Chapter 5. Passionate Night

"It's good to be able to sleep in a room this grand," mocked Ratu when Sagara entered her room for the first time.

Instead of getting angry, Sagara smiled. The ends of her lips formed a knot smile. Very sweet. Ratu saw that. But she was unwilling to recognize Sagara's face's perfect shape. It turned out that the photo given by her father was ugly. Sagara originally had a million charms. The look in his eyes was shady, the aura of his existence was soothing, and his face was friendly and pleasing to the eye, all of which were not in the photo.

But then again, Ratu didn't want to admit that. She still thought Sagara was just a parasite she had to get rid of as soon as possible from this house. Sagara was just a poor man who probably just lived on the wealth of Ratu's family. For Ratu, it all had to make sense. Then, her father's words about Sagara must be a lie. How could anyone not care about money? It was illogical.

"I don't usually sleep on the bed; you can sleep there; I sleep on the sofa over there," said Sagara, still full of smiles.

Ratu should be happy with Sagara's words. It meant she didn't have to share a bed with someone she hated. But instead, Ratu felt offended. Her anger burned, and even her eyes barked again.

"I don't want to be pitied by a man," said Ratu.

Sagara laughed at that. He did not think what his mother-in-law said about Ratu was true. Ratu overestimated herself as a woman; she was eager to prove that women could do anything men did.

"So what do you want?" asked Sagara.

For the first time, Sagara saw another expression from Ratu. From the time they met until now, he only saw a bitchy and indifferent face from Ratu, but now Ratu was smiling. Well, although that smile was not sweet but evil.

"We fight tonight! Whoever wins has the right to tell the loser anything for a week!" she challenged. The woman began to set up her stance. She folded her skirt up and faced Sagara. Ratu was confident that her taekwondo martial arts could defeat Sagara's boxing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Sagara. Since meeting Ratu, his day has been a little brighter. There was always a miracle that he could see in Ratu's behavior. Never once in his life had he met a woman like Ratu. Even the woman he used to love was very different from Ratu.

"Don't underestimate me, Sagara Syailendra!" she exclaimed.

Sagara shook his head. He put down the jacket that had been in his hand. He removed his shirt, leaving only an undershirt displaying his perfect muscles and body shape.

For a moment, Ratu was stunned to see Sagara's body. Ratu even swallowed. She often visited the curves of a man's muscles but never once was silent like this.

"Why?" asked Sagara.

Ratu did not answer. She was at a loss for what to say. If she admitted that Sagara's body shape was perfect, the man before her would become proud.

"If you're uncomfortable, I'll wear the hem again," Sagara said.

"Who would be uncomfortable? I've faced many muscular men besides you! Don't think I'm going to lose!" she said hurriedly.

Sagara chuckled. He realized that his late father's words were valid. Ratu could make him feel a whole new world.

"Here I go!" she shouted. She launched a kick that sent Sagara bouncing to the door.

Ira, who was enjoying coffee, was startled to hear a bang from Ratu's room. She went to check what had happened.

"Don't!" prevented Danaswara.

Ira, whose hand was about to knock on the door, stopped.

"Why?" she asked.

"Didn't you know? They're on their first night of marriage," Danaswara said, raising his eyebrows.

For a moment, Ira was confused, but it was only for a moment before she said, "Ooou." And then she laughed. "How extreme is that sound?" she asked.

Before Danaswara could reply, he heard a rumbling sound accompanied by Ratu's scream. "Understandably, newlyweds. Looks like they're having fun," Danaswara responded.

"I see. Sagara is a project worker; he must have much energy!" chuckled Ira.

"Let them have some fun," Danaswara invited and took his wife's hand. They left Ratu's room and returned to the living room.

But apparently, Ratu's parents needed to have understood. The first night of Ratu and Sagara's marriage was less romantic than other couples. Instead, Sagara and Ratu covered their first night married with martial arts moves and techniques to immobilize the enemy.

"Damn it!" Ratu shouted. She couldn't believe Sagara dodged every attack. "Attack me! Don't you think I will like being pitied like this? I am not a weak woman!" protested Ratu. She did not accept that Sagara continued to defend without attacking her once.

Ratu then launched a spinning backkick while jumping. She found one of the most deadly kicks in taekwondo. Sagara once again only defended. Ratu's powerful kick pushed him back against the wall.

