Chapter 8


Their orders were brought to them, and Martha wasted no time digging into her food; she was very hungry.

“Hey, take it easy with the food,” Dave said to her.

“Her stomach is at war,” George jokingly commented.

“I have to admit, the food is really good,” Dave nodded in agreement.

George glanced towards the guy with the eagle tattoo, who was drinking his beer and engrossed in his smartphone.

“Hey man, I noticed you’ve been watching that guy since he came in; what’s up with him?” Dave asked.

“It’s nothing, man. He just reminds me of my military days with his beard and crew cut,” George lied to avoid further questions, and they continued eating.

“Wow, this is fucking good! I wish I could have more, but I’m full,” Martha exclaimed excitedly.

“She had everything; she didn’t give the food a chance,” Dave told George, looking at Martha.

“I really enjoyed the meal,” George smiled.

“Alright, let’s go to the motel and get some rest now,” Dave suggested.

The three of them got up from their seats and walked out of the cafeteria. George looked back one more time at the guy with the eagle tattoo, but this time the guy noticed him. Quickly, George turned in another direction to avoid eye contact with him.

As they entered the motel, they went straight to the reception.

"Hola, buenas tardes. ¿En qué les puedo ayudar?" (Hello, good afternoon. How can I assist you?) the receptionist greeted them in Spanish.

“Can’t you speak English?” George asked the receptionist.

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak English,” the receptionist apologized.

“We just arrived in the country today and aren’t familiar with Spanish,” Martha explained.

“It’s fine. We need two comfortable rooms,” Dave said.

“Our rooms are very cheap and affordable. How many nights will you be staying?” the receptionist asked.

“Just one night,” George replied.

Martha and Dave looked at George, both asking him simultaneously, “Just one night?”

“We’re staying for one night. Where are the keys?” George asked the receptionist, handing her his credit card for payment.

Dave was still amazed but remained silent, trusting George’s decision. The receptionist gave George the keys to the rooms as they required two, one for Dave and his girlfriend and one for George. The receptionist directed them to their respective rooms, and George collected the keys and walked in the direction indicated by the receptionist. Dave and Martha followed him. George gave Dave his own key to his room, and they all went to their rooms with their bags.

Dave knocked on George’s door, and George, wearing only short boxers, opened the door.

“Hey man, come in,” George invited Dave inside.

“I don’t get it. You told the receptionist we’re staying for only one night. Do you have an alternative?” Dave asked George, confused.

George pretended not to hear him and continued brushing his hair.

“Man, I’m talking to you. You’ve got to say something,” Dave insisted.

“You said we were coming to Mexico; you have to figure it out,” George replied.

Dave stared at him, mouth wide open in confusion. He sat on the bed and looked up at the ceiling fan.

“What happens if this stops working?” Dave pointed at the fan.

“It should be fixed,” George replied.

“My brain isn’t functioning at the moment, and I’m counting on you to fix it for me, man,” Dave whispered to George, tapping his shoulder.

“I messed up, but don’t leave me hanging. We’re in this together,” Dave pleaded.

He left to his room and sat on the chair while Martha was bathing.

“Who’s there? Dave, is that you?” Martha asked.

“Take your ass out there. My dick needs some rides, babe,” Dave replied.

“I’m all yours; don’t rush,” Martha said slowly.

She walked out of the bathroom and went straight to Dave; she loosened her towel, which fell on the floor, and started kissing Dave. Dave pulled her to the bed, removed his clothes, and Martha bounced on him. They started having sex, which lasted for five minutes before George knocked on the door.

“What the fuck? Who’s that?” Dave asked.

“Hey man, we need to talk,” George replied.

“Okay, I’ll be with you soon. I’m kind of busy here,” Dave said.

George chuckled and returned to his room. Martha, still eager for more, grabbed Dave and pulled him back towards her. She ensured they had their fill before finally letting Dave go. Dave was a bit tired but knew he needed to talk to George. So, he kissed Martha’s cheek and quickly put on his clothes before heading to George’s room and knocking on the door.

“Come in, man. The door is open,” George laughed as he read a small note in his hand.

“What’s so funny?” Dave asked, confused.

“I found this note on the stairs, man. You won’t believe what’s written on it,” George continued to laugh uncontrollably.

“What does it say?” Dave eagerly took the note, wanting to know its contents.

“Hey, you little bitch! You’re not going to get away with this. You fucked my boyfriend, so I’m going to fuck your dad,” Dave read aloud, joining George in laughter.

“What the fuck is this? This note is insane, man. That poor girl must be heartbroken,” George added, still laughing.

Dave tore up the note and sat down, eager to know why George had called him. He desperately needed a way out, and he believed George held the key to his safety.

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