Chapter 2. Exposed

From Rick’s office, I go straight to the office kitchen. I’ve gotta make a calming cup of tea and warm myself up before I go to my little cubicle. With the warm drink in my hands, Chandler pops his head through the door. It must be his coffee break. 

When he sees me, he gets into the small kitchen. “Hey, Josh, I was looking for you. What happened to you yesterday?”

“Hey. What always happens: my boss. He kept me here until 7. I guess he’s never satisfied until we’re all as miserable as him.”

“Your boss is really riding you, huh, and not in a good way.” 

I have to laugh at that. “Don’t even play like that. Just don’t.”

Chandler sits at the table across from me. “Why not? You wouldn’t be the first to fuck your way up the corporate ladder. I mean, even I can see that your boss is good-looking. It could be worse.”

I admit. I had a harmless crush on Rick when I started working here. Whenever I delivered my work to him, my heart actually fluttered when he looked at me with his then beautiful eyes. I had built this little fantasy where he not only thought I was a valuable worker but good-looking to boot. But that all ended in an inferno once Rick proved to be an asshole who didn’t give a shit about anyone. 

I shake my head. “He’s frickin’ straight. Besides, I’m sure his dick and balls are shriveled like raisins from all the work and no sex.”

Chandler laughs hard enough to shake the little table. “I’m straight, and I’ve kissed a few boys.”

“A lesson is not getting drunk at gay pride,” I tell him. “In fact, no more gay pride parades for you.”

“You couldn’t keep me away from those if you waved a gun in my face. All those girls supporting their gay BFFs are easy pickings.”

I almost spill my tea. Chandler’s trying to cheer me up, and it’s working.  

“I still say fuck him and get your way.”

“If I’m gonna fuck my way up, why start small? Might as well go for his boss.”

“No, the founder,” says Chandler. “Why fight for scraps when you can just own the whole company?”

“You’re fucking crazy,” I tell him. “Anyway, why bother with these old, stuck-up straight guys when there are lots of hot gay boys out there?”

“You dirty dog,” says Chandler with a grin. “You got some yesterday, didn’t you? You ditched me for a piece of ass. I hope it was worth canceling a night out with your best friend.”

“If it makes you feel better, it was almost a disaster.”

“Don’t tell me it was another potbellied, bald guy who had sent you fake photos.” Chandler laughs while recalling the story.

“Don’t remind me,” I tell him. “Actually, no. The guy was hot, but I couldn’t get it up because of bloody work stress.”

“Okay, this isn’t funny anymore,” says Chandler. “So, what did you do?”

“You know I’m always ready for anything,” I say with a devious smile. “He just had to rise to the occasion, and it wasn’t a total loss. Within a short while, cum was flying everywhere.”

“I love gay culture,” says Chandler. “With girls, it’s always on you, and they think we’re automatic boner machines.”

“Sure, all you poor straight guys being sexually harassed by those slutty girls.”

Chandler chuckles. “I’m now concerned about how your boss is affecting your perfectly perverted life,” he says with a grin. “Maybe I should dig up some dirt on him, and you can use it against him. You have no idea what these old guys get up to on their computers when they think no one’s watching.”

“Sounds like the beginning of a bad porn scene,” I say with a laugh. “Anyway, I think things could change today. He’s meeting up with a top client, and I told him I wanted to be part of the meeting. I basically compiled all the data and reports he’ll be presenting to the client. Who knows, I may rise in the firm with my dignity intact.”

After our coffee break, Chandler goes back to the IT department and I go to my cubicle. As I work, I occasionally look at my phone, anticipating the call from Rick to join in the meeting with Tom Davenly, the real estate developer who’s our top client.

I lose track of time as I work. The next time I check my phone, it’s 11:30 a.m. I almost jumped out of my seat. The meeting was scheduled for 11:15. Was it canceled, or did Rick’s secretary not bother to call me? Whatever the case, I have to go and check. I hurry out of my cubicle and head for Rick’s office.

I see Rick and Tom discussing in his office before I’ve reached Laura’s desk. I’m already pissed by the time she tells me that Rick is in a meeting.

“I know,” I tell her. “He’s expecting me in the meeting.”

She looks puzzled but doesn’t try to stop me.

I get into the office, and Rick stops talking mid-sentence. He looks up at me and, for a moment, appears speechless. That’s when the full realization hits me—I just barged into a meeting where I wasn’t expected or wanted. But I’m already in the room, and I can’t back out now.

“I’m in a meeting,” says Rick in a tone that screams get out, and with a face to match.

“I came to assist,” I say with a boldness I didn’t know I possessed. “I thought you needed me to be present.”

“No,” he says curtly. “You can go finish up on those drawings.”

Tom turns in his seat to eyeball me, looking more confused than anything else. I feel the heat rising up my shirt and the sweat pouring out of my back and armpits. A thousand thoughts zip inside my head. Will Rick make a meal of me after the meeting? Will he make my life even more miserable? Am I going to get fired? How valuable or dispensable am I, really? Who will hire me if I get fired here after just five months?

“I thought—”

“You thought to make a statement,” he interrupts me whilst maintaining his cool tone. “I’ve heard you. You may leave now. I’ll call you if I need coffee.”

Just like that, he starts apologizing to Tom for the interruption, like I’m not even there anymore. Tom is shaking his head as I leave the office. I quietly pass Laura and wonder how much of it she heard. Not that it matters. I confidently barged into the office only to be chased out like a thieving dog with its tail between its legs. I look around to the other offices and wonder if they heard or saw the embarrassing moment. 

I can’t go to my cubicle feeling like this. I get into the bathroom and lock myself in a toilet stall. After all my hard work, Rick just dismissed me like I was nothing. I stayed up late last night working on drawings, which he is presenting to Tom right now, but I’m locked inside a toilet stall feeling like crap. If I get fired, maybe it’s for the best. Why should I take any more of his bullshit?

When I’m feeling a little calm, I go to my cubicle and try to work. I’ve not been sitting long when Rick gets into our partitioned office. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him in here, and I know he has come for me. My heart knocks on my ribs, and I get sweaty again. I look around at the other interns, and I’m gripped by something akin to terror.

“You won’t do that again,” he tells me, with all the other interns and junior staff listening in their little cubicles. The silence is deafening all of a sudden to allow Rick’s voice to boom like a cannon. “You think you’re the only one who imagines he’s special because he’s got a bachelor’s degree? Many of you have come and gone. If you want to succeed here, your attitude should align with the rigorous requirements of our profession and this company. You’re lucky you’re not clearing your desk right now.”

After humiliating me for the second time today, Rick leaves me in awkward silence and to endure the pitiful looks from the other interns. He not only humiliated me today, but for every single day I’ll work here and whenever the story is recited to a new pair of ears. I may even turn into an example of what not to do when interning for Dunnlock Group. He will not get away with this!

I abruptly get up and out of the office, leaving my colleagues to gossip about me in peace. I go to the floor below ours and head to the IT department. I find Chandler in his shared office and pull him to the side and out of earshot.

“What you said about digging dirt on someone here, can you actually do it?” I ask in a low voice.

“What are we talking about here?” he asks. “That whole thing was a joke.”

“Can you do it?” I insist. “Can you dig up dirt on Rick?” 

Chandler sighs. He knows I’m bloody serious, and I just need him to be there for me. “Yeah, as long as he’s on the company network. I also helped Rick set up his home network, so, yeah, I could find out some stuff.”

“Good, I want you to do it. I want you to find anything I can use to humiliate him.” 

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