Chapter 3


It was just a thought. There was no way I could possibly do what I had just thought in my head. I looked at my father, and he gave me the “come on” look. He was urging me desperately with those eyes to say yes.

“Lauren?” I heard Caden call me softly. I turned to face him, and he was staring at me, waiting impatiently.

His eyes, too, were urging me to answer the priest. I turned away from him and turned to look at the guests, and they were all staring at me.

There were some murmurings amongst the crowd, and it made me even more nervous.

I shook the thought of saying no and running out of the wedding hall from my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then opened my eyes and looked at Caden. After what seemed like forever, I said, “Yes, I do.”

“I now pronounce you man and wife. “You may now kiss the bride.” The priest announced it with a smile. The guests clapped and cheered happily.

My hand was shaky and sweaty as Caden rolled up my veil slowly.

My heart was thumping loudly against my chest. I was so nervous, and my eyes were on the floor, that I couldn’t look at him.

My veil finally came off, and that was when I decided to look up at Caden properly. Because of the veil and me being so nervous, I couldn’t take a proper look at him.

But now, my veil was off, and I could see him clearly.

I was taken aback by his cuteness; I did not expect Caden to be this handsome than what I had imagined and saw on the news and online.

His eyes were beautiful, and he had a perfectly chiseled and pointed nose.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away.

Now, it was time to kiss, but I did not want it to happen. I need to think of a way not to kiss him without making it seem like I am rejecting him.

There was no way I was going to do anything intimate with Caden. He is my sister’s husband, and it will be kept that way.

Caden smiled lightly at me and bent his head to my height. He tilted his head towards me and moved his lips to kiss me, but I moved my head a little and his lips landed on my cheek.

It looked like we kissed.

A kiss on the cheek was better than a kiss on the lips or not kissing at all.

The guests clapped and cheered excitedly again.

I faked a smile and stared at Caden. Suddenly, Caden caught me unaware. He pulled me closer to himself, and my head landed on his chest, and my hands too were holding his chest.

I moved my head from his chest and looked up at him.

Our faces were together, and we were breathing the same air.

My heart was beating fast and loudly. I feared that he might hear the sound of my beating heart.

I tried to pull away from our sudden hug and close proximity, but Caden’s hand was wrapped firmly around my waist, and he was staring intensely at me, as if he were staring down at my soul.

He caught me off guard and kissed me directly on the lips. I was too shocked to do anything, but instead of pulling away from the kiss, I reciprocated the kiss.

I pressed my body against his and wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

We finally broke the kiss and stared at each other, but I felt too shy and took my gaze to the floor.

“Congratulations!” Dad yelled happily from where he sat, but I just rolled my eyes. I’m sure he’s very happy because he would benefit the most from this wedding.

I left the wedding hall to go get changed for the reception.

“I don’t know what came over me, Rose; now I feel so guilty.” I complained to Rose as she helped me with my reception gown.

“You don’t have to feel guilty, okay?” Caden is very handsome, and no woman wouldn’t fall for him or find him attractive. “By the way, was he a good kisser?” Rose looked at me and nudged my arm playfully.

I found my cheeks going hot with shyness. I nodded my head timidly and muttered a “yes.”

“It was just a kiss, and it was for the event.” “There’s no need to beat yourself up and feel guilty towards Lauren.” Rose consoled me.

“Thank you, Rose; you surely know how to calm me down. “You are the best,” I said with a smile.

“But you know, it wasn’t just a kiss; it was my first kiss.” I added shyly.

“What! Leslie, you are 21 and you have never kissed a guy before? But you had a boyfriend, right?” Rose was shocked, but it didn’t seem like she believed me.

“Believe it or not, I just had my first kiss with Caden.” I told her seriously. “And about a boyfriend, I did have one, but we dated for only four months and nothing happened between the both of us.” I added.

“Wow! “You are just 21 years old and you are having your first kiss on your wedding day.” Rose teased.

“I’m your first kiss.” I heard Caden’s voice from the door.

I hurriedly stood up from the chair and turned to look at him.

“How long have you been standing there?” I asked nervously. I prayed in my heart that he didn’t hear Rose call me Leslie.


“I hate being sick, mom!” I’m supposed to be there, at my own wedding, but look at me, lying sick on a hospital bed. Why did I have to have a heart problem, huh? “Why me of all people?” I cried out.

“I’m sorry you had to go through all this, Lauren. I’m sorry.” Mom hugged me and sobbed quietly.

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