she continued to call Ami repeatedly. But after trying several times and getting rejected, she gave up.

"Dang it!" She sighed. She called the drivers and whoever else's number she had. Unfortunately, when answered, the driver was taking Mom and Dad shopping. Ratu rolled her eyes. In her mind, her father and mother must be preparing many things, welcoming their new son-in-law. And indeed, they would make the Ratu's room into a bridal chamber full of charm.

Ratu shook her head. She did not want to think about it. If what she suspected was true, she had to go home now. She didn't want her room to change, mainly not just because of one obscure person who was now her husband. But how could she get back as soon as possible?

Earlier, she had contacted the garage to tow her car, but she could be on the road all day if she went home by the garage's car. Even more unlucky, no online motorcycle taxi answered her order on this route.

"Ugh!" annoyed Ratu. She racked her brain repeatedly, but there was no way out other than contacting Sagara again.

Ratu picked up her cell phone again. She sighed. She wanted to redial the home number, but her ego got in the way. Ratu huffed to herself. It felt very reluctant to contact that one human. But if she got home slowly, her favorite room would turn into a disaster room.

"Aha!" she shouted. She then threw her ego away and redialed the home number.

"Yes?" answered Sagara from the other side. His tone sounded friendly.

But in Ratu's ears, it was the opposite. Whether Sagara's tone was as beautiful as Ed Sheeran's, it still felt disturbing.

"You're deliberately waiting for a phone call, huh?" said Ratu. She felt a little annoyed because Sagara answered immediately.

"Yep. How could I ignore a call from my wife," Sagara replied.

To hear the last word that came out of Sagara's mouth, Ratu immediately hung up the phone. She hated hearing that word. Who would want to be the wife of a project employee?

Ratu hissed. She wanted to slam the phone. To vent her anger, Ratu stomped on the ground. The harder she stomped, the more her emotions subsided. And after her feelings were gone, she was forced to call the home number again.

Fortunately, she did not have to dial Sagara's number directly, not only because she would never contact him but also because she did not want to save it.

"Yes?" greeted Sagara, still in the same tone. Ratu rubbed her chest. She tried to be patient. "Pick me up; I'll send the location!"

"Send the location? With a home phone?" Ratu was getting furious. She clenched her teeth. It was annoying that Sagara's logic went first. Why didn't Ratu think of it?

Hearing Sagara say that made Ratu seem to have lost one step to Sagara. And that made Ratu even more furious herself.

"Quickly! Write down my number! I don't want to repeat it," said Ratu.

"Okay!" Ratu took a breath. She reluctantly called her number one by one.

"Can you repeat it?" asked Sagara.

"Huh? Are your ears deaf or something? I told you I don't want to repeat it!" raged Ratu.

Instead of getting angry with Ratu's reproach, Sagara laughed. "Usually, if you ask for a number, you have to repeat it so you don't get it wrong."

Ratu hissed. She closed her eyes and imagined kicking her new husband in the face. "One more time, and don't ask for it again," she said, holding back her anger.

"Hmm... not so. I got your number from Dad. I'll send a message to let you know my number and then send the location immediately! I'll wait!" Sagara hung up the phone.

"You bastard!" Ratu shouted as soon as Sagara hung up.

She turned around, approached the tree, wrote Sagara's name with a stone, and repeatedly beat the tree with the deadliest taekwondo kick. It wasn't until her legs ached and her breathing was too difficult to win the tree anymore that she sent the location to Sagara.

And after only a short wait, Sagara had arrived with his old blue jeep. Ratu, who saw that, immediately realized that Sagara was narcissistic. Just because his eyes were blue, his car was also blue. He also wore a light blue hem. Oh yes, his name is also Sagara, which means ocean. And the sea is blue. What else is it if not narcissistic?

"Are you speeding?" said Ratu. Although she was thinking, why didn't the person in front of her get into an accident?

Sagara shook his head. "I can track numbers. So I don't have to wait for you to send the location."

Ratu, who heard it, could only snort in annoyance. She realized that the person in front of her was not just any easy man to lie to.

"Move aside, let me drive!" said Ratu.

"Oh, you can't. Your name is Ratu Purbaningrum. I understand that you are in charge at home. But this car is mine," Sagara evaded.

Ratu was getting annoyed with Sagara. She felt like kicking Sagara and taking the car away. But from her investigation data, Ratu needed help to do that. Sagara studied one of the martial arts. And that was boxing.

Ratu was increasingly self-conscious. Confronting Sagara was a challenging matter. He was brilliant and kept thinking ahead. Because there was no other choice and it seemed like the tow truck would take a long time, Ratu got into the car right next to Sagara.

"Where are Dad and Mom going?" Ratu asked straight to the point. To her, Sagara was still a poor stranger who suddenly became her husband. And oh, look, he wasn't wearing his wedding ring either. For some reason, Ratu was upset to see Sagara not wearing their wedding rings.

"They're buying supplies for our room," Sagara replied.

Hearing that, Ratu squinted. She was right. "Hurry up and take me home!" she said.

For Ratu, the room in her house was her throne. So, no one is allowed to enter or even disturb her room.

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