Ratu got angry again. She felt utterly underestimated. Unfortunately, all she had left was endless annoyance. Then, when she was taking a breath to launch another attack, suddenly Sagara was behind her and slammed into her. He quickly locked Ratu's movement.

Ratu rebelled. But it was in vain. She already had no energy. Ratu had drained all her energy to attack Sagara earlier. And Sagara, who had only been defending, had enough power to withstand Ratu's movements.

"Didn't your coach ever tell you that fighting in anger will only make you lose?" said Sagara.

Ratu hissed. Her head, which had been looking up, now lay on the floor. Her energy was waning. And with a heavy heart, she admitted defeat to Sagara. The man's tactics overwhelmed Ratu.

Sagara also released Ratu. They then stood together.

"So what do you want from me?" asked Ratu, this time in a flat tone.

"You must know that I have no siblings or parents anymore. You and your parents are my only family now, Rat. So I ask, just for a week, we behave intimately so that your parents are happy," explained Sagara.

Ratu was stunned by Sagara's words. She spoke when Sagara returned his shirt and went to the bathroom.

Ratu sat on her bed. She kept thinking about Sagara's words. Not only were his words full of meaning, but the way Sagara said it, the look in his eyes, and the expression on his face were heartfelt. From Sagara's body language, Ratu knew the man was not lying.

"So, is it true what Dad said about Sagara?" Ratu thought.

Sagara was in the bathroom for a short time. After fifteen minutes, Ratu heard the sound of the bathroom door. Sagara came out and stepped into the room again. Ratu, who had been daydreaming, immediately turned away. She no longer wanted to see Sagara's muscle curves, making her unable to focus. Seeing his muscular arms alone can make her gulp, let alone see Sagara's upper body. It must have made Ratu completely unable to sleep.

But Ratu is still a woman. Although her attitude and behavior were far from women in general, she wanted to see Sagara. Ratu repeatedly turned to look at Sagara, who was now behind her. But her ego always got in the way. Ratu fought with herself until, finally, lust pushed her to look slightly at Sagara. And once she saw him, it turned out that Sagara was already wearing a shirt again.

"Is there something wrong with my body?" asked Sagara.

Ratu's face instantly turned red. But it's not Ratu if she admits what she's feeling.

"It's taking so long! I also want to take a shower!" she snapped. Without looking at Sagara again, Ratu stepped into the bathroom. And to vent her feelings, she slammed the door.

The sound of the door slamming was so loud that it startled Danaswara. But he looked back at his wife and smiled together. They continued drinking coffee while imagining what Ratu and Sagara were doing in the room. The idea of having grandchildren was popping up in Danaswara and his wife's brains.

"Isn't it possible that I started to respect him?" Ratu asked herself.

Today, her head felt hot. It even felt like exploding. It didn't feel like this even when she was dizzy because she lost a tender of two billion. But today, she seemed confused with herself. There was a sense of warmth among her anger.

"No way!" she shouted. She wrung her head with shampoo. She hoped this was all a dream.

After an hour in the bathroom, she came out. She looked around, assuring herself that Sagara would not see her in a bathrobe. She forgot that she didn't bring her pajamas to the bathroom.

Fortunately, Sagara turned off the lights. Only the bed lamp was on. Ratu did not hear any sound at all. Feeling sure that Sagara was not in the room, Ratu hurried out.

Ratu felt grateful when she saw her bed was still empty. Ratu immediately took her pajamas from her wardrobe and returned to the bathroom. After wearing it, she returned to the room and immediately covered herself with a blanket.

Instead of sleeping, Ratu wondered where Sagara was. The woman sat down again. She looked around and realized that Sagara had fallen asleep on the sofa. He was still grabbing a book. For a few moments, Ratu was transfixed. There was a feeling of wanting to cover Sagara's body with a blanket and put the man's book on the table. But again, Ratu's ego prevented her. Ratu immediately threw away the thought and lay back down.

When Ratu was about to close her eyes, she saw a paper placed under the bed lamp. It was written 'for Ratu'. To answer her curiosity, Ratu woke up again. She opened the form.

Your first task tomorrow is to put the wedding ring on my sweet finger.


The sympathy that had begun to build in Ratu's heart disappeared—the feeling of annoyance that had disappeared earlier now reappeared. With passionate emotions, Ratu crumpled the paper and threw it at Sagara. Whether the man would wake up or not.

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